• July 21, 2024

Pinterest Keyword Generator

Free Pinterest Keyword Tool - Keysearch

Free Pinterest Keyword Tool – Keysearch

Enter a keyword to discover Pinterest keywords related to your topic.
Signup for a Keysearch Account to take your Pinterest keyword research to another level
Pinterest Keyword Tool
Screenshot from Keysearch Keyword Tool
Finding keyword ideas for Pinterest can be tricky. Our free Pinterest Keyword Tool is here to help! Just enter a keyword and we will go out and retrieve related keyword suggestions from Pinterest’s own auto-suggest recommendations. By using Pinterest to gather the keyword suggestions directly, it enables us to see what are the most searched keywords as well as the most pinned topics related to your seed keyword.
Pinterest Keyword Generator, Keyword Planner & Research Tool
Pinterest Helps People Discover
Pinterest might not seem like the typical social site in its engagement. There are no friends that follow each other for likes and comments or mini-debates in less than one hundred and forty characters, but it’s unique in its own right. Pinterest is a social site that allows users to create boards and pins that they can curate. Unlike many other social sites around, Pinterest cares more about discovery, not creation and storage. By leveraging other people’s designs, users can inspire others and themselves.
Pinterest’s focus on discovery makes it a useful tool for businesses. Many retailers and professional photographers have realized how much impact their visual content can have on a medium like Pinterest. Some companies have used it as a product catalog, while others keep their Pinterest boards running as a portfolio they can add to. As with all social media sites, however, you need to optimize if you want the right eyes on your content.
Use Images To Promote Your Brand
Pinterest SEO – Securing the Right Visitors to Your Board
SEO is all about helping people find your product or website. Pinterest is an excellent tool for this. Not only is it one of the most trafficked websites in the world but Google loves Pinterest! Pinterest boards rank extremely well on Google, giving the potential to have a lot of highly targeted eyeballs on your brand.
Why Is Pinterest Important For Businesses and Bloggers?
Bloggers, eCommerce sites, and businesses should look at Pinterest as a beneficial platform for getting their content to a new audience. The social site has a massive number of users, and some stats suggest that almost 40% of them have a household income of over $100K yearly. It would be insane to pass up a channel that gives you direct access to that kind of purchasing power. The demographics of users are all over as well, spanning age, race, and national borders.
Pinterest realizes how important they are to businesses and have offered users the chance to open a business account specifically. Based on most reports, business accounts produce the most-pinned content on the site. Unlike most other sites that rely on influencers as a go-between, users prefer to engage directly with brands on Pinterest. There’s less chance of a company’s brand message getting lost.
Pinterest SEO Brings in a New Audience
Take Your Pinterest Keyword Research To Another Level
Sign Up For a Keysearch Account
GET STARTED NOW Take Control of Your Online Success!
What is Pinterest SEO?
While you might be more familiar with Pinterest as a social media site that users go-to for inspirational ideas, as a social engine, it goes deeper than that. The site doubles as a powerful discovery-based search engine. It’s a perfect chance for brands to strut their stuff in front of new potential customers.
SEO is typically associated with search engines like Google, but it can be a useful resource on Pinterest as well. With hundreds of thousands of brands on the site, it’s easy to fall into the fringes without making an impact on your target audience. To ensure you show up in search results, you’ll need to optimize your keywords.
Optimizing your Pinterest posts and boards for certain keyword searches is among the most effective ways to get your content liked and repinned so that it has a broader potential outreach. With each new repin, you access possible views outside of your immediate follower circle. But what if you could get visitors who aren’t in your follower circle to start sharing your content or finding you on Google? That’s where keywords come in.
Keywords Help Your Posts and Boards Rank
Why Pinterest SEO is Important
Businesses that want to use Pinterest to reach out to a new audience need to plan their SEO strategy and make an effort to ensure that it’s targeted to the right audience. These tips may come in handy to help you with getting your Pinterest content in front of the right audience.
Use a Pinterest Keyword Tool
Keywords are the most critical part of your Pinterest SEO strategy. You can use several tools to help you locate the right keywords to add to your Pinterest boards and descriptions. Ideally, these keywords should fall into the niche that you’re aiming for. Try to choose keywords that don’t have too much competition but still represent what your brand is selling. Our free Pinterest Keyword Tool above can help you do just that!
Make Pinboards Available to Search
While the Pinterest search bar is the most likely method you’ll get users, it isn’t the only way. By default, Pinterest tends to hide pages from search engines like Google. Under your page settings, there should be a section called “Search Privacy” that allows you to change your options to be visible by standard search engines. As a business, you must change this setting so that regular searchers can also find your content.
Optimize your Business Name
Pinterest allows users to create business accounts that help them to share content associated with a particular brand. These accounts have a few benefits when it comes to marketing over personal accounts. They offer you tools such as analytics to see what posts are more effective in engaging users than others. When you set up your Pinterest business page, you should use your full business name to make it easier for users to find your brand.
Use Keywords in your Board Names and Descriptions
Every time you set up a new board, use your keywords to name them. Avoid using the most common titles and try to focus on less-used keywords so that searches stand out. Boards also have fields that you can add short descriptions too. Your keywords should appear here as well to ensure that you get maximum coverage from the search engine. It might be a good idea to take a look at things from the consumer’s perspective. What are they searching for? If you start thinking like them, it’s easier to develop good keyword descriptions and board names. As usual, don’t try and stuff keywords where they don’t belong or don’t make sense.
Pinterest SEO helps optimize your boards.
Find keywords, topics, and trends to help with your Pinterest marketing
Engagement Is the Goal
Pinterest is a social site, and as a brand, you need to look at it as a marketing channel. A brand’s goal on all marketing channels is to garner as much engagement as possible. With Pinterest, engagement comes in the form of repins and likes.
If you want to leverage Pinterest’s power as a marketing channel, you need to figure out what keywords are most pertinent to your brand. Keyword tools are the most useful utilities you have to help you figure your keyword selection out to help you make the best impression on your audience. If your buyers don’t know you exist, then your marketing channel isn’t advantageous. Keywords can turn Pinterest from just another social marketing channel into your best option to reach consumers.
Need Help With Keyword Research?
GET STARTED NOW Take Control of Your Online Success!
Pinterest Keyword Research Tutorial | Kim Herrington

Pinterest Keyword Research Tutorial | Kim Herrington

Finding the best keywords for Pinterest to optimize your account is an essential part of success with Pinterest SEO. With the right keywords in your pins, boards, and profile, you can more easily grow your blog traffic and successfully implement a Pinterest marketing strategy.
Pinterest is a great source of keyword ideas thanks to their advertising tools that include a keyword research tool and Guided Search. Pinterest provides a lot of insight into how and what people are searching for on the platform to help you find the best Pinterest keywords.
I love using Pinterest’s keyword tools to help me better optimize my clients’ Pinterest accounts as part of my Pinterest Management Services.
Here’s how to grab all the keywords from Pinterest’s Guided Search and Pinterest Keyword Research and use them to create new content ideas and optimize your account.
How to Use the Pinterest Keyword Tool
The best way to find the keywords most searched on Pinterest is to use Pinterest’s advertising keyword research tool.
With Pinterest’s keyword tool, you can easily discover the most popular pinterest searches in your niche and relevant keywords to use to optimize your Pinterest account. Best part? It’s very easy to use and it’s free!
Need proof that keywords help? I increased my traffic by 346% by optimizing my Pinterest profile with keywords.
How to Get to the Pinterest Keyword Tool
The basic process of how to do Pinterest keyword research centers on the keyword volume tool available in the Pinterest Advertising platform. It can be hard to find this free Pinterest keyword tool because it’s hidden inside the Pinterest advertising platform. But don’t worry—you don’t need to advertise on Pinterest to use their keyword volume and research tools.
To start doing keyword research for Pinterest, you must have a business account set up first. You can only access the Ads tab if you have a business account! You can quickly create a new business account for Pinterest or convert your personal account to a business account with Pinterest’s step-by-step instructions.
You can access the Pinterest keyword research tool by going to your Business Hub and clicking the Ads tab at the top of the page. Then click on the Create Ads.
This will take you to the Promoted Pin creation page to create a Pinterest ad campaign. Don’t worry, we’re not going to create a campaign—we just want to get to the keyword research tool.
Select Traffic as your campaign type and then click continue to get to the next page.
On the next page, scroll down until you see the Keywords window. This is where you can start doing keyword research for your Pinterest account. It’s the best Pinterest keyword tool because it comes directly from Pinterest!
How to Do Pinterest Keyword Research
The Pinterest Ads keyword research tool is very easy to use. You can follow these steps:
Put your main search term into the search bar.
See what ideas Pinterest shows you, including search volume.
Save the ideas by clicking the + button and creating a list.
When you’ve gathered all your ideas, you can copy the list and save it into a document for reference.
Pinterest shows keywords based on relevancy, not just keywords that are the same words or variations on the words you search. For instance, you’ll probably discover a lot of additional ideas when searching for your main keywords that can help guide you to create new content or new boards that Pinterest sees as related and relevant to your niche.
You’ll also see Pinterest keyword volume, which can help you discover which keywords are the most popular.
Doing keyword research on Pinterest is as easy as plugging in ideas into the search field and creating a list of terms. But the key to keep in mind? When you add a keyword to your list creator in Pinterest Ads, you lose the keyword volume.
If you’re trying to create a prioritized list of the most important keywords for your Pinterest account, making sure you preserve keyword volumes is the key. It can be a total pain, however, to copy and paste keyword ideas with volume into a separate sheet so lots of people overlook this when doing keyword research.
How to Use Pinterest Guided Search to Find Keyword Ideas
Pinterest’s guides, or the boxes up at the top of Pinterest search results, help Pinterest users navigate interests and explore ideas topically. The other advantage to using these guides for keyword ideas is they change dynamically based on user engagement with the highest trending and engaging guides at the forefront of the guide list.
Pinterest’s guided search is probably the best Pinterest keyword generator out there because it gives you additional insights into how people browse and discover new topics and ideas from Pinterest search terms. You can go beyond Pinterest’s keyword search tool used for advertising and generate hundreds of ideas for new content and ways to optimize your website and Pinterest account.
To use Guided Search to find new keyword ideas, follow these steps:
Type in your main search idea into Pinterest search on a desktop computer and pull up the results page.
Below the search bar, click just in front of the first guide box and drag down while holding the mouse button down. You’ll select the entire list this way.
Copy the list and paste it into a text editor. As a tip, paste as plain text if you can to prevent the images being copied over too.
Now you have an entirely new list of keyword ideas in order of engagement and popularity according to Pinterest!
Keep in mind that these change depending on user gender and location and might change based on individual preferences too, based on what Pinterest has stated on their engineering blog. Your audience might see different keywords at the top of Guided Search but this is definitely a start on the right path!
Using this method can also help you circle back to Pinterest’s advertising tools to find additional topics and keywords to cover in your account.
How to Use Keywords on Pinterest
After you’re done gathering Pinterest keyword search ideas, it’s time to actually incorporate those keywords into your Pinterest strategy. This is part of Pinterest SEO and can be the more tricky part of getting keyword optimization on Pinterest right.
I have a full guide on how to add keywords to Pinterest pins and your profile to help you better understand how to optimize your profile with the keywords you found in your research. But to give you a quick overview, you should use keywords in the following places in your account:
Your business name
Your profile
Board Titles
Board Descriptions
Pin Descriptions (including hashtags! )
Image File Names
Body copy in the post
Pin URL of the post
One key that most people overlook is using the keywords in their content and URL! Similar to Google, Pinterest cares about your on-page content and if it’s relevant to your pins and to your audience’s searches.
You can combine your Pinterest keyword research with regular ol’ SEO research with Google Keyword Planner for the biggest positive effect on your rankings. My Pinterest Management clients who do a combined Pinterest & Google search approach benefit from getting the most traffic from the two most popular search engines on the internet by optimizing once for two platforms!
But don’t stop there, there are other ways you can use your Pinterest keyword research! Try these:
Create new Pinterest boards around these topic areas to gain traction on Pinterest
Choose better categories for your boards
Optimize old pins for new keywords
Repin old content with new keywords in the description
Create new content for your blog, podcast, video, newsletter, and social media channels
Review old content in the keyword niche and rewrite to include any new keywords if necessary
Keyword research doesn’t stop and needs to be done routinely, as interests and search volumes change over time. While Pinterest doesn’t reveal how often they update their search volume numbers, I recommend looking at new keywords at least once per quarter and redoing your keyword target lists on a routine basis.
Next Steps for Success on Pinterest
I hope these techniques help you find more SEO keyword ideas from Pinterest and use a tool for SEO you’ve never thought of using before! Keyword research on Pinterest is really quick and easy and using Pinterest’s own tools.
I use this same process as a Pinterest Manager to maintain keyword lists for my clients and use those keywords to optimize their accounts. Want to learn more? Be sure to check out my Pinterest SEO guide to learn more about how to use keywords and optimize your Pinterest account.
Pinterest Keyword Research Tutorial | Kim Herrington

Pinterest Keyword Research Tutorial | Kim Herrington

Finding the best keywords for Pinterest to optimize your account is an essential part of success with Pinterest SEO. With the right keywords in your pins, boards, and profile, you can more easily grow your blog traffic and successfully implement a Pinterest marketing strategy.
Pinterest is a great source of keyword ideas thanks to their advertising tools that include a keyword research tool and Guided Search. Pinterest provides a lot of insight into how and what people are searching for on the platform to help you find the best Pinterest keywords.
I love using Pinterest’s keyword tools to help me better optimize my clients’ Pinterest accounts as part of my Pinterest Management Services.
Here’s how to grab all the keywords from Pinterest’s Guided Search and Pinterest Keyword Research and use them to create new content ideas and optimize your account.
How to Use the Pinterest Keyword Tool
The best way to find the keywords most searched on Pinterest is to use Pinterest’s advertising keyword research tool.
With Pinterest’s keyword tool, you can easily discover the most popular pinterest searches in your niche and relevant keywords to use to optimize your Pinterest account. Best part? It’s very easy to use and it’s free!
Need proof that keywords help? I increased my traffic by 346% by optimizing my Pinterest profile with keywords.
How to Get to the Pinterest Keyword Tool
The basic process of how to do Pinterest keyword research centers on the keyword volume tool available in the Pinterest Advertising platform. It can be hard to find this free Pinterest keyword tool because it’s hidden inside the Pinterest advertising platform. But don’t worry—you don’t need to advertise on Pinterest to use their keyword volume and research tools.
To start doing keyword research for Pinterest, you must have a business account set up first. You can only access the Ads tab if you have a business account! You can quickly create a new business account for Pinterest or convert your personal account to a business account with Pinterest’s step-by-step instructions.
You can access the Pinterest keyword research tool by going to your Business Hub and clicking the Ads tab at the top of the page. Then click on the Create Ads.
This will take you to the Promoted Pin creation page to create a Pinterest ad campaign. Don’t worry, we’re not going to create a campaign—we just want to get to the keyword research tool.
Select Traffic as your campaign type and then click continue to get to the next page.
On the next page, scroll down until you see the Keywords window. This is where you can start doing keyword research for your Pinterest account. It’s the best Pinterest keyword tool because it comes directly from Pinterest!
How to Do Pinterest Keyword Research
The Pinterest Ads keyword research tool is very easy to use. You can follow these steps:
Put your main search term into the search bar.
See what ideas Pinterest shows you, including search volume.
Save the ideas by clicking the + button and creating a list.
When you’ve gathered all your ideas, you can copy the list and save it into a document for reference.
Pinterest shows keywords based on relevancy, not just keywords that are the same words or variations on the words you search. For instance, you’ll probably discover a lot of additional ideas when searching for your main keywords that can help guide you to create new content or new boards that Pinterest sees as related and relevant to your niche.
You’ll also see Pinterest keyword volume, which can help you discover which keywords are the most popular.
Doing keyword research on Pinterest is as easy as plugging in ideas into the search field and creating a list of terms. But the key to keep in mind? When you add a keyword to your list creator in Pinterest Ads, you lose the keyword volume.
If you’re trying to create a prioritized list of the most important keywords for your Pinterest account, making sure you preserve keyword volumes is the key. It can be a total pain, however, to copy and paste keyword ideas with volume into a separate sheet so lots of people overlook this when doing keyword research.
How to Use Pinterest Guided Search to Find Keyword Ideas
Pinterest’s guides, or the boxes up at the top of Pinterest search results, help Pinterest users navigate interests and explore ideas topically. The other advantage to using these guides for keyword ideas is they change dynamically based on user engagement with the highest trending and engaging guides at the forefront of the guide list.
Pinterest’s guided search is probably the best Pinterest keyword generator out there because it gives you additional insights into how people browse and discover new topics and ideas from Pinterest search terms. You can go beyond Pinterest’s keyword search tool used for advertising and generate hundreds of ideas for new content and ways to optimize your website and Pinterest account.
To use Guided Search to find new keyword ideas, follow these steps:
Type in your main search idea into Pinterest search on a desktop computer and pull up the results page.
Below the search bar, click just in front of the first guide box and drag down while holding the mouse button down. You’ll select the entire list this way.
Copy the list and paste it into a text editor. As a tip, paste as plain text if you can to prevent the images being copied over too.
Now you have an entirely new list of keyword ideas in order of engagement and popularity according to Pinterest!
Keep in mind that these change depending on user gender and location and might change based on individual preferences too, based on what Pinterest has stated on their engineering blog. Your audience might see different keywords at the top of Guided Search but this is definitely a start on the right path!
Using this method can also help you circle back to Pinterest’s advertising tools to find additional topics and keywords to cover in your account.
How to Use Keywords on Pinterest
After you’re done gathering Pinterest keyword search ideas, it’s time to actually incorporate those keywords into your Pinterest strategy. This is part of Pinterest SEO and can be the more tricky part of getting keyword optimization on Pinterest right.
I have a full guide on how to add keywords to Pinterest pins and your profile to help you better understand how to optimize your profile with the keywords you found in your research. But to give you a quick overview, you should use keywords in the following places in your account:
Your business name
Your profile
Board Titles
Board Descriptions
Pin Descriptions (including hashtags! )
Image File Names
Body copy in the post
Pin URL of the post
One key that most people overlook is using the keywords in their content and URL! Similar to Google, Pinterest cares about your on-page content and if it’s relevant to your pins and to your audience’s searches.
You can combine your Pinterest keyword research with regular ol’ SEO research with Google Keyword Planner for the biggest positive effect on your rankings. My Pinterest Management clients who do a combined Pinterest & Google search approach benefit from getting the most traffic from the two most popular search engines on the internet by optimizing once for two platforms!
But don’t stop there, there are other ways you can use your Pinterest keyword research! Try these:
Create new Pinterest boards around these topic areas to gain traction on Pinterest
Choose better categories for your boards
Optimize old pins for new keywords
Repin old content with new keywords in the description
Create new content for your blog, podcast, video, newsletter, and social media channels
Review old content in the keyword niche and rewrite to include any new keywords if necessary
Keyword research doesn’t stop and needs to be done routinely, as interests and search volumes change over time. While Pinterest doesn’t reveal how often they update their search volume numbers, I recommend looking at new keywords at least once per quarter and redoing your keyword target lists on a routine basis.
Next Steps for Success on Pinterest
I hope these techniques help you find more SEO keyword ideas from Pinterest and use a tool for SEO you’ve never thought of using before! Keyword research on Pinterest is really quick and easy and using Pinterest’s own tools.
I use this same process as a Pinterest Manager to maintain keyword lists for my clients and use those keywords to optimize their accounts. Want to learn more? Be sure to check out my Pinterest SEO guide to learn more about how to use keywords and optimize your Pinterest account.

Frequently Asked Questions about pinterest keyword generator

How do I find good keywords for Pinterest?

The best way to find the keywords most searched on Pinterest is to use Pinterest’s advertising keyword research tool. With Pinterest’s keyword tool, you can easily discover the most popular pinterest searches in your niche and relevant keywords to use to optimize your Pinterest account.

What are Pinterest key words?

What are keywords on Pinterest? Using keywords is just adding specific words from your niche allowing Pinterest users to find the content they are searching for. For example, if I’m searching for intermittent fasting for women, Pinterest will pull up all of the pins with those words in the pin description.Jan 1, 2018

How do you pin keywords on Pinterest?

To add the keywords you want to your Promoted Pin campaign, simple click on the specific terms you want to use, and they’ll appear on the lefthand side of the keyword list. You can click on it again if you decide to remove it, and you also have the option to “add all results” if you want to speed things up.May 8, 2019

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