• July 23, 2024

Internet Explorer Advanced Settings Explained

Change or reset Internet Explorer settings - Microsoft Support

Change or reset Internet Explorer settings – Microsoft Support

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Change Internet Explorer settings
There are many changes you can make to customize your browsing experience in Internet Explorer. To view all settings and options, open Internet Explorer on the desktop, select Tools > Internet options.
Reset Internet Explorer settings
You can reset Internet Explorer settings to what they were when Internet Explorer was first installed on your PC. This is useful for troubleshooting problems that may be caused by settings that were changed after installation. Be aware that this process isn’t reversible, and all previous Internet Explorer settings are lost after reset.
Close all open windows and programs.
Open Internet Explorer, select Tools > Internet options.
Select the Advanced tab.
In the Reset Internet Explorer Settings dialog box, select Reset.
In the box, Are you sure you want to reset all Internet Explorer settings?, select Reset.
When Internet Explorer finishes applying default settings, select Close, and then select OK. Restart your PC to apply changes.
If Internet Explorer won’t open, or pages won’t load…
If Internet Explorer won’t open, or if pages aren’t loading, there may be an add-on that is interfering with the process. To tell whether this issue is with an add-on or not, you can try the following:
Find your processor speed.
Select Start > Settings > System > About.
Under Device specifications, see System type.
Check your processor speed
For more information, see 32-bit and 64-bit Windows: Frequently asked questions.
Based on your processor speed, choose the appropriate line of code below and copy and paste or type the code into the Search box on the toolbar.
For 32-bit:”C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\” -extoff

Frequently Asked Questions about internet explorer advanced settings explained

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