• July 20, 2024

Shopify Add Captcha

Setting your online store preferences - Shopify Help Center

Setting your online store preferences – Shopify Help Center

This page was printed on Oct 10, 2021. For the current version, visit
You can edit the title and meta description of your online store, add tracking codes, and enable a password page on the Preferences page.
You can set the page title and meta description for your online store home page. These display in search engine results. Use descriptive text and keywords to improve the search engine ranking for your online store. Learn more about search engine optimization.
From your Shopify admin, go to Online Store > Preferences.
In the Title and meta description section, enter a title and meta description for your store.
Click Save.
Add tracking information for Google Analytics
Google Analytics lets you track visitors, sessions, and other customer behavior on your store. Use the Google analytics section on the Preferences page to set up your Google Analytics so that your online store keeps track of relevant data.
Enable or disable the password page
You can restrict customer access to your online store by enabling the password page in the Password protection section. The password page is a landing page that adds password protection to your online store. You can give the password that you create to customers that you want to be able to visit your more about enabling, disabling, and customizing the password page.
Protect your store with Google reCAPTCHA
Google reCAPTCHA helps analyze the behavior of visitors to your online store to block spam from bots. Google reCAPTCHA also reduces friction for real users by eliminating captcha challenges and is enabled by default on all Shopify reCAPTCHA can appear in the following locations of your online store:
in contact and comment forms
on login, create account, and password recovery pages
Learn more about how to enable and disable Google reCAPTCHA for your online learn more about editing Google reCAPTCHA in themes, visit
Enable or disable reCAPTCHA on online store
Google reCAPTCHA v3 is enabled by default on all Shopify stores. Information about reCAPTCHA is available to all visitors. reCAPTCHA v3 continuously monitors the visitor’s behavior to determine whether it’s a human or a reCAPTCHA v3 can’t determine whether a visitor is a bot, then it uses the v2 reCAPTCHA flow and prompts the visitor to prove they’re human by clicking a Google reCAPTCHA logo appears on the location it is enabled for:
In the Spam protection section, you can check to enable or uncheck to disable Google reCAPTCHA for that location:
Enable Google reCAPTCHA on contact and comment forms
Enable Google reCAPTCHA on login, create account and password recovery pages.
Google reCAPTCHA on contact and comment forms
Use Google reCAPTCHA on contact forms and blog comments to minimize incoming spam from bots. Google reCAPTCHA is enabled by default on all Shopify Google reCAPTCHA is enabled, customers who make multiple comments or enter comments from an email addresses that Google considers suspicious are redirected to the page where they can complete the “not a robot” activity.
Google reCAPTCHA on login, create account and password recovery pages
Use Google reCAPTCHA on login pages, create account pages, and password recovery forms to minimize unwanted traffic to your store. Google reCAPTCHA is enabled by default on all Shopify Google reCAPTCHA is enabled, customers who make multiple attempts to log in, create accounts, or reset their passwords are asked to enter a CAPTCHA to make sure that they’re legitimate users.
How To Add Google reCAPTCHA To Your Shopify Site?

How To Add Google reCAPTCHA To Your Shopify Site?

ReCAPTCHA is a free service from Google that adds another level of protection to the current CAPTCHA. Instead of spending quite some time finding accurate images of cars, traffic lights, etc., the process becomes much easier with Google ReCAPTCHA v3. In today’s blog, we’ll guide you on how to add Google reCAPTCHA to your Shopify site and create great satisfaction for your customers.
Introduction to Google reCAPTCHA v3How to add Google reCAPTCHA to your Shopify site? Contact formsLogin, create account & password recovery pagesCheckout page (Shopify Plus only)To wrap it up
Introduction to Google reCAPTCHA v3
This is a layer on top of the current CAPTCHA which analyzes the website behavior of visitors to block spam from bots while reducing friction for real users by eliminating CAPTCHA challenges. On all Shopify stores, this feature is enabled by default. When Google reCAPTCHA v3 is enabled, the reCAPTCHA logo appears in the bottom right-hand corner of all store pages. This is because the entire site visit is being tracked and visitors need to be notified for legal reasons.
The flagging behavior for reCAPTCHA v3 is based on the visit path of the website. The behavior of the visitor is tracked throughout the visit to see if it is a real person or a bot. However, if reCAPTCHA v3 is disabled or if the reCAPTCHA v3 score is low enough, it’ll revert to regular CAPTCHA.
How to add Google reCAPTCHA to your Shopify site?
Contact forms
The main purpose of using Google reCAPTCHA with Online Store contact forms and blog comments is to minimize incoming spam for users. This feature is enabled by default on all Shopify stores.
To disable reCAPTCHA, from your Shopify Admin, go to Online Store > Preferences and uncheck the box labeled Enable Google reCAPTCHA on storefront contact pages.
If you want to re-enable reCAPTCHA, follow these steps:
In the Shopify Admin Panel, go to Online Store > PreferencesIn the Spam Protection part, recheck the box
Login, create account & password recovery pages
By using Google reCAPTCHA with login, creating accounts, and password recovery pages, you’ll be able to minimize unwanted traffic to your site. This feature is also enabled by default on all Shopify sites. When reCAPTCHA is implemented, customers who make multiple attempts to log in, create accounts, or reset their passwords will be asked to complete a CAPTCHA to ensure that they’re legitimate users.
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To disable reCAPTCHA, you can follow the steps below:
From your Shopify Admin, go to Online Store > PreferencesUncheck the box labeled Enable Google reCAPTCHA on login, create an account and password recovery pages
Checkout page (Shopify Plus only)
Merchants using the Shopify Plus plan can enable a CAPTCHA challenge on the checkout page of their online store. When you enable this option, your customers will be asked to prove that they are human before paying for their orders. However, doing this may lengthen the checkout process for your customers. Therefore, you should only enable the challenges if your online store has already had an issue with spam.
Following are steps to enable Google reCAPTCHA:
From your Shopify Admin Panel, go to Online store > PreferencesIn the Spam protection part, tick on Enable Google reCAPTCHA at checkout
To wrap it up
In today’s blog, we have shown you how to add Google reCAPTCHA to your Shopify site. We hope that this blog will help you to smoothly manage your store and maximize business performance.
About the Author
Quinn T.
Quinn T. is an enthusiastic copywriter at ConnectPOS – a leading Point of Sale provider. Focusing on the retail industry, she has researched and followed closely to various technology solutions that support an omnichannel journey.
CAPTCHA - Shopify Developers

CAPTCHA – Shopify Developers

How reCAPTCHA is included in themesShow a text disclaimer
By default, Shopify uses Google’s reCAPTCHA v3 to help prevent spam through customer, contact, and blog comment forms.
reCAPTCHA v3 analyzes website visitor behavior to provide a score indicating the likelihood of the visitor being a bot.
If the score is low enough, or too many requests are made within a short period of time, then Shopify falls back to reCAPTCHA v2 and the visitor is redirected to the /challenge page to complete the “I’m not a robot” challenge.
Merchants are able to disable reCAPTCHA functionality on the Online Store > Preferences page in the Shopify admin.
How reCAPTCHA is included in themes
The necessary code for the reCAPTCHA functionality is included through the content_for_header object. This means that if a merchant has reCAPTCHA enabled, but the content_for_header object is not present, then the reCAPTCHA functionality won’t be present.
The reCAPTCHA functionality is initialized based on the presence of customer, contact, and blog comment forms, and is triggered when the forms are interacted with. For example, the functionality is triggered when a user clicks into a text field of an associated form.
These forms are identified based on the action attribute of the form, as well as specific input attributes:
Form type
Form action attribute
Input attributes (included on a single input)
Contains /account
One of the following, depending on the form:
Contains /contact
Contains /blogs
In addition to triggering the reCAPTCHA functionality on user interaction, a reCAPTCHA logo is added to the bottom right corner of the page to notify visitors of the behavior analysis. You can opt to show a text disclaimer with the form instead.
Show a text disclaimer
If reCAPTCHA is enabled and reCAPTCHA v3 has loaded, then the reCAPTCHA logo appears in the bottom right corner of any associated pages. You can choose to show a text disclaimer with the form, rather than this logo.
To do this, you need to include the following code within any forms you wish to change this for:

Frequently Asked Questions about shopify add captcha

How do I add reCAPTCHA to Shopify?

From your Shopify Admin Panel, go to Online store > Preferences. In the Spam protection part, tick on Enable Google reCAPTCHA at checkout.Mar 11, 2021

Does Shopify have reCAPTCHA?

By default, Shopify uses Google’s reCAPTCHA v3 to help prevent spam through customer, contact, and blog comment forms.

How do I turn off CAPTCHA in Shopify?

To Disable Google reCaptcha:From your Shopify admin, go to Online Store> Preferences.Under Checkout Protection, uncheck Enable Google reCaptcha.Click Save.Aug 30, 2019

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