• September 16, 2024

How To Remove Proxy Server In Android Phone

Manage advanced network settings on your Android phone

Manage advanced network settings on your Android phone

You can change network settings like automatic connections, metered access, proxy settings, and more.
Control data use with metered Wi-Fi
When to use metered Wi-Fi
If your network has a data limit, you can set your Wi-Fi as metered. When your network is metered, you have more control over how much data your phone uses through downloads and other apps.
Find your phone’s MAC address
Open your phone’s Settings app.
Tap About phone.
Scroll down to “Wi-Fi MAC address. ”
Phones that have Android 10 and above have another MAC address. To find it:
Turn on Wi-Fi.
Tap Network & internet Internet.
If you can’t find it, search for “MAC address. ” If you still can’t find it, get help from your device manufacturer.
Next to your network, tap Settings.
Scroll down to “MAC address. ”
Tip: If you’re setting up parental controls for your network, include both MAC addresses.
Private DNS
Important: By default, your phone uses Private DNS with all networks that can use Private DNS. We recommend keeping Private DNS turned on.
To turn Private DNS on or off, or change its settings:
Tap Network & internet Private DNS.
If you can’t find it, search for “Private DNS. ” If you still can’t find it, get help from your device manufacturer.
Pick your option:
Private DNS provider hostname
Tip: Private DNS helps secure only DNS questions and answers. It can’t protect anything else.
Change more Wi-Fi settings
Open your phone’s Settings app.
If you can’t find it, search for the setting you want to change. If you still can’t find it, get help from your device manufacturer.
At the bottom, tap Network preferences.
Tap an option. These vary by phone and Android version.
Turn on Wi-Fi automatically: Have Wi-Fi automatically turn on near saved networks. Learn about saved networks.
Open network notification: Get a notification when automatic connection to high-quality open networks isn’t available.
Install certificates: Digital certificates can identify your phone. Learn about certificates.
Wi-Fi Direct: Let your phone connect without a network with other devices that can use Wi-Fi Direct.
If you use an older version of Android, you can also choose from:
WPS Push Button: Turn on Wi-Fi protected setup (WPS) for a WPS-capable network.
WPS Pin Entry: Enter the Wi-Fi protected setup (WPS) personal identification number (PIN).
Related resources
Connect to Wi-Fi networks
Tether with Wi-Fi hotspot
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Disable Proxy Server

Disable Proxy Server

Temporarily Disable Proxy Service or Web
Some proxy servers use special
filtering and security features that can block encrypted or
encapsulated data transmissions (especially those protecting passwords)
such as used by the MLS (and some banking and private websites). This can cause error messages such as “Remote Server does not
exist” or “RPC Server is unavailable. Therefore, accelerators,
optimizers and/or proxy servers (along with their associated automatic
configurations) may need to be temporarily disabled or removed to allow
secure transmission of MLS information that is password protected.
To temporarily disable
connecting to the Internet through a Proxy Service:
to Start > Control Panel > Internet Options > Connections
the appropriate Internet Service as follows:
using a Dial-up Internet service, click Settings
using a broadband (non-dialup) Internet service (such as DSL or cable),
click LAN Settings button
all boxes under Automatic Configuration
the box under Proxy Server
Note: EarthLink
Satellite uses a Proxy Service. This is described in the related
article, “Proxy Settings for Earthlink Satellite powered by
DiRECTWAY”. Follow the screens on Earthlink’s website but UN-check
instead of check the Proxy Server after pressing the LAN Settings button section
on the Connections tab.
Web Accelerators typically display a small icon in the system
tray at the bottom of Windows screen. Either right-click or double-click on
this icon. If your accelerator can be configured, select “don’t
accelerate this website” and enter (or as
instructed by the accelerator vendor). To configure Google’s web accelerator
see the related
article “Stop Google web accelerator. ” Otherwise,
select Stop, Disable or Exit.
Satellite Web Accelerators: The WildBlue “Optimizer” is a web accelerator
program for satellite Internet systems that sets your computer to go
through a WildBlue proxy server to the Internet. Like Google’s
Web Accelerator, WildBlue’s Optimzer uses compression and prefetching on dedicated servers on
the Internet to try to accelerate loading web pages for faster viewing.
We could not find directions on how to temporarily disable the WildBlue
(WB) optimizer. (Users can directly contact WildBlue/NRTC tech support by
phone at 1-866-945-3258. ) To temporarily stop your Internet Explorer from automatically
connecting to the WB proxy server, you might try going to Start >
Control Panel > Internet Options > Connection
tab > LAN Settings button > Un-check
all settings (under both Automatic Configuration and under Proxy
Server). Otherwise, numerous satellite system users have
reported on the Internet that they fixed satellite connection problems to
websites using encrypted data (such as used by CTI Navigator) by un-installing
the WB Optimizer. To uninstall the WB Optimizer: click Start >
Control Panel > Add or Remove Programs > select WB
Optimizer > click the Remove button > close the Control Panel.
As an alternative to removing an Internet accelerator, if you have not
already done so, you can install
the CTI Navigator program and data from recent MLS installation CDs,
and then update CTI Navigator over the Internet. Routine updates do not
require MLS data to be encrypted (because they do not contain your
password) and therefore usually will pass through accelerators and
proxy servers. Although all the main search functions would work with local
MLS data that you update, you would still need the Windows DCOM Tunneling function to work over your Internet connection to be able
to add or revise listings, send photos, or add CTI Matchmakers to our
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Related Articles and Internet Links:
To return to CTI’s menu of Help & Tutorials, click
or use the back arrow at the top of your Internet browser. To return to CTI’s menu of Error Fixes, click here
or use the back arrow at the top of your Internet 081807
How to Configure a Proxy Server on Android - HowToGeek

How to Configure a Proxy Server on Android – HowToGeek

Android allows you to configure proxy settings for each Wi-Fi network. This is sometimes required to access the Internet on a business or school network, for example. Your browser traffic will be sent through the proxy you configure.
RELATED: What’s the Difference Between a VPN and a Proxy?
The proxy you configure will be used by Chrome and other web browsers, but may not be used by other apps. Each app developer can choose whether it uses Android’s proxy or not. That’s another good reason why you should use a VPN instead of a proxy. WIth a VPN, you can force all app’s network traffic through the VPN connection. It’s a better way to hide your IP address or access geoblocked websites that aren’t available in your country.
This process is the same for all modern versions of Android, from Android 4. 0 through 7. 1. Some device manufacturers change the way Android’s Settings screen looks and functions, so you may find your Wi-Fi or proxy settings in a slightly different location.
Open Android’s Settings app and tap “Wi-Fi” to view a list of Wi-Fi networks.
Long-press the name of the Wi-Fi network you want to change the proxy settings for. Tap “Modify Network” when a menu appears.
If you haven’t already connected to the Wi-Fi network, you’ll need to connect to the Wi-Fi network and enter its passphrase before you can access the “Modify Network” options.
Expand the “Advanced options” section on this screen. Tap the “Proxy” option and select either “None” for no proxy, “Manual” to manually enter proxy server settings, or “Proxy Auto-Config” to automatically detect the appropriate settings for your network.
The “Proxy Auto-Config” option may not be available on older versions of Android.
If you select “Proxy Auto-Config”, Android will prompt you to enter the address of a proxy auto-configuration script, also known as a file. If your organization or proxy service provider needs a file, your network administrator or service provider will provide you with the address of the file you need to enter here.
Unlike other operating systems—Windows, macOS, iOS, and even Google’s own Chrome OS—Android does not support the Web Proxy Auto-discovery Protocol, or WPAD. This is sometimes used on business or school networks to automatically distribute proxy settings to devices on the network. If you enable “Proxy Auto-Config”, nothing will happen unless you also provide the address of a file where Android can acquire the proxy settings.
On a network that uses WPAD, you’ll have to either point Android at the appropriate automatic proxy configuration script or manually enter proxy server settings.
If you select “Manual”, you can manually enter the proxy server’s details. Enter the address of the proxy in the “Proxy hostname” box. Despite the name of the box, you can enter both hostnames like “” and IP addresses like “192. 168. 100” here. Provide whichever type of address you have. Enter the port the proxy requires in the “Proxy port” box.
If you want to have Android bypass the proxy for any addresses, enter them in the “Bypass proxy for” box, separated by commas. For example, if you wanted Android to access and directly without using the proxy, you’d enter the following text in the box:,
Tap “Save” to save your settings when you’re done.
Each Wi-FI network has its own proxy server settings. Even after you enable a proxy server for one Wi-Fi network, other Wi-Fi networks will continue to not use a proxy server by default. Repeat this process if you need to change the proxy server settings for another Wi-Fi network.
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Frequently Asked Questions about how to remove proxy server in android phone

How do I disable proxy server?

Temporarily Disable Proxy Service or Web AcceleratorsGo to Start > Control Panel > Internet Options > Connections tab.Select the appropriate Internet Service as follows:Clear/Un-check all boxes under Automatic Configuration.Clear/Un-check the box under Proxy Server.Click OK.

How do I change proxy settings on Android?

Android proxy settings:Open your Android’s Settings.Tap Wi-Fi.Tap and hold the Wi-Fi network name.Select Modify Network.Click Advanced Options.Tap Manual.Change your proxy’s settings. Enter the hostname and proxy port (e.g. us.smartproxy.com:10101). You can find the full list in your dashboard.Tap Save.

Where do I remove proxy server?

Click the Connections tab and then LAN Settings. In the Proxy server settings, uncheck the box that says Use a proxy server for your LAN, then click OK.

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