• May 4, 2024

Pso2 Proxy



The Telepipe Proxy is a proxy that sits between you and SEGA and adds quite a bit of new and exciting features!
You configure it via Tweaker using a URL, then just play like you usually do.. In addition to allowing SEA players (and others that are blocked) to connect, it also adds the following features:
Item/Title/Block name translations
Global Chat via Discord (handled via system messages, so no bubble spam like GIRC. )
A very efficient way of handling the proxy connection, no more HOSTS file crap, no more Gameguard freaking out
A ridiculous amount of stability/efficiency/speed
An active team of developers who are interested and excited to add new features
EVERYONE can help now! Just by playing PSO2, you can help us improve the patches. [See below]
Global Emergency Quest accouncements in-game
All translations (item/title/item description/block names) are toggleable – You can turn them off/on!
More planned features in the future! (Things we can’t reveal just yet:P)
We’ve completely overhauled the original Telepipe proxy and changed from a C# base to a Core base. What does this mean? It can be hosted on linux and on much better data centers than our current version.
The current ping time between the Telepipe server and SEGA’s PSO2 server is 2ms. This means that the impact the proxy has will be unnoticeable – As if you weren’t using it. (In fact, we have a suspicion that our Telepipe server is in the same data center as SEGA’s PSO2 server! )
But we need your help to test it and try to break it (something you guys love, right? ). In order to connect to the new server and help test:
Open your Tweaker and go to Other Tasks -> Configure Telepipe/PSO2Proxy settings. Enter this URL in the box that opens: We welcome your feedback on the PSO2 discord (in the #pso2-gchat-beta channel), where you’ll also be able to communicate with those ingame via the Discord <-> PSO2 bridge.
Additionally, those of you in the SEA/China/IP blocked regions are encouraged to give this new proxy a try and share your experience! ※Please note that this is a service in development and as such, certain features are missing at the moment. This includes being able to personalize your experience
(turn off gchat/item translations/etc) and check to see how many people are currently online in each ship. The proxy will be updated fairly often (typically every 3 days) in order
to fix bug/release new features until we’ve reached a point where we feel as though it’s out of beta.
Q: I can improve the patches by playing PSO2?! How does that work?!
A: When you connect to the Telepipe Proxy, you can help us find things that are untranslated, and the proxy will let us know so we can fix them.
For example, say you came across a japanese item that wasn’t translated – Instead of taking a picture and contacting us, the proxy will automatically see
that untranslated item and add **just the item’s name** to a database so it can be translated. The same scenario also occurs with titles, so by just playing the
game, you help us translate it!
Q: What sort of information is logged when I connect?
A: The things that are logged are (Keep in mind, this is much less than SEGA or GameGuard log):
Player ID/Name
Character name
Last used IP/Last login time
MAC Address (to be used to ban malicious players/cheaters/etc)
Q: What about my password? Will you have that? I heard SEGA was dumb and stored it in plaintext, can’t you read that?
A: Your password is specifically NOT logged, and is in fact replaced with “Removed Password” when you log on:
Here is a snippet of the logging code:{
var temp = new PSOPacket(p);
var req = ();
(“Removed Password”); //Password is replaced with “Removed Password” and the original is never saved or even read.
LogPackets(new PSOPacket(Packet()), false);}
For the record though, yes, SEGA does send your password in plain text. Idiots.
Q: Does this mean the Tweaker won’t have item/title patches? Will they still be updated?
A: Nothing is changing in the Tweaker – The item/title/blocks/etc patches will still work 100% and be updated alongside the Telepipe proxy.
cyberkitsune/PSO2Proxy: A protocol proxy for PSO2 - GitHub

cyberkitsune/PSO2Proxy: A protocol proxy for PSO2 – GitHub

PSO2Proxy is a open source protocol proxy for the Japanese MMORPG, Phantasy Star Online 2 written in python. It allows the game’s packet data to be unencrypted, logged, parsed and modified to both the client and server. It can also be used to connect to the game’s servers if a client is blocked from normally connecting for any reason.
This program allows you to host your own PSO2Proxy on a server you have access to.
If you just want to play the game via the proxy, a public PSO2Proxy server is available for users who can’t connect to PSO2 and users who want to contribute data for packet analysis. This server can be found at Below are the instructions for installing and setting up your own PSO2Proxy server.
If you require assistance, feel free to contact us on IRC:, #pso2proxypublic
PSO2Proxy uses the Twisted Framework and PyCrypto. Please install these from their respective websites or use the commands below depending on your distribution.
####If you have a Debian based system, you can install via apt-get for the depends:
sudo apt-get install python-twisted python-crypto python-yaml python-faulthandler python-pip openssl git
git clone ~/PSO2Proxy
####If your server is running Debian Wheezy, you need to get a more up to date version of the python-twisted package from backports:
echo deb wheezy-backports main|tee /etc/apt/>/dev/null
apt-get update
apt-get -t wheezy-backports install python-twisted
####For RPM based systems, like Amazon Linux AMI on Amazon EC2 (Amazon Web Services Instance):
sudo yum install python-pip gcc python-devel git
cd ~/PSO2Proxy
sudo pip install -r
####Others: If you have a git commandline client, setuptools and pip installed, you can install it like this:
pip install -r
Start up the Server for the first time
cd ~/PSO2Proxy/proxy
python. /
Configuring the Server
To configure the server, run it once to generate the in ~/PSO2Proxy/proxy/cfg/, then edit that. You need to at least set your Public IP address in myIpAddr, and your adapter IP if it is different from your public IP. If unsure, leave the bindIp as 0. 0. 0.
RSA Keys
Your private / public keypair
You’ll need to generate an RSA public and private keypair for your server and your proxy’s clients for the proxy to work. You can use OpenSSL to do this.
First, change into the keys folder.
cd ~/PSO2Proxy/proxy/keys
Generate the private key:
openssl genpkey -out -algorithm rsa -pkeyopt rsa_keygen_bits:1024
Generate a compatible for your clients:
openssl rsa -in -outform MS PUBLICKEYBLOB -pubout -out
SEGA’s Public key
You’ll ALSO need to import SEGA’s RSA public keys from the PSO2 client. For instructions on how to get, see this wiki page.
To convert to, use this OpenSSL command:
openssl rsa -pubin -inform MS PUBLICKEYBLOB -in -outform PEM -out
Change system locale
You’ll need to set your system’s locale to UFT8 instead of ASCII, so it can properly parse JP characters.
On Debian systems, you can use this command:
dpkg-reconfigure locales
Make sure to uncheck everything but, and reboot your machine after the process is completed.
PSO2Proxy has several plugins that come bundled in to make the experience better. Most of them are disabed by default, with the exception of LoginMessage and GlobalChat. To disable a plugin that is not in the disabled folder, simply delete it.
If you would like to enable a plugin already in the disabled folder, use the following command to make symlinks so they get updated.
cd ~/PSO2Proxy/proxy/plugins
ln -s disabled/.
Note that some plugins may have additional steps involved to get them working. If you have issues, you should check for a new config file in ~/PSO2Proxy/proxy/cfg, consult the Wiki, or contact us on IRC.
Getting clients to connect
Automatic configuration
For automatic configuration using PSO2Tweaker, simply enable and point the tweaker to To enable WebAPI…
Be sure that is in your keys/ folder.
Manual Mode
Rebind hosts file
To get clients to connect to your proxy, they need to think SEGA’s servers are your servers. An easy way to do this is to modify Windows’s hosts file, add the following code below to the hosts file in c:WindowsSystem32Driversetchosts, replacing 0. 0 with the proxy’s IP address.
0. 0 #Also ship 1
0. 0 #Also ship 2
0. 0 #Also ship 3
0. 0 #Also ship 4
0. 0 #Also ship 5
0. 0 #Also ship 6
0. 0 #Also ship 7
0. 0 #Also ship 8
0. 0 #Also ship 9
0. 0 #Also ship 10
Use your RSA keys
To get the proxy to decrypt the client’s packets, place the you generated in the same folder as, and rename the to in that same folder. If you use PSO2Tweaker to launch PSO2, enable the item translation patch and rename to instead.
Telepipe-Proxy V2 is now in Beta! Help us test it!: PSO2 - Reddit

Telepipe-Proxy V2 is now in Beta! Help us test it!: PSO2 – Reddit

We’ve completely overhauled the Telepipe proxy and changed from a C# base to a Core base. What does this mean? It can be hosted on linux and on much better data centers than our current current ping time between the TelepipeV2 server and SEGA’s PSO2 server is 2ms. This means that the impact the proxy has will be unnoticeable – As if you weren’t using it. (In fact, we have a suspicion that our TelepipeV2 server is in the same data center as SEGA’s PSO2 server! )In additon, it has numerous memory improvements, backend rewrites, and multiple bugfixes. It also has support for some of our upcoming additional translations (that will translate part of the games that are currently not translated, like system messages and automated mails for teams/system/friends list/etc) so they’ll work on TPPV2 when they’re we need your help to test it and try to break it (something you guys love, right? ). In order to connect to the new server and help test: Open your Tweaker and go to Other Tasks -> Configure Telepipe/PSO2Proxy settings. Enter this URL in the box that opens: ‘s all! We welcome your feedback on the PSO2 discord (in the #pso2-gchat-beta channel), where you’ll also be able to communicate with those ingame via the Discord <-> PSO2 ditionally, those of you in the SEA/China/IP blocked regions are encouraged to give this new proxy a try and share your experience. ※Please note that this is a service in development and as such, certain features are missing at the moment. This includes being able to personalize your experience (turn off gchat/item translations/etc) and check to see how many people are currently online in each ship. The proxy will be updated fairly often (typically every 3 days) in order to fix bug/release new features until we’ve reached a point where we feel as though it’s out of For those unfamiliar with the Telepipe Proxy and it’s functions/want more information/have concerns, make sure to check the original thread here.

Frequently Asked Questions about pso2 proxy

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