• September 1, 2024

Shadowsocks Http Proxy Mac

Set proxy for terminal on mac - gists · GitHub

Set proxy for terminal on mac – gists · GitHub

Server-side setup
apt-get install python-pip
pip install shadowsocks
sudo ssserver -p 443 -k password -m aes-256-cfb –user nobody -d start
Client-side setup
Install Shadowsocks Client, e. g. run brew cask install shadowsocksx in Mac OSX.
Only config SOCKS Host to 127. 0. 1:1080 and select SOCKS v5
# `-N`: do not execute commands
# `-D`: bind 1080 port and forward 1080 port to 22 port
# `-i`: use pre-shared key “
# `-p`: specify port used to connect to remote server
ssh -ND 1080 -i ~/ @ -p 22
how-do-i-set-up-a-linux-proxy-for-my-mac by askubuntu
Using Proxychains-ng to socksify your command
Install proxychains-ng by running brew install proxychains-ng.
Config /usr/local/Cellar/proxychains-ng/4. 7/etc/, modify the following parameters.
socks5 127. 1 1080
Add proxychains4 to the front of every command, e. proxychains4 curl
Also works for Application like Google Chrome while Safari does not work, try proxychains4 /Applications/Google Chrome.
But this might slow down Chrome.
You can also use dsocks for mac(which does not work for me), tsocks for linux.
Using Unix Proxy Environment Variable
Add this script to ~/. bash_profile.
export _proxy=socks5127. 1:1080
Config curl to use SOCKS5(Also works for homebrew)
Add the following line to ~/ Since homebrew use curl to download the package, this will also enable homebrew to use SOCKS5.
socks5 = “socks5127. 1:1080”
There are no environment variables for SOCKS5 proxy servers in unix, so in order to use SOCKS5 in other utilities, check the man pages for existing tools to see if they have a configuration option for a SOCKS5 proxy and whether they have a configuration file that the configuration can be added to.
Config git to use SOCKS5
For and (e. g., ), run the following script.
git config –global ‘socks5127. 1:1080’
For git(e. git), run git config –global tproxy ‘socks5127. 1:1080’
For ssh(e. g., ssh), add ProxyCommand nc -x localhost:1080%h%p to ~/ file.
git config –global is stored in ~/. gitconfig while local config settings is in. /
To remove a configuration, e. run git config –global –unset tproxy.
how to set socks5 proxy in the terminal by askubuntu
OS X Terminal Ignoring SOCKS Proxy Setup
Git proxy through SOCKS 5 by cms-sw
git proxy on segmentfault
curl –socks5-hostname 127. 1:1080
How To Setup ShadowSocks VPN On Mac, Windows And Linux

How To Setup ShadowSocks VPN On Mac, Windows And Linux

ShadowSocks is used to encrypt the data between client and server communication. ShadowSocks server is a proxy server that will communicate with ShadowSocks client use the specified encryption method. It is not a VPN, but it can act like a VPN to protect you by encrypting your internet data. So this article will tell you how to set up and configure the ShadowSocks server in Ubuntu and how to set up and use the ShadowSocks client tool in macOS, Windows, and Linux. 1. Setup ShadowSocks Server In SSH client to connect to the Ubuntu server. Execute sudo -i to switch to the root and upgrade the OS packages with the below command. # apt update
# apt upgradeEnable BBR by edit /etc/ file with gedit. Enable BBR can improve the ShadowSocks proxy performance by maximizing network bandwidth usage. ~# gedit /etc/nfAdd below two lines at end of file /etc/ and
p_congestion_control=bbrExecute command reboot to reboot the ubuntu reboot, run lsmod | grep bbr command to verify the bbr configurations. If you see the tcp_bbr line in the console output that means bbr is enabled correctly. ~#lsmod | grep bbr
tcp_bbr 20480 11Now you can install the ShadowSocks server by executing either of the below commands. ~# apt install shadowsocks
~# apt install python-pip
~# pip install shadowsocksAfter that, you can run the command ssserver in the terminal to verify that the ShadowSocks server has been installed. 2. Configure And Start ShadowSocks a directory /etc/shadowsocks if the folder does not exist. $ sudo mkdir /etc/shadowsocksCreate a ShadowSocks configuration file in the above folder if the file does not exist. $ sudo gedit /etc/shadowsocks/config. jsonAdd below JSON data in the above file. Use your own server IP, port number, etc in the below JSON data. {
“server”:”0. 0. 0″, ## Proxy server external ip address.
“server_port”:8888, ## Proxy server listening port number.
“local_address”:”127. 1″,
“local_port”:1080, ## Local listening port number.
“password”:”888888″, ## Proxy server connect password
“method”:”aes-256-cfb”, ## Data encryption method
“dast_open”:false}Start ShadowSocks server with the below command. To make sure the ShadowSocks server can be started without error, remove the -d command argument to show the server log in the console. ~$ sudo ssserver -c /etc/shadowsocks/ -d startIf you meet error messages like below.
AttributeError: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ undefined symbol: EVP_CIPHER_CTX_cleanupYou need to edit /usr/local/lib/python2. 7/dist-packages/shadowsocks/crypto/ file.
Change line 52 from gtypes = (c_void_p, ) to gtypes = (c_void_p, ),
Change line 111 from libcrypto. EVP_CIPHER_CTX_cleanup(self. _ctx) to libcrypto. EVP_CIPHER_CTX_reset(self. _ctx) start the ShadowSocks server again, the error will you meet [Errno 99] Cannot assign requested address error when you startup the ShadowSocks server like below. To fix it, just change the server ip to “0. 0” in the /etc/shadowsocks/ file. [email protected]:~# ssserver -c /etc/shadowsocks/ start
INFO: loading config from /etc/shadowsocks/
2019-02-06 09:47:00 INFO loading libcrypto from
2019-02-06 09:47:00 INFO starting server at 34. 73. 193. 214:9090
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/usr/bin/ssserver”, line 11, in
load_entry_point(‘shadowsocks==2. 9. 0’, ‘console_scripts’, ‘ssserver’)()
File “/usr/lib/python2. 7/dist-packages/shadowsocks/”, line 74, in main
(PRelay(a_config, dns_resolver, False))
File “/usr/lib/python2. 7/dist-packages/shadowsocks/”, line 733, in __init__
File “/usr/lib/python2. 7/”, line 228, in meth
return getattr(self. _sock, name)(*args)
[Errno 99] Cannot assign requested address3. Setup ShadowSocks Client can download the ShadowSocks client tool from the official download page. 3. 1 For wnload ShadowsocksX-NG from is a zip file, after unzip, you can use it you click it to start, it will appear at the top right corner of the macOS Finder bar. The first little plane icon is just the ShadowSocks client tool icon.
Click the little plane icon, it will popup a menu list, click Servers —> Server Preferences… menu item to open server manager the + button in the server list to add a new ShadowSocks server, input related server information such as server address, port number, Encryption method, Password, etc, and click the OK button to save it.
Now you can use the ShadowSocks server by clicking the ShadossocksX-NG icon( a little plane on macOS top right toolbar) —> Servers menu item, then you can select a ShadowSocks server from the popup server a web browser, then you can find the web traffic go through the ShadowSocks server. 2 For adowSocks windows client tool is similar to macOS client tool, you can download shadowsocks-win from GitHub, and the configuration is also easy like macOS. 3 For Linux. 1 Setup ShadowSocks Client tool will communicate with the ShadowSocks server use encrypted communication stall ShadowSocks in your Linux follows Section 1, 2 in this adowSocks installation can be used as a server, but it can also be used as a client tool. When you use it as a server you use the command ssserver to start it, and when you run the command sslocal, it will start the client the below command to install ShadowSocks software. ~$ sudo apt install shadowsocksAfter install, the /etc/shadowsocks/ file has been created. Just edit its content to your own. ~$ sudo gedit /etc/shadowsocks/
“server”:”1. 2″,
“dast_open”:false}Run the command sslocal to start the ShadowSocks client tool. When you see the below message, it means the client tool has been started successfully. [email protected]:~$ sslocal -c /etc/shadowsocks/
2018-10-01 21:28:25 INFO loading libcrypto from
2018-10-01 21:28:25 INFO starting local at 127. 1:10803. 2 Setup Local HTTP Proxy polipo is a caching web proxy, it can redirect your HTTP request to socks5 proxy server. Or you can use another HTTP proxy tool which has the same feature that you are familiar stall polipo in ubuntu using the below command. ~$ sudo apt-get install polipoStop polipo and add below proxy configuration code in polipo configuration file /etc/polipo/config~$ sudo service polipo stop
~$ sudo gedit /etc/polipo/config
# Add below polopo settings data
socksParentProxy = localhost:1080
proxyPort = 8787Start polipo service again. ~$ sudo service polipo startRun ps -ef | grep polipo to ensure the polipo proxy server has started. [email protected]:~$ ps -ef|grep polipo
proxy 641 1 0 15:37? 00:00:00 /usr/bin/polipo -c /etc/polipo/config pidFile=/var/run/polipo/ daemonise=trueAdd export _proxy= at the end of the current user $HOME/ source $HOME/ command to make the above configuration effective. 3 Configure Firefox To Use polipo Local HTTP Proxy Firefox web browser. Click the Open Menu button at the top right corner, then click the Preferences menu item, input proxy in the top search box, click the Settings… button behind Network Proxy configuration, then it will popup the Connection Settings configuration the Connection Settings pop-up window, choose the Manual proxy configuration radio button, and input 127. 1 after the HTTP Proxy address input box, and 8787 in the Port number input box ( our polipo caching proxy just run at localhost and listen on port 8787. ). Check the checkbox Use this proxy server for all protocols. 4 Set Chrome Use polipo Local HTTP Proxy the google chrome Settings dialog by clicking the three-vertical-dot icon on the chrome browser top right corner, then click the Settings menu item in the drop-down menu the keyword proxy in the google chrome settings Open your computer’s proxy settings item to open the Ubuntu Linux Network configuration Network Proxy item to manually change proxy server IP to 127. 1 and port number to 8787 which the polipo HTTP proxy server is using. 5 Set ShadowSocks Android wnload ShadowSocks android app from google play stall it on an android the ShadowSocks icon to start the android the + icon at the app top right corner to add a ShadowSocks server profile in the the profile name, server IP, server port number, password, encrypt method, click the checkmark( √) to save the server a ShadowSocks server in the profiles list, then click the little plane button at the app bottom right to connect to the ShadowSocks you see a key icon displayed at the top status bar, the ShadowSocks server has been connected. 4. Question & Answer. 1 How to connect to company network secure through the internet. I use macOS in daily work from home, and I want to connect to my company network through the internet, can I use the ShadowSocks client & server tool to achieve the goal? Thanks a, you can follow this article to install the ShadowSocks server-side on your company machine ( the server machine should have a public IP address), and install the ShadowSocks macOS client tool on your macOS at home, then you can connect to your company machine through the ferenceUbuntu SSH Remote Login Installation And Configuration Example
macOS - Setup ShadowSocks - Knowledgebase - Celo VPN

macOS – Setup ShadowSocks – Knowledgebase – Celo VPN

shadowsocks macos, how to shadowsocks, osx setup shadowsocks
NOTE: To get the password, please log a support ticket. A different password is generated for each user. If you would like to connect to another port other than 443 (eg 5670 etc), please specify this in your support ticket1. Download Shadowsocks for macOS from HERE2. Extract the file3. Move the ShadowsocksX-NG to the applications folder4. Go to your applications and launch Shadowssocks-NGIf you get a security warning, click on Open5. Right click on the shadowsocks icon > servers > server preferences6. Enter in the server name, port, password and a name7. Enable Shadowsocks, right click > Turn Shadowsocks OnNOTE: If you find shadowsocks connects but does not do anything. Turn off/close any other VPN/Proxy application you have install for eg OpenvPN, etc
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Frequently Asked Questions about shadowsocks http proxy mac

How do I use ShadowSocks on Mac?

macOS – Setup ShadowSocks PrintDownload Shadowsocks for macOS from HERE.Extract the .ZIP file.Move the ShadowsocksX-NG to the applications folder.Go to your applications and launch Shadowssocks-NG. … Right click on the shadowsocks icon > servers > server preferences.Enter in the server name, port, password and a name.More items…

How do I set HTTP proxy on Mac?

How to manually change your Proxy settings on MacBookClick on the Network panel icon.Select the Wi-Fi option interface you want to configure and click Advance button.Click the Proxies button in the button bar and select Web Proxy(HTTP)Enter proxy below into Web Proxy Server checkbox: … Click OK.

How do I find HTTP proxy on Mac?

On your Mac, choose Apple menu > System Preferences, then click Network. In the list, select the network service you use—for example, Ethernet or Wi-Fi. Click Advanced, then click Proxies.

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