• September 16, 2024

Plugin Chrome Proxy

chrome.proxy - Chrome Developers

chrome.proxy – Chrome Developers

DescriptionUse the API to manage Chrome’s proxy settings. This API relies on the ChromeSetting prototype of the type API for getting and setting the proxy rmissionsproxy ManifestYou must declare the “proxy” permission in the extension manifest to use the proxy settings API. For example:{ “name”: “My extension”,… “permissions”: [ “proxy”],… } Objects and propertiesProxy settings are defined in a oxyConfig object. Depending on Chrome’s proxy settings, the settings may contain oxyRules or a cScript. Proxy modesA ProxyConfig object’s mode attribute determines the overall behavior of Chrome with regards to proxy usage. It can take the following values:directIn direct mode all connections are created directly, without any proxy involved. This mode allows no further parameters in the ProxyConfig to_detectIn auto_detect mode the proxy configuration is determined by a PAC script that can be downloaded at wpad/ This mode allows no further parameters in the ProxyConfig c_scriptIn pac_script mode the proxy configuration is determined by a PAC script that is either retrieved from the URL specified in the cScript object or taken literally from the data element specified in the cScript object. Besides this, this mode allows no further parameters in the ProxyConfig xed_serversIn fixed_servers mode the proxy configuration is codified in a oxyRules object. Its structure is described in Proxy rules. Besides this, the fixed_servers mode allows no further parameters in the ProxyConfig stemIn system mode the proxy configuration is taken from the operating system. This mode allows no further parameters in the ProxyConfig object. Note that the system mode is different from setting no proxy configuration. In the latter case, Chrome falls back to the system settings only if no command-line options influence the proxy configuration. Proxy rulesThe oxyRules object can contain either a singleProxy attribute or a subset of proxyForHttp, proxyForHttps, proxyForFtp, and the first case, HTTP, HTTPS and FTP traffic is proxied through the specified proxy server. Other traffic is sent directly. In the latter case the behavior is slightly more subtle: If a proxy server is configured for the HTTP, HTTPS or FTP protocol, the respective traffic is proxied through the specified server. If no such proxy server is specified or traffic uses a different protocol than HTTP, HTTPS or FTP, the fallbackProxy is used. If no fallbackProxy is specified, traffic is sent directly without a proxy server. Proxy server objectsA proxy server is configured in a oxyServer object. The connection to the proxy server (defined by the host attribute) uses the protocol defined in the scheme attribute. If no scheme is specified, the proxy connection defaults to no port is defined in a oxyServer object, the port is derived from the scheme. The default ports are:SchemePort80443socks41080socks51080 Bypass listIndividual servers may be excluded from being proxied with the bypassList. This list may contain the following entries:[__]__[:__]Match all hostnames that match the pattern __. A leading “. ” is interpreted as a “*. “. Examples: “”, “*”, “*”, “*”, “. PatternMatchesDoes not match””””””*””””””””””*”””, “, “”[__]__[:__]Match URLs that are IP address literals. Conceptually this is the similar to the first case, but with special cases to handle IP literal canonicalization. For example, matching on “[0:0:0::1]” is the same as matching on “[::1]” because the IPv6 canonicalization is done internally. Examples: “127. 0. 1”, “[0:0::1]”, “[::1]”, “[::1]:99″__/__Match any URL containing an IP literal within the given range. The IP range is specified using CIDR notation. Examples: “192. 168. 1. 1/16”, “fefe:13::abc/33”Matches simple hostnames. A simple hostname is one that contains no dots and is not an IP literal. For instance example and localhost are simple hostnames, whereas, example., and [::1] are not. Example: “” ExamplesThe following code sets a SOCKS 5 proxy for HTTP connections to all servers but and uses direct connections for all other protocols. The settings apply to regular and incognito windows, as incognito windows inherit settings from regular windows. Please also consult the Types API config = { mode: “fixed_servers”, rules: { proxyForHttp: { scheme: “socks5”, host: “1. 2. 3. 4”}, bypassList: [“”]}};( {value: config, scope: ‘regular’}, function() {});The following code sets a custom PAC config = { mode: “pac_script”, pacScript: { data: “function FindProxyForURL(url, host) {\n” + ” if (host == ”)\n” + ” return ‘PROXY blackhole:80’;\n” + ” return ‘DIRECT’;\n” + “}”}};( {value: config, scope: ‘regular’}, function() {});The next snippet queries the currently effective proxy settings. The effective proxy settings can be determined by another extension or by a policy. See the Types API documentation for ( {‘incognito’: false}, function(config) { (ringify(config));});Note that the value object passed to set() is not identical to the value object passed to callback function of get(). The latter will contain a mmaryTypesPropertiesEventsTypesEnum”direct”, “auto_detect”, “pac_script”, “fixed_servers”, or “system”PacScriptAn object holding proxy auto-config information. Exactly one of the fields should be opertiesA PAC ndatoryboolean optionalIf true, an invalid PAC script will prevent the network stack from falling back to direct connections. Defaults to of the PAC file to be oxyConfigAn object encapsulating a complete proxy operties’direct’ = Never use a proxy’auto_detect’ = Auto detect proxy settings’pac_script’ = Use specified PAC script’fixed_servers’ = Manually specify proxy servers’system’ = Use system proxy settingspacScriptPacScript optionalThe proxy auto-config (PAC) script for this configuration. Use this for ‘pac_script’ proxy rules describing this configuration. Use this for ‘fixed_servers’ oxyRulesAn object encapsulating the set of proxy rules for all protocols. Use either ‘singleProxy’ or (a subset of) ‘proxyForHttp’, ‘proxyForHttps’, ‘proxyForFtp’ and ‘fallbackProxy’. PropertiesbypassListstring[] optionalList of servers to connect to without a proxy server. fallbackProxyProxyServer optionalThe proxy server to be used for everthing else or if any of the specific proxyFor… is not oxyForFtpProxyServer optionalThe proxy server to be used for FTP oxyForHttpProxyServer optionalThe proxy server to be used for HTTP oxyForHttpsProxyServer optionalThe proxy server to be used for HTTPS ngleProxyProxyServer optionalThe proxy server to be used for all per-URL requests (that is,, and ftp). ProxyServerAn object encapsulating a single proxy server’s opertiesThe hostname or IP address of the proxy server. Hostnames must be in ASCII (in Punycode format). IDNA is not supported, port of the proxy server. Defaults to a port that depends on the scheme (protocol) of the proxy server itself. Defaults to ”””, “”, “quic”, “socks4”, or “socks5″PropertiessettingsProxy settings to be used. The value of this setting is a ProxyConfig dListener(listener: function)Notifies about proxy errors. EventThe listener parameter should be a function that looks like this:(details: object) => {… }Additional details about the error such as a JavaScript runtime error true, the error was fatal and the network transaction was aborted. Otherwise, a direct connection is used of contentsManifestObjects and propertiesProxy modesProxy rulesProxy server objectsBypass listExamplesTypesModePacScriptProxyConfigProxyRulesProxyServerSchemePropertiessettingsEventsonProxyError
Chrome Proxy Extension by Oxylabs

Chrome Proxy Extension by Oxylabs

Add and switch between multiple proxiesSimple, one-click connection Works with any proxy provider of your choiceEasy proxy management via one clickOxylabs Proxy Manager is a free Chrome proxy extension that has all of the essential proxy session features in your browser. Simply add and switch between multiple IPs on the go with a simple one-click connection. Utilize any proxy provider of your choiceOxylabs Proxy Manager works with any proxy provider of your choice. So, you can enable your proxies without having to jump through various settings and menu options. This allows you to utilize all available resources and stick to using only one change Oxylabs Residential Proxy sessionAs an added bonus to our clients, the proxy changer has an additional feature specifically designed to use with Oxylabs Residential Proxies. With it you will be able to change Oxylabs Residential Proxy session without editing your user your proxies on-the-goAdded benefits of Proxy ManagerHelps you avoid IP blocksLock your IP address to maintain the same session and avoid IP you to add unlimited number of proxiesAdd an unlimited number of proxies from any proxy provider of your choice. Works with main proxy types and protocolsEasily switch between any proxy type or HTTP(S) and SOCKS ’t have a proxy provider yet? Scale up your business with Oxylabs®
Proxy Browser Extension - Bright Data

Proxy Browser Extension – Bright Data

* You will be redirected to the web store to download Bright Data Proxy Browser ExtensionEasy-to-useBrowse the web via-proxy with the click of your mouse no coding incognito modeUtilize your browser’s incognito mode to avoid cookies and the collection of web storage tegrate with our Proxy ManagerCreate your own Proxy Manager server within your current environment and enjoy advanced to use? How to use Bright Data Proxy Browser ExtensionLatest version: X. a Bright Data account by clicking hereOnce your account has been activated, set-up your wnload our Bright Data Proxy Browser Extension from the web store hereChoose the zone you created and the geolocation of interest and go! Getting started is easy! Click here to get connected to your personal Bright Data account manager to get your Bright Data account set-up and begin using the Bright Data Proxy Browser Extension today!

Frequently Asked Questions about plugin chrome proxy

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