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Massplanner Vpn

Massplanner VPN | BlackHatWorld

Massplanner VPN | BlackHatWorld

Massplanner VPN | BlackHatWorld
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Oct 31, 2016
Sep 20, 2016
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recent got me a vpn and a massplanner, It runs great and all is…. I got a temporary bann from facebook until tomorrow because of the campaign I ran… I only asked it to post to over 120 groups on default VOLUME campaign settings and I asked it to join as well like 20 groups, Please explain what I did wrong is my personal account that it is using is there anyway I can message facebook and tell them that Ip is also good? I think they banned me because it had so much recent activity!
Apr 3, 2016
2, 737
did you said VPN?
How can we use vpn with mass planner?
is it possible.
yeah of course, google MASSPLANNER VPN u even get a free vpn from amazon and massplanners WEBSITE is the one with the tututorial! its fucking awesome but now Im just annoywed that fb doesnt reconize that Ip so I guess I gotta do normal posting and shit from it for a while?
Sep 3, 2015
I think had so much activity, and you using one account on one IP right
my personal account, and its the first time it was on that ip address how do I get facebook ok with it being on this new ip address? they are both USA
Mar 31, 2015
The problem is not ONLY the new IP. The problem is that you posted to 120 groups in 1 day from 1 account. You need more accounts if you want to post to that many groups.
If Facebook didn’t limit you for posting so many groups and new IP then it is most likely somebody or may people from those 120 groups reported your post as spam. That happens a lot to!
I use 100 accounts to post to between 300 and 600 groups a day. I play it extra careful and safe but my accounts rarely get any restrictions. I join groups, post to groups, follow friends, like pages, and comment with all the accounts as well.
Also, instead of posting the same post and link over and over, I highly suggest you post the post once to your fan page or regular wall and then share this post to the groups. This is 500% safer than posting over and website will eventually get banned. by posting it to many times.
Good luck to you my friend!
It hadnt posted to 120 yet it was on a list an d it even had breaking points and lenghty wait had only posted to like 20 mind u I have done it from my pc dfirectly before and it worked fine in the past.
so it will post it to my wall every time its about to post a message lets say I only have one post like IE “COME CHECK OUT MY SITE” will it keep saying that on my own wall? also how did you get so many fb accounts did you purchase and run with proxies? or use vpN? please help ty
May 10, 2008
2, 126
I think you mean you have a VPS and not a VPN. But for group posting even 20 is pretty much as many as you can make in 24 hour period. Also you need to be liking, commenting, poking, sharing and posting normal stuff too. You should also be posting unique messages (spun) with each post and a different link or a variety links leading to different destinations. If you have had a temp block on your personal account it is just the start of the FB bots checking on you. If you get a few more blocks then your account will probably get banned.
Sep 15, 2010
how many accounts do you have? how often do you post? how many posts do you do per account?
i could nt get. I have searched massplanner vpn and google showed me massplanner vps search results.
Can you send me Vpn link of mp
It’s VPS not VPN & it’s from AMAZON AWS
i already know vps lol.
I think op is talking about vpn.
I have experience with vps already
It was actually temp restriction on posting or joining groups, is there anywhere else mass planner can post but groups or your wall
Nov 9, 2016
hey, i need some help, how can i contact you? i have some questions /
Jul 26, 2016
2, 890
6, 067
What did you post? Did you use Spin syntax?
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Massplanner proxies tutorial - Reviews & Discounts Codes ...

Massplanner proxies tutorial – Reviews & Discounts Codes …

When it comes to using private proxies with various tools, the theory is simple. All you have to do is to divert the tool’s internet traffic through your proxy or proxies. Setting Massplanner proxies, or better said, setting social media proxies in Massplanner is no different.
Even if all public or private proxies look the same – a series of numbers – when it comes to implementing them, it can get a bit tricky mainly because each tool has a different dashboard and proxy manager.
What Massplanner proxies to buy?
I am sure most of you will look online for Massplanner proxies. But, technically, this is not right.
From a user point of you, looking for Massplanner proxies makes sense. Because all that he wants are working proxies for Massplanner. Proxies that will be used to connect to a social media platform.
Therefore, the right question is what social media proxies for Massplanner should somebody purchase? Our straight and definitive answer is to get any special use private proxies package. Such as Instagram proxies or Pinterest proxies. These are just private proxies, usually virgin proxies, allocated especially for the social media platform of your choice.
While at their core, all these proxies are dedicated private proxies. But, by buying special use packages, i. e. Instagram proxies, you are guaranteed to connect safely to the social media platform. Therefore, when you hear Massplanner proxies, think of private proxies for social media.
Access your proxies list
For our tutorial, we have used Instagram proxies from SSLPrivateProxy. After the payment was processed, we received our package of 10 Instagram proxies, which you can see below.
We blurred the details because we are going to use these proxies for quite some time.
Returning to the question of Massplanner proxies, this proxy pack is perfect for social media tools as Massplanner because you can connect them via Username and Password.
The username and password authentication is an important aspect when considering buying proxies. Because some providers offer only IP based authentication but for convenience (sharing proxy details with your team) username authentication causes less friction.
Download the proxies list for record
Furthermore, for ease of use, most proxies providers allow you to download your proxies list as a file and store in your computer, as you can see below.
The list comes in handy when you need to set a tool through your proxies. Or when you have to change your server.
However, let’s pass to the actual Massplanner proxies tutorial. Now I am going to show how Massplanner proxies are set and verified prior to allocating your social accounts.
Open Massplanner, login and reach the Dashboard
Massplanner is a desktop-based software that works only on Windows machines. Moreover, being a desktop-based tool, it has to run 24-7 to perform its tasks. Therefore, my recommendation is to use Massplanner on a VPS, or Virtual Private Server.
Once you rented your VPS and downloaded Massplanner, install it, open it and login your account details to reach the Dashboard.
Select Proxy Manager
The Massplanner Dashboard looks like this.
Once you reach the Dashboard – Massplanner proxies setup – start by selecting the ‘Proxy Manager’ tab.
Here you can manage your proxies, add new ones, verify them, delete flagged ones, add tags and assign social media accounts.
Add a proxy
After the Proxy Manager tab opens, the first step in setting your Massplanner proxies is to click ‘Add Proxy’ to create a new row where to insert one of your Instagram proxies.
Click Verify All Proxies
When the new line of adding a proxy and inserting its details appear, you have to fill in the details simply. First, the IP and port, followed by the proxy’s authentication details, username, and password.
Pay attention and don’t click ADD on the left-hand side! Do not click because this is not the add your proxy to the list. This Add button is for account allocation. So for the moment, you do not have to click on it.
However, after filling your proxy details, you must click the ‘Verify All Proxies’ button at the bottom of the Dashboard. (The number (4) on the above picture. )
Your proxy is valid
After you have clicked on verify your Massplanner proxies, a ping is sent through your proxy to a particular website. In our case, the ping to verify your proxy is sent to (default option).
Now that your proxy is valid, you can add social media accounts and assign them to connect through your proxy. Now you can click on that ‘Add’ button sitting next to the proxy’s ‘Valid’ status.
The recommended ratio is one account per proxy. However, depending on your settings and social media platforms, you can play with this ratio.
Once your Massplanner proxies’ connection to the Internet has been validated. And you have assigned your social media accounts, you can start developing social media strategies and grow your audience.
3 steps to understand MassPlanner or FollowLiker Private ...

3 steps to understand MassPlanner or FollowLiker Private …

Automating social media with the help of private proxies became a necessity for the busy and successful marketer. And one great tool used by many of today’s marketers is MassPlanner, a social media automation tool. While this tool is tremendously versatile, there are some marketers or social media managers that do not understand the role of MassPlanner proxy setup and how to configure it.
This is one of the most complete social media automation tools available today. With its help, social media managers can setup and automate multiple accounts on every social media platform.
While several accounts can be connected and run at once. It raises an issue. The connection setup and how to isolate each account’s behavior from the others. This is where private proxies come into the big picture.
But first, you have to understand how MassPlanner, or any desktop based social media automation tool connects to the Internet.
MassPlanner is a desktop based software, therefore it will use your home or VPS connection for all its requests. While managing and automating one social media account might not be a problem. It becomes a problem when you will connect more than three accounts and automate them at the same time.
Therefore, in order to ring-fence and protect your accounts from a ban and also to protect your VPS or home IP from a possible flag, you will need to use social media proxies and configure MassPlanner private proxy setup.
If you connect more than one social media account on the same platform through MassPlanner, you will need to buy and implement private proxies. The main reasons being that any social media network will ban all accounts that connected and used the same IP address. Thus, if one of your account’s behavior is considered suspicious and receives a ban, your other accounts will still be able to connect thanks to different private proxies connecting your accounts through different IPs.
When it comes to the ratio account per proxy, you can connect up to five accounts per private proxy. However, this increases the risks of getting all your accounts banned. Therefore, we recommend taking the safe route of using the ratio of one account per private proxy.
And regarding the proxies to buy, you should consider social media proxies. These are dedicated virgin proxies allocated to certain social media networks through which they have never been connected before.
For example, for Instagram, you will be assigned Instagram proxies. These are virgin proxies never used for Instagram before. Therefore, you can safely implement them in the social media automation tool and connect your accounts.
The last step to consider when using MassPlanner for multiple accounts is their behavior. In other words, the MassPlanner setup you will use for each account.
The main error that gets social media accounts blocked are aggressive following setups. You should always consider that a social media proxy’s duty is to connect your accounts safely to the network. So, once you can establish the connection to a social network through a private proxy, the only thing that could get your accounts ban is the aggressive behavior.
While posting and sharing content has minimal chances of getting bans, following and unfollowing ratios are more susceptible to trigger bans and IP blocks. Therefore, you should always test and experiment the follow – unfollow ratio in order to keep your accounts safe.
As a rule of thumb, always use the same MassPlanner proxy configuration for your accounts. Create a spreadsheet and document your connections. Do not mess your massplanner proxy – account ratio. You could set your accounts for a massive fail.
While MassPlanner is a great tool to use for automating social media accounts, there are other tools or setups that you can consider.
At first, is the direct competitor. The FollowLiker bot. While MassPlanner and FollowLiker are different tools, they perform the same task. They automate social media accounts. The only difference between the two is the pricing model. MassPlanner is subscription based, with monthly payments. While FollowLiker is paid yearly.
However, another factor to consider is that, a marketer, can always use manual actions and actively manage his accounts without the use of social media automation tools.
Moreover, regardless of the way you will manage your accounts, you still need virgin private proxies in order to separate your accounts and safeguard them.
While we consider MassPlanner a great social media automation tool, we have no connection or affinity with the above mentioned tool.
In addition, SSLPrivateProxy offers virgin proxies for social media. These proxies can easily be implemented through MassPlanner or FollowLiker and connect social media accounts through them.
3 steps to understand MassPlanner & FollowLiker private proxy setup was last modified: March 10th, 2017 by SSLPrivateProxy

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