• September 16, 2024

Unban Ip

How to Unban an IP properly with Fail2Ban – Server Fault

I’m using Fail2Ban on a server and I’m wondering how to unban an IP properly.
I know I can work with IPTables directly: iptables -D fail2ban-ssh
But is there not a way to do it with the fail2ban-client?
In the manuals it states something like: fail2ban-client get ssh actionunban . But that doesn’t work.
Also, I don’t want to /etc/init. d/fail2ban restart as that would lose all the bans in the list.
asked Jun 29 ’11 at 11:43
With Fail2Ban before v0. 8. 8:
fail2ban-client get YOURJAILNAMEHERE actionunban IPADDRESSHERE
With Fail2Ban v0. 8 and later:
fail2ban-client set YOURJAILNAMEHERE unbanip IPADDRESSHERE
The hard part is finding the right jail:
Use iptables -L -n to find the rule name….. use fail2ban-client status | grep “Jail list” | sed -E ‘s/^[^:]+:[ t]+//’ | sed ‘s/, //g’ to get the actual jail names. The rule name and jail name may not be the same but it should be clear which one is related to which.
answered Nov 29 ’11 at 21:59
ukodaukoda3, 8301 gold badge13 silver badges3 bronze badges
Since v0. 8 there is the unbanip option (actionunban isn’t for this purpose)
It can be triggered by the set command, if you look at the list of options, you will see the syntax is.
So it will be (by heart, please check):
fail2ban-client set ssh-iptables unbanip IPADDRESSHERE
more generic:
fail2ban-client set JAILNAMEHERE unbanip IPADDRESSHERE
works for me
answered Feb 4 ’13 at 8:25
user157436user1574369111 gold badge6 silver badges2 bronze badges
Example for SSH in interactive mode.
type in bash:
fail2ban-client -i
then in interactive mode type read the status of a jail:
status sshd
you’ll get:
Status for the jail: ssh
|- Filter
| |- Currently failed: 0
| |- Total failed: 6
| `- File list: /var/log/
`- Actions
|- Currently banned: 1
|- Total banned: 2
`- Banned IP list: 203. 113. 167. 162
then type in fail2ban interactive mode:
set sshd unbanip 203. 162
203. 162
it means no longer 203. 162 in ban list.
Paebbels1352 silver badges9 bronze badges
answered Feb 28 ’16 at 13:55
AmarocAmaroc8716 silver badges4 bronze badges
The answer of ukoda is wrong:
Call fail2ban-client without parameters and you see a list of possible commands:
get JAIL actionunban ACT
This gets the unban command for the action ACT for JAIL.
Look into the action parameter of the jail you defined, you probably have an iptables action and maybe some more like sendmail, whois or whatever. so in case your action was iptables it will look like this:
fail2ban-client get JAIL actionunban iptables
and the answer will be:
iptables -D fail2ban-NAME -s IP -j DROP
It will only show you what you would have to write for an unban. There is no unban command itself.
sebix4, 0652 gold badges24 silver badges45 bronze badges
answered Jan 13 ’12 at 15:13
ingoingo2112 silver badges2 bronze badges
If 192. 168. 2. 1 is banned
sudo iptables -L
Check which Chain it’s banned in e. g.
Chain fail2ban-sasl (1 references)
DROP all — 192. 1 anywhere
# to view the proper command for un-banning
sudo fail2ban-client get sasl actionunban
# actual command
iptables -D fail2ban-sasl -s 192. 1 -j DROP
answered Jan 24 ’14 at 14:04
You first need to get the name of the jail. You can get the list (in most cases it will be only ssh jail):
fail2ban-client status
After getting the jail name you can check which IPs are being ignored.
fail2ban-client get ssh ignoreip
If your IP is in ignore list, you can delete it via:
fail2ban-client set ssh delignoreip your_ip_address
vi /etc/
Remove your host entry:
fail2ban-client reload
techraf4, 0058 gold badges25 silver badges44 bronze badges
answered Sep 9 ’15 at 11:20
If you are running version v0. 10. 2:
sudo fail2ban-client unban YOUR_IP_ADDRESS
This is from help:
unban unbans (in all jails and database)
Confirmed to work in my case when I most likely got banned due to ssh client logging in repeatedly with wrong password.
answered May 16 ’19 at 6:10
Using fail2ban v. 0. 6:
$ sudo fail2ban-client status # to reveal your JAIL name (mine is ssh)
$ sudo fail2ban-client set ssh delignoreip your_ip_address
$ sudo nano /etc/ # delete your ip address
$ sudo fail2ban-client reload
answered Sep 30 ’14 at 12:18
unfortunately with version 0. 2 of fail2ban-client the command:
fail2ban-client get jail actionunban ipaddress
does not run. To solve the problem, best choice is upgrade fail2ban to latest version and use new option:
answered Jun 21 ’14 at 18:35
Pol HallenPol Hallen9682 gold badges10 silver badges18 bronze badges
fail2ban-client set sshd unbanip ip_here
would work.
answered Jan 5 ’19 at 13:08
If an IP is in multiple jails this becomes a pain.
one-liner to remove 192. 1. 2 from all jails:
for jail in $(fail2ban-client status | grep ‘Jail list:’ | sed ‘s/. *Jail list’ | sed ‘s/, //g’); do fail2ban-client set $jail unbanip 192. 2; done
a script to do the same
answered Nov 2 ’17 at 20:59
You can use my simply script:D
echo “Display all service”
#Edit and Add/Del your service
sudo fail2ban-client status phpmyadmin-syslog
sudo fail2ban-client status apache-fakegooglebot
sudo fail2ban-client status apache-noscript
sudo fail2ban-client status apache-overflows
sudo fail2ban-client status apache-auth
sudo fail2ban-client status apache-badbots
sudo fail2ban-client status mysqld-auth
sudo fail2ban-client status proftpd
sudo fail2ban-client status sshd
echo “Choose service to unban”
read service
echo “Status of Service”
sudo fail2ban-client status $service
echo “Enter ip to be unban”
read ip
sudo fail2ban-client set $service unbanip $ip
echo “Status of service after unban”
Save and enter ‘sh ‘
Optional, if you want received resultat by mail you can use this:)
#Empty file log
echo “” > /home/pi/Scripts/log/
#Add Date to log
date >> /home/pi/Scripts/log/
#Add status service on log
sudo fail2ban-client status phpmyadmin-syslog >> /home/pi/Scripts/log/
sudo fail2ban-client status apache-fakegooglebot >> /home/pi/Scripts/log/
sudo fail2ban-client status apache-noscript >> /home/pi/Scripts/log/
sudo fail2ban-client status apache-overflows >> /home/pi/Scripts/log/
sudo fail2ban-client status apache-auth >> /home/pi/Scripts/log/
sudo fail2ban-client status apache-badbots >> /home/pi/Scripts/log/
sudo fail2ban-client status mysqld-auth >> /home/pi/Scripts/log/
sudo fail2ban-client status proftpd >> /home/pi/Scripts/log/
sudo fail2ban-client status sshd >> /home/pi/Scripts/log/
#Send mail
mutt -b “” -s “Sujet: Log Fail2Ban” < /home/pi/Scripts/log/ ``` answered May 18 '20 at 14:56 From version 0. 8 this could be a handy script for you - could easily be tweaked to unban from all jails. I just call it "" Example usage. / 1. 3. 4 #! /bin/bash echo "Jails where $1 is locked up:" JAILS=`fail2ban-client status | grep "Jail list" | sed -E 's/^[^:]+:[ t]+//' | sed 's/, //g'` for JAIL in $JAILS do currentjail=`fail2ban-client status $JAIL | grep -B 8 $1 | grep Status | awk '{printf $5}'` if [[ ${#currentjail} -gt a]]; then echo $currentjail fi done echo echo "To unban $1 use the following commands:" echo "fail2ban-client set $currentjail unbanip $1" Output? Jails where 1. 4 is locked up: ssh To unban 1. 4 use the following commands: fail2ban-client set ssh unbanip 1. 4 answered Jun 26 '20 at 9:47 If you don't care about removing the ban from a specific jail, the current incarnation of Fail2Ban allows a very simple command: fail2ban-client unban IPADDRESS This will remove the IP from all jails. Super easy! answered Aug 20 at 13:55 I find the fail by doing grep 10. 20. 30. 40 /var/log/ which gives an output like 2021-08-23 10:09:17, 394 [581]: INFO [ssh] Found 10. 40 - 2021-08-23 10:09:17 2021-08-23 10:09:17, 395 [581]: INFO [sshd] Found 10. 40 - 2021-08-23 10:09:17 2021-08-23 10:09:20, 936 [581]: INFO [sshd] Found 10. 40 - 2021-08-23 10:09:20 2021-08-23 10:09:20, 940 [581]: INFO [ssh] Found 10. 40 - 2021-08-23 10:09:20 2021-08-23 10:09:22, 654 [581]: INFO [ssh] Found 10. 40 - 2021-08-23 10:09:22 2021-08-23 10:09:22, 655 [581]: INFO [sshd] Found 10. 40 - 2021-08-23 10:09:22 2021-08-23 10:09:22, 917 tions [581]: NOTICE [ssh] Ban 10. 40 2021-08-23 10:09:23, 085 [581]: INFO [recidive] Found 10. 40 - 2021-08-23 10:09:22 2021-08-23 10:09:23, 384 tions [581]: NOTICE [sshd] Ban 10. 40 2021-08-23 10:09:24, 084 tions [581]: NOTICE [recidive] Ban 10. 40 2021-08-23 10:09:24, 099 [581]: INFO [recidive] Found 10. 40 - 2021-08-23 10:09:23 From this I can see that I have to unban the IP from three jails: fail2ban-client set sshd unbanip 10. 40 fail2ban-client set ssh unbanip 10. 40 fail2ban-client set recidive unbanip 10. 40 answered Aug 23 at 8:44 Not the answer you're looking for? Browse other questions tagged firewall iptables fail2ban or ask your own question. Learn How To Ban and Unban Players on Your Minecraft Server

Learn How To Ban and Unban Players on Your Minecraft Server

Last modified on Feb 25, 2021 in control panel
By ApexHosting
YoutubeAs an admistrator or OP of your server you must manage all of the banned players. This is different than using a whitelist as a banned player will never have access to the server. We recommend that you use this only in the event of someone that you are sure you do not want on the server a server owner you will be faced with the task of managing your player base to ensure stable game play for the rest of your community. So in the event a player acts unruly, you can take swift action by issuing a ban on them. With console access or op ingame you can ban and unban players through the use of the ban and pardon commands. Understanding the differenceWhen banning a player you have a couple options. You can either ban based on the name or IP of the based bans are effective at preventing the respective player (the minecraft account) from accessing the server, but does not stop the user (the physical person) from accessing it with an alternative based bans will ban the user based on the player’s last known IP. This is effective at preventing alternative accounts from joining the server but fails if the user is using a dynamic this in mind, it’s best to ban using both BanTo ban a player from the console, enter in ban player, replacing player with the name of the player you wish to ban. With OP, enter in /ban player, replacing player with the name of the player you wish to ban. #In Game Admin Command
/ban AshKetchum
#In Control Panel Console Command
ban AshKetchum
IP BanTo ip ban a player from the console, enter in ban-ip player, replacing player with the name of the player you wish to ban based on their last known IP. With OP, enter in /ban-ip player, replacing player with the name of the player you wish to ban based on their last known IP. #In Game Admin Command
/ban-ip AshKetchum
ban-ip AshKetchum
View Ban ListPlayer BansTo view the player ban list from the console, type in banlist you are in game with OP, type in /banlist players. #In Game Admin Command
/banlist players
banlist players
IP BansTo view the player ban list from the console, type in banlist ips. If you are in game with OP, type in /banlist ips. #In Game Admin Command
/banlist ips
banlist ips
UnbanningTo unban a player you can use the pardon command either on the console or unban based on a player’s name, enter in the pardon command#In Game Admin Command
/pardon AskKetchum
pardon AskKetchum
To unban based on a players IP, enter in pardon-ip#In Game Admin Command
/pardon-ip AskKetchum
pardon-ip AskKetchum
In both cases the pardon will remove the player and or their IP from the banlist when your Minecraft server hosting from Apex and get started today.
How do I remove an IP ban? | Media Temple Community

How do I remove an IP ban? | Media Temple Community

Our network includes a number of security measures to ensure a clean, trouble-free environment for your hosting services. One of these features is an automatic mechanism that is intended to stop brute-force login attacks. This system monitors login attempts from FTP, SSH, and SMTP services. These automatic systems are intelligent enough to know not to block an IP address if you fail authenticating once or twice.
This is designed to combat automated attacks that keep trying to authenticate multiple times over a very short period of time. In other words, this component of our system is designed to identify the typical behavior of automated brute-force attacks and stop those requests from reaching our network. If these requests go un-checked, this results in wasted resources and affects the overall performance of your hosting services.
Here are some important points to consider:
If you are getting a timeout message in FTP or SSH, it is very likely that your IP was blocked. You will not get messages such as connection refused or invalid login.
A common cause for the bans we have seen is using incorrect usernames. Using just serveradmin as a username has been a common culprit from our observations. The proper format for a login on the Grid is: SSH: FTP:
Once a ban is removed, it may take a few minutes to be able to access the blocked services again. Typically, it will take about 5-10 minutes for this change to be reflected across our systems.
This IP ban also affects your ability to reach your website. If you are receiving a timeout error over HTTP, be sure to follow the instructions below to un-ban your IP address.
How to remove an IP ban/block
First, log into your Account Center. You will automatically be prompted with a notification if there are any active IP bans:
Clicking on the UNBLOCK button will tell our systems to remove the block on the respective IP and you will be able to access services from that IP once more. This usually takes 5-10 minutes to take effect.
IP bans are often the result of mail clients (Outlook, Mac Mail, Thunderbird, etc. ) with bad information that repeatedly attempt to log into a mail server. If you have recently changed an email address password, you will need to update it on all clients using that address (home pc, phone, work stations, etc. ) Also, we ask that you verify that your mail clients are using the proper email access domain. For help locating this, please navigate here. Once you have verified your access domain, verify your email credentials by logging into webmail.
Additional information
If you see a Contact Support link under the “Resolution” column, this means an administrator manually blocked traffic from that IP. This can be for a number of reasons including abuse of our servers. For this case, you will need to open a support request to have the block removed.
If you see an IP address on this list that is not one that belongs to you, it may be possible that someone is attempting to access your account. Fortunately, in these cases, the system will do its job and stop unwanted login attempts.
If you do not request an IP to be unblocked, it will still eventually expire. The “Block End Date” column specifies the date at which the IP ban will be automatically removed. No action is required on your part for this system to work as intended.
When an IP is banned, it only blocks traffic going to/from that specific IP. This features does NOT suspend or impede your hosting services in any way for others. As far as everyone else can see, your website and all its services are operating normally.
You can determine which IP address you are currently using by going to.

Frequently Asked Questions about unban ip

How do I unban my IP?

How do you work around IP Ban?Change IP address – Change your router or computer’s IP address.Use VPN – Use virtual private network to obtain a new IP address from a VPN provider.Use a Proxy Server – Use a proxy server to access the service from a different IP address.More items…

Can you unban an IP ban?

To unban a player you can use the pardon command either on the console or ingame. In both cases the pardon will remove the player and or their IP from the banlist when used.Feb 25, 2021

Is a IP ban permanent?

If you do not request an IP to be unblocked, it will still eventually expire. … When an IP is banned, it only blocks traffic going to/from that specific IP. This features does NOT suspend or impede your hosting services in any way for others.

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