• July 20, 2024

Utorrent Throttling

How to stop BitTorrent Throttling by your ISP - Download Privacy

How to stop BitTorrent Throttling by your ISP – Download Privacy

If you experience frustratingly slow speeds when downloading torrents, you’re not alone. The fact is that many internet providers (ISP’s) around the world are making a deliberate effort to keep torrent speeds as slow as possible. Fortunately there’s an easy solution to block throttling.
The technique that ISP’s use is commonly referred to as Throttling or Bandwidth Shaping.
Simply put, it means that ISP’s attempt to sort the web traffic coming from your computer into different categories and then deliberately slow down certain types of traffic. Among the most commonly throttled data types are: torrent downloads and HD streaming video.
If you ask them why they’re throttling your internet when you’re paying them extra money for more speed, they will give you variety of answers, or flat out deny that they’re throttling.
In reality, Internet Providers throttle traffic for a few reasons:
BitTorrent uses a huge amount of bandwidth on their networkBittorrent use on their network can create legal issues/pressure
Even though you likely don’t appreciate being throttled, your ISP’s concerns are certainly valid…
Torrents are a Bandwidth Hog
Some of the files being shared via bittorrent are absolutely massive (10GB or more) and way larger than any files you would normally download directly. When you consider that these files are being downloaded by hundreds of users simultaneously, you can start to get a sense of how much bandwidth bittorrent actually takes up.
In fact, BitTorrent, Netflix & Youtube are the 3 biggest users of data on the internet.
In 2004, it was estimated that 35% of all internet traffic was from Bittorrent file sharing.
So by limiting your speeds, internet providers can dramatically reduce the strain on their limited bandwidth capacity.
Torrents are a legal Headache
While there are many people who only download legally distributed torrent files or files that are now public domain, there are still more that download copyright protected material. This sort of activity brings tons of legal pressure from groups such as the RIAA and MPAA to block all torrent activity.
While many ISP’s have stood up to these lawsuits and refused to disclose subscriber information, the cost of fighting a never-ending legal battle is expensive.
By slowing your torrent speeds, ISP’s can send the message that file-sharing is not encouraged on their network, and if you want faster speeds you can go elsewhere.
Your ISP (Internet Provider) is your doorway to the internet. Every piece of data you send and receive goes through their servers and their network. As a result, they have direct access to all data you transmit. They can directly analyze your data using a technology called Deep Packet Packet Inspection allows your ISP to analyze individual data packets. They can determine where the data is going from/to, what type of data it is (web traffic, video data, music, torrent, etc) and even see specifically what file or website the data packet belongs to.
Since they can identify your data types, your ISP can actively filter an sort your data packets into different categories. They can then selectively block or slow down specific categories of data. This is throttling!
Here’s a diagram as explanation:
*These are example ISP’s. Most have denied traffic shaping.
Basically an ISP that throttles chokes the life (speed) out of your BitTorrent downloads (Bart).
For what it’s worth (not much), most ISP’s deny any sort of traffic shaping. However evidence to the contrary keeps coming out from many of the largest ISP’s in the USA and Abroad.
This also happens with HD video streaming (such as Netflix) on home & especially mobile data providers & ISP’s.
How to Visualize ThrottlingThink of your total internet bandwidth as a glass of water. Data you transfer is the water in the glass. You can pour the water out of the glass very quickly (this is unthrottled data).
When your ISP throttles your torrents, they make you sip your torrent data through a straw. The more throttling, the smaller the straw.
As a result it takes much longer to transmit the same amount of data through the much smaller data tunnel.
Is there any way to prevent throttling? Your ISP’s ability to throttle your torrent traffic depends on their ability to identify and sort your traffic. If you can block the Deep Packet Inspection, you can block the throttling.
Fortunately you can achieve this with a very simple and inexpensive tool, known as a Virtual Private Network (VPN).
To block throttling you have to block your ISP’s ability to read your traffic. The best way to do this is to encrypt all data going to and from your computer. If all data is encrypted, your ISP will be unable to read or sort your data as it passes through their network. As a result, you get maximum bandwidth and no torrent encrypt your data we used tool called a VPN (Virtual Private Network). This routes all your data through a third-party server before going to its final destination. All data transferred between your computer and the VPN server are wrapped in a layer of very strong encryption that makes the data completely unreadable without the key to decode it (which only you have)
Is a VPN Hard to Use? Even though the concept of a VPN sounds complex, most VPN providers offer software that makes it very easy to use. All you have to do is open the VPN software and click connect. The VPN does the rest.
Additional benefits of a VPNBeyond encrypting your data, a VPN provides a great deal of anonymity and secrecy when visiting websites or downloading torrent files.
A VPN changes your public IP address which is the only personally identifying piece of information that appears in a bittorrent swarm. This makes torrent activity almost impossible to track. See why we recommend a VPN for torrents.
Is a VPN Expensive? No. The number of VPN services has grown exponentially in the past few years and prices have dropped dramatically due to increased competition. You can get a top quality anonymous VPN for as low as $3. 33/month!
Any VPN service with strong encryption can help prevent throttling, but there are a few VPN providers that offer additional features specifically for bittorrent users.
Desirable features include:
No logs or records of your VPN activity (your ISP keeps logs for 6+ months)VPN Kill Switch (makes sure all data goes through the VPN encrypted tunnel)Torrents Allowed (some VPN’s will ban accounts for downloading torrents)Fast Speeds (Makes sure you get to use as much of your bandwidth as possible)
There are only a few VPN’s that meet this criteria. Our favorites are:
1. IPVanish (the fastest VPN we’ve tested)
Logging Policy: No Logs | Speeds: Extremely Fast | Location: Based in the USA | Price: $6. 49 – $10/month
IPVanish is one of the very few VPN providers in the world that owns their own Tier-1 data network instead of just leasing bandwidth on other peoples network like most VPN providers do.
The benefit is that IPvanish customers get incredibly fast speeds and end-to-end data security.
IPvanish is no a non-logging VPN provider. As of early 2014, they don’t log any information regarding your VPN connections made on their network.
IPVanish allows torrents on their network. Their parent company was actually founded by one of the pioneers of peer-to-peer file sharing technology (usenet).
For more details, features, and speedtests, read our review of IPVanish.
2. Private Internet Access (best value)
Logging Policy: No Logs | Speeds: Fast | Location: Based in the USA | Price: $3. 49 – $9. 95/month | Supported Devices: Windows, Mac, Android, iOS, vpn-capable routers
Private Internet Access is one of the most popular VPN providers in the world, due to their excellent performance and features at low prices. PIA allows torrents on all servers, has super-strong 256-bit encryption, and keeps no logs whatsoever.
PIA also includes free Netherlands proxy service with their VPN so you can actually run your torrent client through a proxy server and then run your whole internet connection inside the VPN for double the protection.
PIA comes with a Mobile VPN app for your smartphone, and let’s you have 5 devices connected to their VPN network at once! Our favorite part about Private Internet Access is the price: It starts as low as $3. 49/month!
Many popular torrent clients like uTorrent, Vuze & QBittorrent have a built-in torrent encryption option. In some cases this may help with ISP-based torrent throttling.
Important Note: This in-client encryption algorithm is extremely weak and no substitute for a quality VPN. It won’t help with advanced DPI technologies like Sandvine, and does absolutely nothing to hide your torrent IP address.
In uTorrent:
Go to Menu > Options > Preferences > BitTorrent
Then match your protocol encryption settings to the screenshot as shown:
In Vuze
To change the Encryption settings in Vuze, go to: Tools > Options > Connection > Transport Encryption
Then choose: Require encrypted transport (shown below).
How to turn on protocol encryption in Vuze
For all other torrent clients
To turn on built-in encryption in other torrent clients like QBittorrent & Deluge, or for more detailed instructions:
Read our Torrent Encryption Guide.
Using a VPN is by far the easiest and most effective solution to the problem of slow, throttled torrents. We gave you suggestions as to which VPN providers might work well for you, but there are literally dozens of choices. Feel free to check out our VPN reviews for an in-depth look at some of the best VPN’s that allow torrents.
If you’re interested in other torrent privacy tools like proxy services, this article will teach you the difference between proxies and VPN’s and the relative advantages of each.
David started torrenting before it was cool. He enjoys hiking, strategy games and eats watermelon year round. He still rocks his Napster t-shirt once a month.
Optimize Your uTorrent Experience (14 Easy Hacks)

Optimize Your uTorrent Experience (14 Easy Hacks)

Bonus Material: 25% OFF + FREE 5-day Seedbox Optimization Course
Default download speed settings of uTorrent are acceptable for the average user.
But these settings don’t meet higher expectations of serious users.
Yes… uTorrent is already optimized right of the box to speed up downloads, but not everybody has the same network scenario, the same ISP, same bandwidth or same computer.
Configuring uTorrent to increase download speed is relative to your resources.
You might be fortunate to have a 500Mbps or even 1 Gbps, but unlucky with slow uTorrent speeds. Or you might be lucky to download at high speeds with at an average 1Mbps bandwidth.
There are many uTorrent hacks that let you take full advantage of your resources.
Do you want to increase download speed, protect from hackers, avoid port blocking or just improve the experience?
The following 14 tricks and tips can make your torrenting experience fast and truly amazing.
Click here to get your 25% OFF discount and a FREE 5-day Seedbox optimization course now. Bandwidth Settings Best Practices.
Before configuring uTorrent it is important to know your real bandwidth. This will give you an idea of how to optimize your speed and performance.
The most popular method is running a speed test at the website. Another easy way is to learn about your contracted Internet speed or plan from your Internet Service Provider “ISP”.
If you want to stick with uTorrent, you can check the current bandwidth and network settings on the platform itself. Once the test is finished, uTorrent will configure itself for best performance.
Running a test for is easy, just go to Options > Setup Guide.
Check the Bandwidth and Network boxes. Choose the closest server to where you are, so you can have a more accurate measurement. Leave the rest by on “Run Tests” the results of the bandwidth test. uTorrent just configured itself for best performance.
If the speed test fails. A result of “Connection failed error: Timed out (10060)” and “Port is not open (you are still able to download)”. A router or firewall could be blocking certain ports. Or “Automatic Port Mapping” could be disabled on your router.
If you prefer to manually configure your uTorrent bandwidth settings, press Ctrl+P or go to Options > Preferences > Bandwidth. Supposing you already know your speed (bandwidth), which should be in Mbps.
Notice that uTorrent is asking for kB/s under “Maximum download rate” not Mbps. There are some bandwidth conversion tools online, like ToolStudio or GbMb, which can help you convert those values.
By default, uTorrent will have an unlimited upload/download speed configured. Having unlimited bandwidth allocated is the perfect value for frequent users. But limiting upload is a different story…
Unlimited Upload Speeds.
Having an unlimited upload rate will not always affect downloading speeds. In fact, limiting your upload power too much can even affect your download speed.
Think about symmetry. uTorrent employs a mutual fair sharing algorithm, that ensures fairness in a torrent swarm. Users that upload more are usually prioritized. And if you limit upload too much your download speed will be affected as well.
Limiting uploads depends on your usage frequency and bandwidth plan. For example, if you have a fixed bandwidth (Cable, Fiber, ADSL, etc), leave defaults. But if you have a limited download speed (usually mobile data plans), then lowering upload speeds is a good idea.
Reduce at least 25% of your upload. For example, if your upload speed is 1Mbps (from) and if 1Mbps is the same as 125kB/s, then 0. 75 Mbps is 94kB/s (from Toolstudio).
If you reduce the upload rate too much, the TCP acknowledgment packets will be delayed and get lost. This will bring congestion to your application (slow download rates).
Don’t focus too much on reducing upload speeds, instead work on smaller queues. A large queue of uploads will definitely affect your download speed.
Queue Settings Optimization.
There are no best queue settings in uTorrent, it all depends on your downloading needs. If you are eager to download 20 files at a time, you can configure the uTorrent application to do so. But remember, each file that you download at the same time will take a piece of your bandwidth.
File consolidation and completion will take longer times. If you have all the time in the world, keep a long queue. But if it is download speed that you are looking to improve, a smaller queue will accomplish it.
To adjust the queuing settings, go to Options > Preferences > Queuing.
A low “Maximum number of active torrents” will ensure a steady download speed. To ensure at least two active downloads and one upload, go for a 2:1 download/upload ratio. But remember never to limit uploads too much. In the example picture, from three active “upload/downloads”, two of them will be a guaranteed download.
But everything is in relation to your speed. With 500Mbps you can use a 1:1 ratio and go for 20 active upload/downloads.
To override queue settings, “Force start” a torrent download. Force starting a torrent allows bypassing any rules already set in the uTorrent app. For example, if there is a queue limit to 3 downloads and you need to download the fourth torrent without changing configuration, then force starting is a way to bypass the rules.
Individual Torrent Bandwidth Allocation.
If you have more torrents downloading at the same time and you want a specific torrent to be prioritized. You can right-click the downloading torrent, go to Bandwidth Allocation and choose your specific priority.
But having 20 torrents queued with a high-speed bandwidth allocated will not guarantee anything if you have a seedless or even worse… a dead torrent. Checking and improving the health of your torrents is a very good way to ensure high speed.
Torrent Health Improvement.
A torrent is a small file that contains all the metadata about files and folders. It does not hold any content data. It also contains a list of all the network torrent trackers that link you with the right peer (seeder or leecher). A seeder is a user who shares a file and a leecher is another user downloading the same file.
It seems evident. A healthy torrent would be one with high activity, especially lots of seeders. Before downloading a torrent file, make sure that there are a lot of seeders. More seeders than leechers.
Free BSD sites like, show a good amount of a torrent’s information before downloading it. You can know current peers (seeders and leechers), size, similar torrents, and even trackers.
To get more accurate and actual health information, you can also check the file once is downloading. Go to the download bar, under Health and Seeds/Peers. You can see the current quantity of connected seeds and peers.
a. Updating torrent trackers:
To update a torrent’s tracker list, you have to find additional torrent trackers on the Internet. Right-click on the active downloading torrent and go to properties.
Copy the tracker list that you found and paste it to the end of the existing tracker list box in your uTorrent application. This will expand the connectivity of your torrent and improve the chances to find more peers.
Click here to get your 25% OFF discount and a FREE 5-day Seedbox optimization course now. Automatic Peer Discovery Mechanisms.
Automatic discovery mechanisms find more peers in a swarm, without manually having to add trackers. Make sure the following mechanisms are enabled; as they will help when trackers are difficult to find.
Peer Exchange “PEX”: It uses a single peer to share information needed to find and connect with other peers. Distributed Hash Table “DHT”: It is also known as “Bootstrapping”. DHT uses a decentralised system to find peers which reduce the load on central trackers. Local Peer Discovery: It supports the discovery of peers in local networks like LANs. To improve security, Local Peer Discovery avoids using ISP channels.
To change BitTorrent protocol configuration, go to Options > Preferences > BitTorrent. By default, uTorrent enables DHT, Local Peer Discovery, and Peer Exchange. If are downloading from public trackers, leave the boxes checked.
BitTorrent is the only method used by uTorrent to distribute data over the Internet. If this protocol is limited, the connection with other peers becomes slow or impossible.
Ensuring Connectivity: Port Forwarding.
Due to many reasons, agencies and ISPs all over the world discourage the use of BitTorrent. Some ISPs will attempt to throttle or even block any incoming BitTorrent traffic into their networks.
If you find yourself unable to download/upload or your speed is too slow, your BitTorrent port might be blocked.
To remain connected you must forward or map a port. Port forwarding or mapping is the act of making your local computer accessible to others through remote Internet access. In the case of uTorrent, it allows others (your peers) to access your uTorrent through a defined port.
1. Enable UPnP and NAT-PMP port mapping.
2. Manual Port Forwarding.
If you are manually forwarding a port, you don’t need to enable UPnP port mapping. Some uTorrent versions and routers don’t support automatic port forwarding, so you need to forward the port manually.
Choose a port. Go to Preferences > Connection >Listening Port. The standard BitTorrent TCP port range is from 6881-6889. But the protocol can be run in almost every port number, which is why it is difficult to block. If you don’t pick a random number, it is recommended to provide a port number over 10000. But be careful not to choose a port number that conflicts with another service.
Allow your router/firewall uTorrent communication. Login to your router, under the “Port Forwarding” section and add the same port that you choose in uTorrent.
Disk Cache Settings Tweaking.
uTorrent uses “Disk Cache” to maintain frequently accessed data in memory. This improves the response of the application because it doesn’t have to read and write every time into the computer’s hard drive.
uTorrent controls these settings automatically and does a good job at this. The pre-defined values will usually work fine. It is recommended to change this only if you maintain a high torrenting activity. For example, you are downloading 20 torrents at the same time at 500Mbps. Otherwise, you might face a disk overloading or a “Disk Overload 100%” problem.
To change cache settings go to Options > Preferences > Advanced > Disk Cache.
A cache size too small might end up giving overloading problems and reducing speed. Check the box “Override automatic cache size and specify the size manually” and allocate a higher memory usage in MBs. Assign at least 512 MB for fast Internet speeds, like 100/1000Mbps. Uncheck the “Reduce memory use when not needed” box, so that the value stays the same.
Removing Ads.
Free uTorrent versions have a bad reputation for displaying too many sponsored advertisements. End-users experience is not pleasant, as they are forced to hear noisy ads or install third-party software.
But forcing certain ads is the reason why uTorrent is still alive and free. A solution from uTorrent was to introduce a paid version that came without advertisements.
Fortunately, you can also disable ads in free versions (especially new ones). To do this, go to Options> Preferences > Advanced.
The large box displays a large set of flags that control the User Interface. The filter will help you find specific flags that enable ads.
By default, ads are “True”, all you have to do is disable them by setting their value to “False”. For example, on the filter look for the word “sponsored”. The result will show you a flag with the name “offers. sponsored_torrent_offer_enabled”. Turn it off, by changing its value to “False”.
Do the same thing for the following flags:
ow_plus_upselloffers. left_rail_offer_enabled ntent_offer_autoexecbt. enable_pulse
Restart the application so that the changes take effect.
Anonymous Downloading.
Anonymity has one goal: hide your true identity when connected to the Internet. And there are many good reasons to hide. One reason is that P2P clients like uTorrent, make you vulnerable and susceptible. One of your seeders could be a black-hat hacker scanning IPs and looking for victims. Another reason is that your ISP might be monitoring and trying to throttle BitTorrent traffic.
Don’t take a chance. Try it for yourself in less than 2 minutes. In uTorrent, press F5, to show “Detailed Info”, go to your download, and then “Peers”. There, you can see all the information about the swarm that you are connected to. You can know about your peers, their public IP address, and client version. For more information, check the Ultimate Crib Sheet for Staying Anonymous Online.
There are some methods you can use to protect your identity and stay anonymous. Using these methods will also help to increase your download speed.
1. Virtual Private Network “VPN”.
VPN uses strong encryption to protect your traffic from being compromised. VPN is the safest method because it hides your true IP, thus your entire Internet connection. When you connect to a third-party VPN, you create a tunnel from your computer to the VPN server. The tunnel bypasses anything on the way such as hackers, ISP monitors, etc. A popular VPN supporting P2P connections is OpenVPN.
How to use OpenVPN?
Download OpenVPN GUI. Go into OpenVPN community downloads site and download their stall OpenVPN on your computer. If it is Windows, the OpenVPN installation interface looks like this.
Once the installation is finished, you need to configure the software so you can connect to a server. To connect to a server you need login details, the server’s IP, and a certificate generated on the VPN you registered the paid service with OpenVPN. They will generate a certificate so you are able to connect to their servers. If you are using OpenVPN free client version, you need a certificate from another server and its credentials. To save configuration time, you can use a RapidSeedbox Virtual Private Server “VPS”, with pre-installed OpenVPN, certificate, and login details. A VPS works as an OpenVPN server that can be connected to a free OpenVPN client. To learn how to use OpenVPN with a VPS/Seedbox check this guide.
How to test a VPN?
Before connecting to a VPN, find your current public IP address. Go to WhatsmyIP, and write your address and location. Open the VPN and connect to a server. To make sure that you are connected and go to WhatsmyIP again. You will notice that the address and location are different.
2. Proxy Server.
A proxy server doesn’t hide your entire Internet connection like a VPN. It will instead, encrypt only a specific program or port of your computer. Because a proxy is more specific, it is much faster and cheaper than a VPN, but less secure.
Manually setting up a proxy server from the uTorrent interface:
Start your uTorrent app, click Options > Preferences > Connections > Proxy Server your proxy server information and login details. Check all boxes and click Apply. For more information on how to set up a proxy on any torrent client, check: Torrent Proxy: How to set up a proxy for your torrents? (2021 Update).
Click here to get your 25% OFF discount and a FREE 5-day Seedbox optimization course now. edbox or VPS (Virtual Private Server).
If you want to take torrenting to a whole new level, a Seedbox or VPS is your best choice. A seedbox is not an encryption method like VPN or proxy instead, it is a dedicated server for torrenting.
Seedboxes use these encryption methods and add another extra layer of security. To download/upload torrents, you connect to another “computer” through a VPN. To save installation time RapidSeedbox comes with a pre-installed OpenVPN software.
A Seedbox can also allow easy management of torrents through web applications at fast speeds (often from 100Mbps to even 1 Gbps). With a seedbox, you don’t need to worry about being limited from your ISP or uploading/downloading too much. Your uTorrent can stay up 24/7 for 365 consecutive days.
RapidSeedbox is the most popular Seedbox/VPS service online. It offers unlimited bandwidth, shell access, dedicated IP address, remote desktop, among many other cool features. To learn more about a Seedbox, check out the following video!
Encrypting uTorrent Traffic.
To recognize torrent traffic patterns and shape them, ISPs use sophisticated application-layer firewalls.
Encrypting uTorrent can help evade traffic shaping from those devices. But just enabling encryption protocol, will not help you become totally anonymous.
Inventor of BitTorrent, Bram Cohen stated in an interview; “The so-called “encryption” of BitTorrent traffic isn’t really encryption, it’s obfuscation. It provides no anonymity whatsoever, and only temporarily evades traffic shaping. ”
But if your BitTorrent traffic is encrypted while using a VPN, there is little that a sophisticated device can do to identify and shape your traffic. Use a combination of VPN and BitTorrent traffic encryption.
Encrypting BitTorrent protocol gives you privacy “the traffic is hidden” a VPN gives you anonymity “your IP is hidden”.
Go to Options > Preferences > BitTorrent. Under the “Protocol Encryption” and Outgoing box select “Enabled”. Check the box “Allow incoming legacy connections”.
Virus and Malware Prevention.
Safe torrenting is not 100% guaranteed. Protecting from malware has a lot to do with common sense and a bit of mistrust. The P2P world is full of scammers that will use fake torrents to attract targets and infect their systems.
Whatever special antivirus you use, will not help if you keep downloading and connecting to untrusted sites. A famous quote from McAfee; “Social engineering has become about 75% of an average hacker’s toolkit, and for the most successful hackers, it reaches 90%”.
Protecting from that hacker’s 90% ability to trick you has to do a lot about “not trusting everything”. The following are a few recommendations to stay safe in the P2P world.
Watch from where you are downloading the torrent files. If you find what you are looking for, check the health of the torrent, the reputation of the contributor and other user’s comments. If the health of the torrent is low or it has no seeders at all, probably something kept other peers from sharing the file. Be especially suspicious of anything executable, such as EXE, ZIP, MSI or BAT files. If you are downloading software, be 100% sure of the file’s source. Music or movies usually have different formats; they don’t have executables. Formats like mp3, mp4, avi, mkv are not known to harm. Also, check the final file size; if it is less than 1Mb then probably it isn’t a movie.
So how can you protect from the other 10%?
Antivirus software.
Put your favourite antivirus to do its job… Scan files. The following picture shows Windows Defender detecting a potential malware.
Your antivirus might identify some viruses, others might go unnoticed and some will be false everything, your antivirus software, OS, Service packs, even PDF readers.
uTorrent premium offers automatic protection from viruses and malware. It will save configuration time, but it is just another powerful virus scanner. In the end, you can also get infected using premium versions. The strongest weapon against Malware is your own judgment.
Manage uTorrent Remotely.
The uTorrent Remote application allows you to manage the uTorrent app anywhere. You can leave your desktop behind and use your mobile to manage your torrents remotely. The interface is very easy to use and similar to uTorrent.
To configure it, you have to enable remote connections to your app. Open the uTorrent app from your computer, Go to Options > Preferences > Remote.
Check the box “Enable the uTorrent Remote Access” your computer a name and a Security Question in case you transfer the remote account to another computer. To test it, go to, write the computer name and password and “Log in”.
Once logged in, you will be able to see your uTorrent app with current downloads/uploads right from the web browser.
Updating (or downgrading) uTorrent.
Before clicking “Update”, think about this… is updating your uTorrent version the best choice? Most uTorrent users are quite satisfied with old uTorrent v2. 2. 1. It is light, fast, and doesn’t contain any embedded advertisements.
But unfortunately, uTorrent won’t offer old software versions in its library and there is a good reason why. Newer versions contain sponsored software, so that uTorrent keeps its software free and makes some revenue.
But don’t undervalue newer versions, such as v3. 5. It still contains advertisements but they are less annoying and easier to remove. New versions like 3. 5 also have considerable faster transfers and valuable features like remote uTorrent.
Whether you decide to stay with the familiar or modernize, take the following steps to either update or downgrade.
Update: Go to Help > Check for Updates. uTorrent will automatically look for updates in its database and will inform you if there is an available package to download. If there is, go ahead and download right from the app (it is the safest).
Download the older version from sites that offer old applications. Websites like Oldapps and Oldversion have good reputation and popularity. Backup the uTorrent AppData folder. Uninstall the new uTorrent stall the old version. Old software downloaded from “old app sites” could be identified as “Potential virus” from your antivirus software. If it was downloaded from a trusted site, ignore this.
How to Stop ISP Throttling with VPN in 2021 | CyberNews

How to Stop ISP Throttling with VPN in 2021 | CyberNews

While most internet service providers (ISPs) strive to deliver a fast service, sometimes, your internet is slow because your ISP is slowing it on purpose to minimize bandwidth congestion, or regulate traffic. This is known as ‘bandwidth throttling’.
How can you stop bandwidth throttling? How can you tell if it’s happening to you? And how can you improve the performance of your internet?
A VPN isn’t just good for keeping your data secure, it’s also a useful tool for stopping ISP throttling and keeping your internet speeds running smoothly.
This all means you can avoid that painful wait for a buffering wheel to disappear, or those long seconds waiting for a web page to load.
A short guide on how to fix ISP throttling with a VPNIf you hide the type of content you’re viewing from your ISP, you can avoid ISP throttling. This is because ISPs may slow your internet speed if you are doing something online that takes up a lot of bandwidth. If your ISP doesn’t know whether you’re streaming something in high definition on US Netflix or merely reading a page of simple HTML text, then you won’t be picked out for using up a lot of bandwidth.
There are other reasons ISPs throttle traffic, but we will go into them later in the article.
A VPN helps encrypt this information and keep it hidden from your ISP, so you can keep enjoying fast internet. Here’s all you need to do:
Download a reputable VPN from your device’s app store or from the VPN’s website. We recommend NordVPN, as it is fast and reliable.
Create an account with the VPN.
Sign in and connect to your desired server location.
Enjoy your fast internet!
Visit NordVPN
ISP throttling explained
Bandwidth throttling occurs when your ISP deliberately slows your internet. While this might be because you have reached your data cap for the month, or you haven’t paid for your super-fast broadband, more often than not, your ISP will slow your internet speeds regardless of your contract status.
If you imagine the traffic passing through an ISP’s server to be like the traffic passing along a freeway, it makes sense that the more traffic there is, the slower it moves.
Streaming Netflix or using gaming in high definition uses up a lot of bandwidth. To keep things moving, ISPs may throttle, or slow internet service in order to allow users to at least keep accessing the sites they need to, even if the experience is slower.
Why do ISPs really throttle connections? An ISP would tell you that users experience throttling because you may have gone over your data cap or not paid your internet bill for the month. And of course, there’s the old party line that it is just trying to keep traffic flowing through the network.
But what’s the real reason for all this throttling? Even when ISPs promise unlimited super-fast broadband, the reality is that if everyone is streaming or gaming in 4k, it simply costs too much to supply everyone with the high-speed connectivity they need.
So ISPs react by limiting the bandwidth of everyone using the server, under the guise of preventing total crashes. The reality is that it is just cheaper to set all users to the same speed.
However, you might find that certain types of internet usage lead to more throttling than others. ISPs that have a ‘fast lane’ deal with Netflix for example, might throttle the streaming of content on a competitor like Disney Plus or Amazon Prime, in order to manipulate the behavior of its users.
Some services pay for ‘fast lanes’ for their content, and ISPs happily take that payment. But all this depends on an ISP being able to see what content you are using. After all, your ISP can’t slow your Netflix connection if it can’t see that you’re using Netflix.
Is ISP throttling illegal? In 2011, the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) decreed that internet providers must not discriminate against what type of content gets throttled. After much back and forth over the last ten years, it is not technically legal in the US to restrict particular types of content. However, it is legal to offer ‘fast lane’ services to companies that want their content prioritized.
The other issue facing those who still believe in Net Neutrality is the fact that it is very difficult to prove that an ISP is purposefully throttling specific types of data.
If an ISP slows down your Netflix performance, it isn’t reflected in internet speed scores. This means you can lose performance without any way of knowing if it is down to throttling. So even if it was illegal, it’s virtually impossible to prove.
How to tell if your ISP is throttling you
Slower internet at peak hours, incredibly slow downloading and lagging video content are all indicators, but not proof of throttling.
If you want to confirm your suspicions, you can use an Internet Health Test to check various connections for signs of poor performance. If you check the connectivity of the same app that uses different service providers and find you have results that vary massively between each service provider, you can be pretty sure that you are a victim of ISP throttling.
How does a VPN solve throttling issues? As we have already mentioned, ISPs don’t usually reduce the bandwidth of all their users completely equally. In fact, a lot of ISPs have a monetary incentive to throttle specific types of content. And that means that an ISP needs to know what content you are looking at in order to throttle it.
A VPN encrypts all the information that goes between the server and the receiver, and hides it from your ISP. An ISP cannot legally slow all your traffic to all sites, and if it doesn’t know where your traffic is going, it can’t slow any of it.
When using a VPN, the ISP can’t distinguish between HD streaming and simple web browsing. That means you won’t experience throttling, and you can enjoy good performance on any site, including BitTorrent, YouTube, Twitch and Usenet.
If you mask your online activity from your ISP, that means your ISP cannot move to throttle any of your activity. In such cases, they might even inadvertently throttle traffic to one of their ‘fast lane’ customers.
Best VPN against throttlingThere are a huge number of VPNs out there and knowing the one to choose is vitally important. One tip we would give is that it’s always worth spending some money on a VPN. A free VPN can be tempting, but the technology is complex and takes a lot of expertise to maintain and run properly.
Here are some of our recommendations:
Based in:PanamaServers/countries:5, 500+ servers in 59 countriesUnblocks Netflix:YesCurrent deal:Now 72% OFF + 3 Months FREE!
NordVPN is one of the most reputable VPNs on the market, and has a strict no-logs policy that means none of your activity is logged anywhere at all. It also has excellent levels of security and has servers all over the world, meaning you can access all kinds of content no matter where you are.
Based in:British Virgin IslandsServers/countries:3, 000 servers in 94 countriesUnblocks Netflix:YesCurrent deal:Get ExpressVPN, now 35% OFF!
Visit ExpressVPN
ExpressVPN is another industry favorite and prides itself on its extremely fast server speeds. This is ideal if you’re aiming to get around poor performance due to throttling.
Based in:British Virgin IslandsServers/countries:3, 200+ servers in 65 countriesUnblocks Netflix:YesCurrent deal:Get Surfshark, now 81% OFF!
Visit Surfshark
For those still not keen on splashing out too much on a VPN, Surfshark offers some of the best prices available, while still protecting your data and browsing information from your ISP.
To sum upLike any private enterprise, your ISP is always on the lookout for new ways to make money, and throttling traffic to certain online services for a price is an easy and hard-to-track way of bringing in paying clients who want their sites to run smoothly.
If you care about guaranteeing good quality internet, then a VPN is a really good option for avoiding ISP throttling.
It’s not just a matter of guaranteeing fast internet. Downloading and using a VPN can stop your internet behavior from being manipulated by your ISP as you browse. This means you won’t get a different quality of service no matter what content you’re accessing.
Will a VPN stop ISP throttling?
Yes, a VPN will stop ISP throttling as it will hide the content you are viewing from your ISP. Your ISP can’t throttle your internet connection across all services, so if it can’t see what you are doing, it won’t throttle any.
How do I stop my ISP from throttling me without a VPN?
You can either:1. Upgrade your package or plan with your ISP, or2. Use a proxy server to hide what you are accessing from your ISP
How can I boost my internet speed?
Use a reputable VPN to bypass ISP throttling and access the fastest servers. This will prevent your ISP from being able to throttle your internet connection, no matter what site you are on.
Are VPNs legal?
VPNs are entirely legal in the UK and the US. But online activities that are illegal without the use of a VPN are still illegal if you use a VPN.
More VPN guides from CyberNews:How to Block ISP from Tracking your History: take your privacy back with these methods
How to Unblock Websites and Access Restricted Content: here’s our proven methods how to bypass censorship anywhere
How to Use Chromecast With a VPN: access all the most important streaming platforms

Frequently Asked Questions about utorrent throttling

Does uTorrent throttle speed?

Yes… uTorrent is already optimized right of the box to speed up downloads, but not everybody has the same network scenario, the same ISP, same bandwidth or same computer. … You might be fortunate to have a 500Mbps or even 1 Gbps, but unlucky with slow uTorrent speeds.Aug 6, 2017

Will a VPN stop throttling?

Will a VPN stop ISP throttling? Yes, a VPN will stop ISP throttling as it will hide the content you are viewing from your ISP. Your ISP can’t throttle your internet connection across all services, so if it can’t see what you are doing, it won’t throttle any.Oct 1, 2021

How do I stop download throttling?

Here are the best ways to stop internet throttling:Switch to a new internet service provider.Self-regulate your bandwidth use.Upgrade your internet plan to a higher data cap.Use a VPN.May 19, 2021

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