• May 12, 2024

One Small Hitch Netflix

One Small Hitch – DVD Netflix

Molly is flying home to Chicago for her mom’s wedding and tells her family she is bringing a “Mystery Man. ” When she discovers her Mystery Man has a Mystery Wife, she dumps him curbside. In shock, she runs into childhood friend Josh who is flying to the same event. Josh convinces a reluctant Molly to play fiancée for a few days. As the lie grows, the two boisterous families begin to plan what is really a phony wedding and somewhere in the chaos Molly and Josh may actually be falling for each other.
English: Dolby Digital 5. 1
NR – Not rated. This movie has not been rated by the MPAA.
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Common Sense Note
Parents need to know that One Small Hitch is a funny romcom that’s all about love, sex, and weddings, with the focus on sex. There’s some partial nudity, and the characters spend most of the movie talking about getting ready to have sex (including talk about heart-shaped pubic hair) or having sex. There are some bad ethnic jokes about being Irish-Catholic and Jewish. There’s also quite a bit of profanity (“s–t, ” “bitch, ” “ass”), drinking, and a few drug references (Ecstasy and some sort of sedative), making this edgy film best for older teens and up.
Many scenes with characters in underwear and partially undressed; one scene where you can hear people having sex. Lots of innuendo and jokes about sex and relationships. Some explicit talk about sex and an ongoing joke about Brazilian waxing. A character gives birth in a hospital.
A punch in the face. A character has terminal cancer and talks about dying.
“Bitch” and “s–t” many times. “Suck it, ” “t-ts, ” “hell, ” “ass, ” “goddamn. ”
It’s always better to tell the truth. Love is when you can be yourself with someone. Some bad ethnic jokes about being Irish-Catholic and Jewish.
References to Mad Men, Lost, and Sixteen Candles.
Drugs / Tobacco /
Lots of characters drink champagne, some until they’re drunk; a few scenes of people drinking cocktails at bars. Molly takes a pill from a flight attendant that makes her loopy. A reference to Ecstasy. A character holds a cigar but doesn’t smoke it.
Age appropriate
Not an issue
Depends on your child and your family
Parents strongly cautioned
Not appropriate for kids of the age
This information for parents is provided by Common Sense Media, a non-profit organization dedicated to improving kids’ media lives.
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On a flight home to Chicago for a family wedding, childhood friends Josh and Molly innocently agree to fake a wedding engagement to make Josh’s dying father happy. Things quickly get out of…
Molly Mahoney (Aubrey Dollar) is flying home to Chicago for her mom’s wedding… bringing a “Mystery Man” with her, but when she discovers this Mystery Man has a Mystery Wife, she dumps him at the curbside check-in. She ends up crying on the shoulder of childhood friend Josh Shiffman (Shane McRae), who is flying home for the same wedding. Emotionally drained, Molly passes out in Josh’s arms just as he gets a phone call from his parents. Josh learns that his father is dying and his only regret is that he will not get to meet the woman who will one day become his son’s wife. Desperate to fulfill his dad’s final wish, Josh claims he has already met that woman… close family friend: Molly Mahoney. When Josh sheepishly confesses his ruse in mid-flight Molly is furious, making him promise to right the wrong the moment they land. Only when they arrive – it’s too late! Word has leaked out and they are swarmed at the airport by BOTH FAMILIES with well wishes and congratulatory banners. Molly’s family is delighted that her “Mystery Man” turns out to be Josh, and Josh’s dad is thrilled that his Playboy son is finally settling down with a nice girl they’ve known all their lives. Josh convinces Molly to play fiancée by using a deadly combination her Catholic Guilt and his Playboy Charm. But as they plan their phony wedding… the two of them start to fall in love for real. This turns their dating lives, and family’s interactions hilariously upside down tugging on every heartstring in the process.
Watch One Small Hitch | Prime Video - Amazon.com

Watch One Small Hitch | Prime Video – Amazon.com

This is one of those independent films made with a love and care that just grabs your heart and sucks you in. In this case, it is also a real Chicago production. While I have no involvement, I know some of the names in the credits and a bit of their backgrounds, and I can infer — or imagine — from that how this production came together. I don’t think I can give enough credit to Aubrey Dollar. She takes her character, inhabits her, and makes you fall in love with her. I can see how Josh ends up where he does. And while his character is more laid back, there are moments where the film really shows their chemistry to best effect. And like the best such scenes, it’s the small things, the momentary interactions and rapport, that make to this supporting cast who can shine and paint a convincing character, not just a foil. Spence is particularly good at this, as Molly’s sister-in-law. And Josh’s “hook up” interest, contrary to where stereotype might take such a character, proves herself to be surprisingly and refreshingly, not everything is perfect. This is still a smaller, independent production. And it has a few quirks. Ones that, if you like the film, can actually be kind of endearing. But it works very well in the essentials, including script, timing — kudos again to the actors, as well as the editors — cinematography, and editing. And the music! (Including some that is definitely local; you wouldn’t know about it, otherwise. )As others have commented, this is a film I find myself watching repeatedly. It never fails to lift my spirits — and wish for my own Molly, fire and all, especially the heart and ‘s become sort of my personal contemporary independent Chicago film exemplar. Something I stumbled across and came to own as such. I found another one that is similar for me, for New York: “Alto”. These little slices, well done and with a lot of heart, that are like a personal souvenir one holds on to as a reminder of a place and time that’s special to, and I almost forgot to mention: This film carries some of that sentiment, itself. For example, the references to John Hughes and his films set in Chicagoland, that captured a time and adolescence for a generation that has now gone on to reflect upon our time and place. While remembering that heart. (I’ll add that, perhaps less noticed, the exterior of the frame shop is a building that IIRC is just west of the house that was the exterior of John Candy’s home in “Only the Lonely”, a film on which Hughes was a producer. And Candy starred in his earlier “Uncle Buck”. )

Frequently Asked Questions about one small hitch netflix

Does Netflix have one small hitch?

Watch One Small Hitch on Netflix Today! NetflixMovies.com.

Does Amazon Prime have one small hitch?

Watch One Small Hitch | Prime Video.

Where was small hitch filmed?

Filming took place in Chicago, Illinois, and Los Angeles, California. As a Chicago native, director John Burgess, having attended film school at USC, wanted to go back to his hometown to make his first feature film.

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