• July 22, 2024

Nut Net

Welcome to the Nutrient Network! | Nutrient Network: A Global ...

Welcome to the Nutrient Network! | Nutrient Network: A Global …

Two of the most pervasive human impacts on ecosystems are alteration of global nutrient budgets and changes in the abundance and identity of consumers. Fossil fuel combustion and agricultural fertilization have doubled and quintupled, respectively, global pools of nitrogen and phosphorus relative to pre-industrial levels. Concurrently, habitat loss and degradation and selective hunting and fishing disproportionately remove consumers from food webs. At the same time, humans are adding consumers to food webs for endpoints such as conservation, recreation, and agriculture, as well as accidental introductions of invasive consumer species. In spite of the global impacts of these human activities, there have been no globally coordinated experiments to quantify the general impacts on ecological systems. The Nutrient Network (NutNet) is a grassroots research effort to address these questions within a coordinated research network comprised of more than 130 grassland sites worldwide.
NutNet focal research questions:
How general is our current understanding of productivity-diversity relationships?
To what extent are plant production and diversity co-limited by multiple nutrients in herbaceous-dominated communities?
Under what conditions do grazers or fertilization control plant biomass, diversity, and composition?
NutNet goals:
To collect data from a broad range of sites in a consistent manner to allow direct comparisons of environment-productivity-diversity relationships among systems around the world. This is currently occurring at each site in the network and, when these data are compiled, will allow us to provide new insights into several important, unanswered questions in ecology.
To implement a cross-site experiment requiring only nominal investment of time and resources by each investigator, but quantifying community and ecosystem responses in a wide range of herbaceous-dominated ecosystems (i. e., desert grasslands to arctic tundra).
NutNet membership:
NutNet membership is open to ecologists who are committed to either intiating a new NutNet node, collaborating with researchers at an exitisting network site, or furthering the network goals in other substantive ways. There are two primary rules of membership:
You must play well with other members of the team, and
You must carefully follow the research protocol for the core sampling. ​
Click here to donate to Nutrient Network
Donations help support sites that cannot afford experimental costs and additionally support travel costs for students and researchers to attend NutNet workshops who lack funding
Nut/Net API - Ethernut

Nut/Net API – Ethernut

Nut/Net TCP/IP Stack.
Network Configuration
Nut/Nut configuration structure.
Socket API
Nut/Net Socket Interface.
Detailed Description
The Nut/Net networking code is designed in a fairly fundamentally different way to most IP stacks. Most systems rely on polling information out of the network code, which has to buffer the information until it is requested.
The Nut/Net IP stack however uses a dataflow architecture where data is pushed up the protocol layers immediately after data has been received. The data does not get buffered unless one of the layers makes a policy decision to do so. Generally data will be pushed all the way up to the socket API.
In a small system this design reduces memory requirements, eliminates expensive queueing and threading operations.
Fastest Residential Proxy IP Network | netnut.io

Fastest Residential Proxy IP Network | netnut.io

Web data extraction made limitless
Advanced and Scalable Proxy Solutions
Super-fast & highly scalable US datacenter proxies
110, 000 US Datacenter IPs
Unlimited domains & connections
Collect any web data by utilizing a dynamic P2P proxy network
Unlimited concurrent requests
Rotation & session support
Keep IPs for as long as needed with “One-hop ISP Connectivity”
1M+ Static Residential IPs
Permanent Static IP sessions
Sourced directly from ISPs
Static Residential IP
Direct ISP connectivity provides 24/7 IP availability. Keep your web sessions for as long as you need with Static IPs.
Fastest in the market
NetNut provides one-hop ISP connectivity with no dependency on an end user. Direct ISP connectivity brings faster proxy speeds.
Gather any data
Whether your use case is SEO, Social, ad verification, price comparison or brand protection, NetNut can handle any target.
Rotating Proxies
NetNut rotates proxies per each browser session by default and can be seamlessly integrated into any browser.
Dedicated Private Pools
Fully optimized private proxy pools based on your target to ensure highest success rates at the maximum speed.
API for Stats
Along with the dashboard access, all usage statistics are available in near realtime for retrieval via a simple API.
NetNut’s architecture is unique in its ability to provide residential proxies with one hop connectivity. The traffic is not routed through end users’ devices so there is no bottleneck in the traffic flow.
All traffic is routed exclusively through the NetNut network; no third party computers are utilized. As a result, there won’t be any disconnections or interruptions in the proxy network.
NetNut guarantees the quality of its service, as all the servers are located on major internet routes or at ISP network connectivity points that are completely controlled by NetNut.
Get the most from our residential proxy network with the finest support from a dedicated account manager. Full integration support will be provided along with remote sessions if needed.
What users are saying about us?
NetNut is very supportive, unlike other providers. I’m glad I have you as a vendor and you will be the preferred vendor for me from hereon.
Dean F
The proxies are easy to use, with a very fast set up and onboarding process. All test checked out, with very good speed and success rates. Great proxy solution that’s worth a try.
Leon B
Web Developer
NetNut proxies are great when working in big-scale marketing projects and web scraping. I’d recommend these services for anyone who works with web crawling or scraping tools.
Adam G
Data Collection Company
Good proxies that suits best for my business. I can strongly say that you guys know how to deliver!
Ryan N
SEO Specialist
In general, I am very happy with NetNut’s coverage. The pools are a substantial size, the price is good, and the failure rates are low.
Avi Nir
Proxy User
Always performs great and without any issues. Very fast proxies! Amazing customer service, always a pleasure.
Akashi G
eCommerce User
Their proxies are fast, stable, with great support. Custom-made solution for any business, keep in mind when looking for your next business tool.
Lila M
Marketing Manager, Agency
Chrome Extension
Unlock the web using NetNut Chrome Extension without having to go through proxy integration. Easily target any country and choose static or rotating residential proxies right from your browser.
You will be provided with access to a realtime dashboard with updated statistics including total usage, usage per country, number of requests and sub-user information.
With NetNut reseller program, you can create sub-users and manage their usage efficiently.
Resellers form
Signing up with your company email and a valid contact number or Skype ID will speed up the process.
How do I set up a NetNut account?
NetNut offers instant access to its proxies. Click here to sign up and access the user dashboard. For specific inquires and trial requests, please send an email to [email protected].
How is NetNut different from other providers?
While other providers are using a peer to peer (P2P) networks, the NetNut service depends on the unique position and location of DiViNetworks’ existing data delivery and network management solutions. DiViNetworks provides services to over 100 ISPs from tens of point of presence (PoPs) around the world. DiViNetworks has created a global proxy technology and network where hundreds of servers are managed by the company and located in different ISPs worldwide. In addition, the network has the ability to manage 100’s of Gbit/sec of network traffic, allowing any customer to access content and data from any web source. The result is a highly secure and scalable managed network with unprecedented availability. DiviNetworks is a world leader in the data delivery network field; with the right architecture on your side, you can achieve a failure rate of less than 1%.
Do you offer a monthly subscription?
Our pricing plans are on a month-to-month basis; you may change plans from month to month based on your bandwidth needs.
Is crawling a particular site legal?
The use of a crawler to extract data from a website may be done legally in relevant business relations. Under certain circumstances and in some specific jurisdictions, crawling may be in conflict with applicable regulation or in violation of the particular terms of service of the crawled site. Therefore, prior to engaging in crawling activities of any sort, you should consult with a lawyer authorized to provide legal advice in your particular area, and carefully read the applicable terms of service.
Is there any way that the target website can trace the origin to us?
No, we secure the traffic at the IP level. Traffic to websites originates at residential IP addresses that are not associated with your company or your location. All traffic is also encrypted. You are responsible to secure every other part of your system.
How is bandwidth calculated?
The bandwidth volume for which we bill is the sum of data transmitted to and from the target site: request headers + request data + response headers + response data.
Why is NetNut faster than other proxy solutions?
NetNut has a built-in smart IP rotation management layer. Each request you make goes to one of our super proxies (load balancing servers), which then provide you with the IP address that is most likely to be available in the requested location. The t proxy allows for an unlimited number of concurrent sessions and has an extremely high success rate. To speed up NetNut use, it is advisable to initiate as many concurrent sessions as required. Using NetNut and the right architecture, you will outperform any other solution.
Do you have a pricing plan that includes an unlimited volume of data?
No, our pricing model is based on bandwidth usage. The rate per GB is based on a minimum monthly commitment; the higher the commitment, the lower the rate. You are entitled to a 7-day free trial to evaluate our solution and to determine your expected monthly bandwidth usage.
Is crawling an acceptable use case?
We allow you to use our service, provided you are using it for legal and legitimate uses and in compliance with our license agreement. It is up to you to make sure that the way you use the service complies with the laws applicable in your country.
Can I get a refund?
Prior to purchasing a plan, we offer a 7-day trial so you can fully maximize the potential of our proxy network (and making sure we’re a good fit ).
Although we do not offer a refund, we are willing to consider a refund request according to the plan usage.
Privacy Policy

Frequently Asked Questions about nut net

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