• July 21, 2024

Yt Bot View

What is a Viewbot? – Fraud Blocker

What is a Viewbot?
Fraud Blocker’s Senior Editor
May 4, 2021
Streaming platforms like Twitch, Mixer, and YouTube have recently exploded in popularity, creating the opportunity for the more popular content creators to bring in ad revenue and paid promotions. The marketing value of a content creator is directly dependent on their number of followers and viewers. That’s where viewbotting comes in.
Viewbotting is the artificial inflation of concurrent view count “using illegitimate scripts or tools, ” according to Twitch. Streamers use these view fraud bots to boost their streams and get on the virtual leaderboard where they hope to attract legitimate followers and views. Other platforms work the same way, promoting popular channels more than new and unpopular reamers get these viewbots on their channels by renting them from the developers who produce the programs. In one of the more famous cases (detailed below), streamers paid $760 per month to sites like and to boost their views. Thanks to these bots, stream platforms and advertisers lose millions of dollars on ads that will never reach a significant reamers who are tempted to use viewbot software cheat themselves and the streaming community, losing respect, credibility, and damaging their reputation, often beyond repair. Other streamers who build organic audiences with valued content get knocked out of the leaderboards and “recommended” sections in favor of illegitimate accounts, at least until those accounts are found out and penalized.
Real-world examples of viewbots
Any video content producer can simply buy views online through dozens of bot services that can be easily found with Google searches. These companies produce fake views for their customers and advertisers that pay for each view (a CPM model) are wasting their ad ’s a service to boost YouTube views (I’ve intentionally not linked to their sites):
Here’s a service that can help boost Twitch views along with bots to increase followers, chatters and overall channel views.
Some of these services do get 2018, Twitch won a California-based lawsuit against viewbot creators Michael and Katherine Anjomi. The couple was found guilty of trademark infringement, unfair competition, breach of contract, and violation of the Anti-Cybersquatting Consumer Protection Act. They were forced to pay over $1. 35 million in damages, including the profit they made in ever none of the advertisers were paid back despite the harm they endured.
See more real-world examples of viewbots
Read more about viewbots and other types of fraud in our comprehensive guide and learn how to improve your ad spend by generate higher quality clicks.
Some bots follow innocent streamers
Many streamers, especially on Twitch, have experienced artificial inflation of their views without having solicited a bot at all. Bot developers deploy their bots to many different channels to hide the accounts that are paying for the views. Twitch can’t differentiate between perpetrators and victims, so they penalize all viewbotted channels to an a channel applies for partnership with Twitch, they’re often denied if Twitch has detected artificial view inflation. Some channels are successful if their legitimate views are high enough without the bots. It’s at the platform’s discretion. Advertisers on those channels will suffer the same losses they would experience on the criminal channels, with no apparent recourse to recover their ad spend.
How to prevent viewbotting
Streamers can dismiss viewbots from a live stream by changing their status from “playing” to “not playing” and back again or restarting a stream, but this is disruptive for their audience. Advertisers and marketing executives typically don’t have the in-house resources to combat viewbotting effectively. The most effective solution is fraud prevention software that’s just as sophisticated as the bots. Fraud Blocker is a US-based fraud prevention firm that works to reduce non-human traffic and increase ROAS for advertisers.
Can YouTube Detect Fake Views? - Out of the 925

Can YouTube Detect Fake Views? – Out of the 925

Updated: August 24, 2021This post may contain affiliate links, which means I may earn a commission, at no cost to you, if you make a purchase through a link.
YouTube is the most popular video hosting site on the internet, with billions of users and over 500 hours of video uploaded every minute. With this type of popularity, there will always be people looking to game the system with fake views, but can YouTube detect fake views?
The platform has been plagued for years with the problem of fake views. It only takes a couple of dollars to buy thousands or more YouTube Views from spammy companies to make your video seem more popular than it really is, after all.
This article explores some of the reasons why people buy fake views, can YouTube detect fake views, and the consequences of buying fake views (spoiler alert, there’s no upside! ).
Table of Contents[Hide][Show]How Does Buying Fake YouTube Views Work? Can YouTube Detect Fake Views? Does YouTube allow fake views? How Fake Views Actually Stop Your Channel GrowthFinal Thoughts on Fake YouTube ViewsFrequently Asked Questions+−Can I watch my own YouTube videos? Did PewDiePie buy fake YouTube views? Can I buy YouTube views?
How Does Buying Fake YouTube Views Work?
As soon as someone decides they want their video to go viral overnight – or just want more views than usual – they start purchasing fake views in bulk from websites (that I shall not be naming) and they send views to that video.
It doesn’t matter what type of service you purchase, no matter how “legit” they may seem, they are all a scam and won’t provide lasting results.
The majority of these services use bots to generate the views quickly for customers, and others try to brand their service as “real views” because they may have a network of users that actually do watch your services even have options to try and hide buying YouTube views by using a drip-feed. This means the video doesn’t receive all of the purchased views at once, but over a few hours, days, or even weeks.
If you’re in the market for buying fake YouTube views, you’ll probably also come across plenty of scammy sites saying that their views are undetectable by YouTube.
Can YouTube Detect Fake Views?
The short answer is yes, YouTube can detect fake views.
YouTube has been battling the scourge of fake views since its inception in 2005, but they’ve come a long way from manually removing spam videos (which could be done en masse) and deleting them by hand. These days, YouTube has automated ways to identify spammy behavior in videos, including the use of fake views.
Nobody actually knows (outside of YouTube themselves) how they detect fake views, but if we consider how YouTube works, we can make an educated guess that they look at these main things:
Your Views per Hour (VPH) IP addresses of where views are coming watching habits of said long views are on your traffic sources that these views come from and data tracking.
Does YouTube allow fake views?
YouTube’s Fake Engagement Policy explicitly spells out that the platform does not allow any type of artificial or misleading engagement.
The policy states, “YouTube doesn’t allow anything that artificially increases the number of views, likes, comments, or other metrics either by using automatic systems or serving up videos to unsuspecting viewers. Also, content that solely exists to incentivize viewers for engagement (views, likes, comments, etc) is prohibited. ”
As you can see how purchasing fake YouTube views falls perfectly into this category and you should not do it unless you want your account and YouTube channel to be banned.
How Fake Views Actually Stop Your Channel Growth
Artificial views have a massively negative impact on your channel in terms of the YouTube recommendations and suggestions that can help your channel grow organically.
When you purchase these fake views, the bots or possibly even real people who watch the videos, will not watch any of your future videos or existing videos.
This means that when you upload a video to YouTube, it will be pushed to the YouTube accounts that are most likely to engage with your channel (the fake views) and these accounts won’t watch your videos because they have no incentive to do so.
YouTube will read this as your content is poor, so it won’t promote it to any other viewers, even your real subscribers, and viewers.
Final Thoughts on Fake YouTube Views
The most important thing to remember about fake views is that no matter how many you purchase, they will have absolutely no effect on your channel growth or the number of subscribers that watch your videos.
They will not help you get more likes, comments, or subscribers either because the bots don’t engage with your content and YouTube won’t promote any videos that have fake views.
You’d be much better off investing your time working on improving the SEO for your video titles, tags, descriptions, and more for natural views from real viewers who watch your videos naturally.
One of the best tools for video optimization is TubeBuddy, and better yet, the browser extension is free.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I watch my own YouTube videos?
Yes, you can, but only once.
If you watch your video repeatedly in order to inflate its view count, the additional views will all be removed eventually as YouTube can see that the views are coming from your own account.
Even if you watch your video on a different YouTube account, YouTube can see that all of those views are coming from the same IP address.
Did PewDiePie buy fake YouTube views?
No, he didn’t.
There are some publications spreading false assumptions based upon some statements Felix Kjellberg (PewDiePie) made a couple of years statement made was along the lines of “everybody who gets big on YouTube has a little boost from here or there”.
Many publications falsely interpret this as buying YouTube views, whereas anyone that has actually been active on YouTube knows that this is referencing the YouTube algorithm making a video go viral and collaborations and shout-outs from other creators.
While his channel has a lot of inactive subscribers, this is normal for a large channel that has been active for as long as PewDiePie has been.
Most people’s interests change, the content on the channel changes, and people lose interest without removing channels they no longer I buy YouTube views?
You actually can buy YouTube views legitimately through ads on the platform. They will not be cheap and you will in most cases be better off investing your time and money on creating better content.
Buying fake YouTube views is against YouTube’s ToS and you are risking your channel with no upside apart from potentially a bit of clout to say you have X views on your video.
Although, it will be quite embarrassing when those views inevitably get removed when YouTube does one of their regular fake subscriber and fake view purges.
Or they may just remove your channel and ban you from the platform lated posts:
Why your videos are getting no views (and how to fix it)Should you upload daily on YouTube? Why do YouTubers fail? (biggest reasons)
Thank you for reading this article and I hope you found it helpful. Below are some tools that I use as a YouTube creator that I hope you’ll also find helpful. These are affiliate links, so if you do decide to use any of them, I’ll earn a commission. But in all honesty, these are the exact tools that I use and recommend to everyone, even my own family.
Optimization: For video optimization, like keyword research and optimizing titles, descriptions, etc. I really like TubeBuddy. They’re simple to use, have really useful features, even for video ideas, and they’re very affordable. But even just their free plan is good enough for most people.
Thumbnails: Your thumbnail can be the deciding factor on whether or not someone watches your video. To create great thumbnails, I love Canva. They have a wide variety of different free templates to get you started and if you get their premium plan, you have access to over 100 million stock images and other awesome features like one-click background removal.
Web Hosting: YouTube can shut your channel down at any time without warning. I strongly recommend that you get a website set up to protect your audience. If the unforeseen does then happen, your viewers will still be able to find you on your website and you can continue. To get started, I really like Bluehost. They have the easiest setup for beginners and are very see all of my most up-to-date recommendations, check out this resource that I made for you!
20 Best YouTube Bots for Subs, Views & Likes (2021)

20 Best YouTube Bots for Subs, Views & Likes (2021)

We research and review products independently, but we may earn affiliate commissions if you buy through a link on this page.
YouTube bots on the platform are a hot topic and for good reason.
YouTube is a great place to be right now and a great place to create video content that you want to use to build a solid community.
While you might be feeling inspired by fellow YouTubers that have done really well with their channels, the reality is that it is a lot harder to grow a YouTube channel than it looks. If you have been in the game for a while now, then you will know what we mean.
While this certainly doesn’t mean that you can’t achieve your YouTube dreams, it does mean that you have your work cut out for you. That’s why we recommend outsourcing some of your engagement to YouTube bots that specialize in growing YouTube channels.
Let’s take a look at what we think are the best choices out there for you when it comes to YouTube bots so you can keep your YouTube channel safe and successful.
First Look
Best of the Best: UseViral
“When I first came across UseViral, I was feeling pretty washed out by the industry in general. This is why they felt like a breath of fresh air, and ever since I have been with them, my YouTube channel has done really well. I can highly recommend this bot. ”
Second Best: SidesMedia
“SidesMedia has made it possible for me to grow my YouTube channel through their bot service, and the best part is that they keep my channel safe from getting suspended or banned. They don’t ask for my personal information either, which is nice. ”
Third Best: StormViews
“My biggest issue when trying to find a service that could help me with my YouTube growth was finding one that was going to offer me completely real subscribers and views to buffer my channel. As soon as I came across StormViews, I knew that they were the right choice. ”
Fourth Best: Tube Buddy
“If you are like me and you are somebody who has to stick to a tight budget for their YouTube marketing, then I highly recommend that you try Tube Buddy. they have recently made some of their features free, yet they’re still high quality. ”
Best for Budget: FollowingLike
“I think the draw for me when it comes to using a tool like FollowingLike is that they have some of the best features in the industry to help with my YouTube growth, yet they don’t make me go outside of my budget. It was important for me to find a YouTube bot that could work with my limited marketing budget. ”
Best for Simplicity: Media Mister
“Media Mister Is one of those companies that has been around for a long time now, and The funny thing is that I have actually used them to grow my other social networks. When I saw that they had features for YouTube as well, I knew that I had to check them out. I’m glad that I did. ”
Best for Being Established: Subpals
“It’s harder than ever right now to find a bot that doesn’t leave everything to automation. I love being able to automate some of my YouTube engagement, but I also like that companies like Subpals don’t forget to be personable with their clients, which for me, goes a long way. ”
Best for Personability: Tube Assist Pro
“If you can’t get in touch with a customer support team very easily, then I don’t believe that their features are worth using. I had high standards when it came to customer support when I first entered this industry, and I’m pleased to say that Tube Assist Pro has met my expectations and more. ”
Best for Relatability: Jarvee
“I went through a phase there for a bit where I tried newer bots, but for the most part, I was left disappointed. this is why I went back to my roots and decided to put my faith back into the company that I have used all along. ”
Best for Customer Support: YT Monster
“I’m sure you are aware that there are plenty of bots out there that promise free features to get you in the door. While most of the time, you can’t trust this actually to work, YT Monster is one of those YouTube bots that actually follows through on their promises. I have been impressed with them since the beginning. ”
Best for Diversity: Sprizzy
“When Sprizzy said that they wanted to help me go viral with my YouTube videos, I didn’t believe them. It wasn’t until I had worked with them for a while did I realize that they are actually capable of being able to do this. They are relatable and super easy to use, which I love. ”
Best YouTube Bots
So, just like our reviewer talked about above, we think that UseViral is one of the best YouTube bots that is currently in the market.
One of the things that we love about this bot is that they can grow your YouTube channel a lot quicker than most other companies out there.
This way, you can spend more time focusing on creating more of your video content, So that you can figure out exactly what your audience loves to see and build up a loyal, solid community around your content output.
We also appreciate that they offer a number of exclusive, unique features that you’re not going to get anywhere else, and they even have a free package for those of you but don’t really have the budget for YouTube marketing right now.
Check them out today and see why they have rave reviews from the clients.
SidesMedia has managed to make a name for itself as a bot that really cares about its client’s well-being.
You will come across a lot of bots in the industry that don’t actually care about their client’s welfare; they just want to get their automation out the door.
However, with this one, not only do you have an effective solution for your YouTube growth, but you have something that is going to keep your channel nice and safe and reduce the risk of it being shut down.
SidesMedia say that their entire focus is to produce quality engagement for their clients, so that they can ultimately expand their brand’s reach on their YouTube channel, and do really well with it.
As far as we can tell, this tool comes with one of the best turnaround times in the industry, which means that you will get your YouTube engagement delivered in just three days. This kind of timeframe is going to be hard to beat.
StormViews claim to be a high-quality bot that can guarantee you 100% real subscribers, views and likes for your YouTube channel, that can help boost your general presence on the popular video-sharing platform in no time at all.
They say that you will be hard-pressed to do better than them, and they also promise that they provide instant delivery on all of their features, which is always nice. On top of this, they provide their clients with excellent customer support and can be there for you both night and day.
Their pricing begins at just $5. 99 for 1000 YouTube views, and this is just a one-time payment so that you don’t have to go outside of your budget or pay more for the same service. You can expect to get your YouTube views within 48 hours. We think that this YouTube tool is accommodating and understanding of its client’s needs.
Tube Buddy says that they are a premier channel growth tool.
One of the things that we like the most about Tube Buddy is that their browser extension is free, and they also offer a mobile app so that you can integrate your YouTube directly through your device and get help growing your channel in the easiest way possible.
As well as offering a mobile app and a free browser extension, Tube Buddy has an advanced keyword research feature, so that they can help you find searchable, high performing video topics that can give you inspiration for your next piece of content.
Their main goal is to help you save on time. This way, you can put more of it into your video content.
FollowingLike say that their YouTube bot is a revolutionary tool that you can use for your networking and automation.
We love that they can help you with so much more than just your YouTube channel. In fact, they can help you with most other social networks out there too.
FollowingLike is unique in the way that they divide their features up into different categories based on how many accounts you’re trying to grow at the same time.
If you just think that this phase of your life is meant for focusing on your YouTube channel, you can sign up for their one account package. However, if you like the idea of being able to grow the rest of your social networks at the same time, then you can sign up for their five account package or unlimited accounts package.
If you are somebody who loved the idea of Jarvee when we were talking about them earlier, then we think that you’re going to like the sound of Media Mister as well.
Media Mister says that they can help to grow your social network, and the best part is that they can help with all of your other social media platforms as well.
They have divided their features into different categories based on the various social platforms available, and they have a tiered pricing system so that you get to choose exactly how much you pay and how much engagement you need to grow your YouTube channel.
This means that you can purchase as much or as little as you need right now based on your budget. This is as simple as it gets.
SubPals Say that they can help grow your YouTube quicker and more effectively than ever before.
They explained that they are a free YouTube marketing platform that is designed to help take your YouTube channel to the next level.
They have thousands of positive reviews on Trustpilot, which is a leading source for authenticating companies like this. They say that their innovative network helps you receive 10 free YouTube subscribers every 12 hours. If you’ve got it in your budget to pay for a package, then you can get even more every day.
We love that they help their clients tap into A YouTube community who all worked together to help each other do better overall. The icing on the cake with this YouTube bot is that they are completely safe to use, so you don’t need to worry about there being any risk to your channel.
Tube Assist Pro Is great for finding those subscribers and viewers who are going to be really into your content.
We love that they do things based on how many channels you have, so if you work for an agency and manage more than one YouTube channel at the same time, they can help you keep up with it all without getting stressed and overwhelmed.
Check them out today for some solid YouTube automation, and see why they are a preferred company amongst their clients.
If you haven’t had the pleasure of working with Jarvee yet, then we highly recommend that you check it out for your YouTube needs.
This unique bot has been around for a long time now, and in fact, was one of the first companies to start offering this type of service to their clients.
One thing that we really like about Jarvee is that they can not only help you with your YouTube engagement, but they can help you schedule upcoming posts so that you can get them off your desk and focus on creating even more content.
With Jarvee, you can download their bot onto Windows where you get to play around with their features and tweak them to suit your niche.
Are you hoping to find a YouTube bot that can help you increase your YouTube views, your YouTube subscribers, and your YouTube likes?
Then welcome to YT Monster. YT Monster explains That they are the leading YouTube exchange platform to help you grow your YouTube channel.
One of the best things about this company is that you can either make the most of their free package, or you can pay for premium features. They give their clients an opportunity to earn credits by liking, commenting, viewing, and subscribing to other content within their network.
They say that once you have earned enough credits, you can start to work on your own campaign, which they will help you with. While this does take a little bit of work on your end, we think from what we can see that it’s all worth it.
Sprizzy is another YouTube bot that says they are easy to use and simple. This means that you can get your video content in front of the right audience without having to spend too much time on it. They say that their features allow you to get big results even if you have a small budget.
To get started, you tell them all about who you think should see your video content, and from here, they work hard to get their attention, so that you’ve got the right kind of people visiting your channel. They can help you get subscribers, views, and real engagement.
If you haven’t heard of Hootsuite yet, then we highly suggest that you get to know them.
This tool is so technical, that if you haven’t had a bit of experience in the YouTube growth industry already, you might get a bit lost in the beginning.
However, we promise that it’s worth it, and you will be up and running with them in no time.
Another thing that is great about this tool is that they guide their clients through the initial process of getting used to their features, so you’ve got every chance of becoming successful as a result.
We know that time is money, but if you’ve got a bit of time to spare right now working on the best features in the industry when it comes to YouTube growth, then we think it will be completely worth it. Another thing that is really special about Hootsuite is that they offer their help with the rest of your social networks.
You get to retain control through their dashboard, and you can change their features at any time. They have a 30-day free trial, which is the longest free trial that we have seen.
Sonuker is a unique YouTube bot because they help their clients not only with every aspect of their engagement for YouTube, but they help them get free engagement as well. They say that they have a simple network that is set up to help you gain YouTube subscribers, but they also have paid options, so that you get to choose what you get from them, and how you get it.
They have a lot of positive reviews over on Trustpilot, which is one of the most repeatable third-party forums for reviews in this industry. They say that if you are happy to take a few minutes every day to activate a plan, they have a free-to-use option, that will you get 20 free YouTube likes and free subscribers every day.
They know that the biggest part of YouTube is the community, and all of their features are centered around this. Lastly, they promise that everything they do for you is safe, because they know that your reputation is too important to risk.
Viewtrader is another bot that can help grow your social channels, which as you have probably guessed at this point, means that they can help you on all of your social networks, not just YouTube.
They say they can help their clients with free engagement as well by generating credits through viewing videos on their automated player. They can also set up like campaigns so that you can get more likes for your YouTube videos. The same goes for their view campaigns and subscriber campaigns.
The best part about these campaigns is that you get to set the engagement growth, so you decide how quickly the campaigns work to grow your YouTube channel. This is great if you are trying to grow it gradually, and you don’t want to raise any suspicion.
They also promise to automatically refill any credits from your running campaigns when they run out, and they even have an affiliate program, so you’ve got a chance to make a side income.
ASB YouTube Bot
ASB YouTube Bot is, as you’ve probably already been able to guess, a bot that can help you get more video views and subscribers for your YouTube channel.
One of the first things that you will notice when you visit their web pages is that they have a chat box in the bottom right-hand corner, which you can make the most of whether you have signed up for them or not. This is a great way to get in touch with them directly and ask them about their features.
They say that they can help their clients with unlimited accounts, and they promise that all of their features are safe to use. Not only do they encrypt their website, but they update their features regularly, and they also have a seven-day money-back guarantee, if things don’t go well with them.
This YouTube tool comes across as competent, reliable, and trustworthy.
QQTube says that they are a YouTube tool that is can help you with every aspect of being on YouTube.
They say that they want to help their clients simplify their success on YouTube, and all of their features come with 24/7 customer support, as well as a dashboard that is really easy to use.
They ultimately want to help each and every one of their clients go viral quicker, and you can even get 1000 YouTube views for free. They have divided their features into different categories, so if you just want help with your YouTube likes right now, you can just pay for these.
However, if you want help with your YouTube subscribers as well, then you can opt for this package as well. Lastly, they have a comprehensive blog on their website, where they detail how to grow your YouTube channel, making it that much easier to start the process of doing really well on YouTube.
OnlyWire is a YouTube and social media management platform that says they post to over 20 leading social media networks for you. The best part of this is that they do it for a fraction of how much the competition is going to charge you.
They say that as well as being able to post to more than 20 social media sites on your behalf, they can help you schedule your YouTube content ahead of time.
They will also run analytics on your posts so that you can track which content is doing well, and which isn’t.
OnlyWire can also automate your posts, increase your website traffic, and ultimately save you time and money.
This is one of those YouTube tools that truly has it all, so you will never have to go anywhere else for help with your YouTube growth.
Nightbot is a YouTube bot that you can also use over on Twitch as well, which is ideal if you’re trying to grow both platforms at the same time. They say they can help you automate your live streams’ chat, so that you can spend more time entertaining your viewers on both platforms.
This YouTube bot lets you access their dashboard, where you can work out who your top subscribers are, as well as other analytics that are going to really help you grow your YouTube account. One of the best things about this bot is that it is hosted in the cloud, which means that you don’t have to download anything to your desktop and risk a virus on your computer.
They also claim that their features are super customizable, and they even filter your engagement through a spam filter, so you will never have people looking at your account that aren’t meant to be there. Nightbot has a long list of features to offer its clients, so we think they’re really worth your time.
can not only help you grow your YouTube channel through their YouTube tools, but they can help you get free YouTube engagement.
They say that with their services, you can get up to 23 subscribers a day, and the best part is that they promise that this engagement is 100% secure, legal, and safe.
They say that their features are trusted by thousands of existing members, and they have hundreds of positive reviews over on Trustpilot.
Naturally, they’ve got a section where you can get free YouTube followers, but they’ve also got a section where you can pay for a subscription and benefit even more. They say that with their paid packages, you get a free trial for three days, as well as a full refund. They promise that they utilize a natural growth pattern with their paid services, and the cheapest rate is just $22 a month.
Socinator says that they are the social dominator and have helped thousands of people already with their social media marketing and growth.
As you might have been able to already guess, this YouTube automation bot can help you over on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and LinkedIn as well, and they say that they have advanced publishing features that can help get your content in front of the right people.
Just like other companies on this list, they have divided their features into different categories based on the platform you are working with currently, and they have a section that details positive experiences for existing clients.
They also have an FAQ section, so that you can get to know them a bit better before you commit to anything. If you want to talk to them directly, you can make the most of the chatbox you’ll find on their home page.
All in all, this is the kind of YouTube botting tool that you want on your site if you want to end up doing really well with your YouTube channel.
What’s the Difference Between Cheap and Affordable?
One thing that you might have noticed in this industry is that price points between companies can vary greatly.
This is because there are some companies out there that have high-quality features, and then there are those that don’t really care about the quality of what they’re offering their clients.
When you come across companies like this, their pricing will usually be too good to be true. In an industry like this, we think that you need to be prepared to spend a little bit more on your YouTube bot so that you can be sure it is authentic and genuine, and that it’s not going to hinder the growth of your account.
What About A Free Trial?
Below we talk a little bit about free trials, and we recommend that if you want to learn more about a tool you’re considering, you make the most of them.
However, what you don’t want to do is sign up for a free trial that requires you to share your credit card information. If you do, there is a very real chance that the company will charge your credit card after the free trial is up.
Companies that have a good reputation and care about their clients will not ask them for their credit card information to use their free trial.
What About a Team?
Another way to tell if a company is legit or not when reviewing them is to see whether they have any information about their team on the website or not.
If they do, this means that they are prepared to be open and honest with their clients. If they don’t, there will be a reason for their mysteriousness, and we don’t recommend signing up with them.
Our Review Process
When we review YouTube bots like the ones on the list above, we make sure to do our due diligence. We achieve this by reviewing as many as 180 YouTube bots and looking at more than 3650 customer testimonials that discuss both advantages and disadvantages of each one.
This way, we are able to only share with you the very best, so that you can preserve your YouTube channels existing reputation and find the audience that your content deserves. Good luck, and make sure that you check out any free trials available.

Frequently Asked Questions about yt bot view

What is a Viewbot?

What is viewbotting? Viewbotting is the artificial inflation of concurrent view count “using illegitimate scripts or tools,” according to Twitch. Streamers use these view fraud bots to boost their streams and get on the virtual leaderboard where they hope to attract legitimate followers and views.

How do you get a YouTube view bot?

The short answer is yes, YouTube can detect fake views. YouTube has been battling the scourge of fake views since its inception in 2005, but they’ve come a long way from manually removing spam videos (which could be done en masse) and deleting them by hand.Aug 24, 2021

Can YouTube detect bot views?

Contents show1.1) Best of the Best: UseViral.1.2) Second Best: SidesMedia.1.3) Third Best: StormViews.1.4) Fourth Best: Tube Buddy.1.5) Best for Budget: FollowingLike.1.6) Best for Simplicity: Media Mister.1.7) Best for Being Established: Subpals.1.8) Best for Personability: Tube Assist Pro.More items…•Oct 24, 2021

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