• July 21, 2024

Dc Aio Proxies

Sneaker Proxies – AIO bot

Sneaker proxies allow you to have multiple IP addresses, meaning you can help avoid bans and order cancellations. With the increase of hyped releases, it could be tricky to come across trustworthy sneaker proxies that actually work. Reliability is king when it comes to shoe proxies.
Created specifically to maximize your copping power on limited edition sneaker releases on Footsites.
Optimized for Most Sites
Dedicated Residentials
Supports Footsites
30 Days Expiry
These proxies are specialized in copping Sneakers in General. They have worldwide Locations and Low Ban rates.
Optimized for Sneaker Releases
Bandwidth Base
Defy infamous Supreme sellout times with Supreme proxies located near Supreme sites for maximum efficiency.
Optimized for Supreme releases
Dedicated Supreme Proxies
Supports Supreme US
One Month
ANB Beta DCs
These Proxies are our AIO Proxies, they support most sites and they will fit around the month!
Optimized for General Releases
LA or Buffalo
Dedicated DC Proxies
One Month
Datacenter vs Residential Proxies - Blog | Oxylabs

Datacenter vs Residential Proxies – Blog | Oxylabs

Both residential proxies and datacenter proxies hide your IP address. However, residential proxies are considered to be more anonymous, as the websites you visit have a harder time to detect them. On the other hand, datacenter proxies are cheaper and provide much better response rates in comparison to residential proxies.
So, you have a rough idea what proxies are and what they do. But one question might have arisen whilst scrolling through the infinite pools of proxy information – “what’s the difference between datacenter and residential proxies? ”
Well, this article aims to tackle this question. Let’s dive in, and start with the aforementioned proxies’ descriptions.
What are datacenter proxies?
Datacenter proxies are proxies that are not affiliated with an Internet Service Provider (ISP). They come from a secondary corporation and provide you with completely private IP authentication and anonymity.
However, datacenter proxies usually come from cloud server providers and are used by many at the same time. Since they are not listed as ISP providers, these IPs can already be flagged by some targets and certain precautionary measures might be taken. But keep in mind that this is not the case with Oxylabs datacenter proxies. All Oxylabs datacenter proxies are private proxies, and ensure little to no IP blacklisting.
How Oxylabs Datacenter Proxies work
We have already written a blog post about what datacenter proxies are, going into detail about their features and more, so check it out! Or, simply watch our video below:
Datacenter Proxies are created on powerful servers
What are residential proxies?
A dedicated residential proxy is an IP address provided by an ISP (Internet Service Provider) to a homeowner. It is a real IP address attached to a physical location. So basically, whenever you move to a new location and set up your internet, your ISP will provide you with an IP address. If curious, you can check what is your IP address by simply googling it.
Expressed consent is the only legal way for a proxy provider to acquire residential and/or mobile IP addresses in order to conduct review monitoring, scraping public information or any other purpose you might use a proxy for. The proxy provider’s network has to include voluntarily and readily picked associates only.
The main difference between datacenter and residential proxies lies in the source of the IP. All other differences that arise rely on the differences between household machines and servers.
How Residential Proxies work
Just like with datacenter proxies, we have a full article about what residential proxies are, so if you wish to learn more about them, have a read.
Residential vs datacenter proxies
Having a rough idea what residential and datacenter proxies are, let’s dissect both of them and reveal their main differences.
Residential proxies:
Legitimate – because residential proxy IPs are provided by a real ISP, it makes them look real and legitimate. Whereas datacenter proxies, as mentioned earlier, are created in bulks and come from cloud server providers, so can be easily detected and blacklisted if buying from an untrusted provider. Additionally, these proxies can maintain the same IP if to get them blacklisted – for the same reasons as mentioned in the “more legitimate” section, residential proxies are harder to expensive – it’s only natural that high anonymity and low chances of getting blocked means you’ll have to pay more than you would for datacenter proxies.
Datacenter proxies:
Faster – some tasks require faster proxies, and datacenter proxies are usually faster than residential proxies, allowing you to accomplish everything in a shorter period of time. Better for harvesting data – if you are a business in need of well-performing proxies to harvest data – datacenter proxies are the way to go. Just keep in mind to buy from a reputable proxy provider, and learn the know-how. With Oxylabs dedicated managers the latter would not be an issue to learn. Not legitimate, but still protective – even though websites can tell whether you’re using a datacenter proxy or not, datacenter proxies still shield your IP address. And if you use a private datacenter proxy, getting banned or blacklisted shouldn’t come as an issue. One of the most popular use cases for these proxies is email eaper – when buying in bulks and on a budget, datacenter proxies are the way to go. They are a lot cheaper than residential proxies, as well as faster. And if you buy them from a good provider – will be secure as well.
Which proxies should you choose?
So residential vs datacenter proxies – it all comes down to whether you need high security and legitimacy, or you need faster proxies who will simply help you shield your IP. Speed, security and legitimacy are the main differences between datacenter and residential proxies.
In most cases, it is best to use residential proxies as it doesn’t leave a footprint and won’t trigger any security alarms. This is especially important if you seek to harvest data in large quantities. Identity sensitive data is where dedicated residential proxies win.
In most cases, residential proxies cover more geo-locations. So if you’re looking to access content in a specific location, first find out if the proxies you’re interested in cover that location. For example, for accessing content in Brazil, you would need a Brazil proxy, or German proxy for content in Germany.
But datacenter proxies work very well if you cover your footprint. Datacenter proxies are the way to go if you have a good know-how on proxies and focus on buying only private datacenter proxies. Both issues can be solved by Oxylabs datacenter proxies.
All of the differences outlined above should make the choice of residential vs datacenter proxies a lot easier. Armed with an understanding on the main difference between residential and datacenter proxies, you can now move on to bigger projects!
Both residential vs datacenter proxies hide your IP address, nevertheless, residential proxies are more secure, as the websites you visit have a harder time to detect them. That doesn’t mean that datacenter proxies are not worth looking into. From the right provider, they will be secure and they will be cheaper, not to mention faster.
Want to find out more about dedicated residential proxies and how they work? Or maybe read up on other proxy types such as static IPs? We got you covered! Our blog has many detailed posts on all things proxies and web scraping tools!
People also ask
What are the other types of proxies?
Categorization of proxies can be based on protocol (HTTP(S) and SOCKS5), access (private and shared) and many other aspects. Although, the most important differences are between residential and datacenter proxies.
Are proxy locations important?
Yes. Certain online content is geo-restricted which means that it might be displayed only to, for example, USA proxies and not to any other region-based server.
How are datacenter IP blocks different?
Datacenter IPs come from the same network which means they will often have similar IDs. Due to the IPs belonging to one network and being assigned similar IDs, getting one address blocked will often mean that many others are as well.
Can residential proxies be used for search engine scraping?
It is not recommended to use residential proxies for search engine scraping. Most search engines apply very strict anti-scraping measures which makes it very difficult to avoid IP blocks.
Lukas Motiejunas is an Account Manager at Oxylabs, and he places a strong personal interest in the market research field. Mainly, in the merge of business sector and digital tools utilization to distinguish the most effective practices to carry out automated market research operations. So if you have any questions relating to market research, he’s your guy to answer them. Lukas believes that he has a hidden talent to be a great chef, although rumor has it, he uses the smoke alarm as a timer.
All information on Oxylabs Blog is provided on an “as is” basis and for informational purposes only. We make no representation and disclaim all liability with respect to your use of any information contained on Oxylabs Blog or any third-party websites that may be linked therein. Before engaging in scraping activities of any kind you should consult your legal advisors and carefully read the particular website’s terms of service or receive a scraping license.
[AIO V2] What are Servers and Proxies?

[AIO V2] What are Servers and Proxies?

In this Tutorial…
We’ll provide you with information regarding proxies and servers, their advantages, and their use!
Good to know!
A Virtual Private Server (VPS) is a virtual machine sold as a service by an Internet hosting service. A VPS runs its own copy of an operating system, and customers have superuser-level access to that operating system instance so that they can install almost any software that runs on that OS.
Advantages of VPS:
If your own computer specifications are low, you can get a VPS, which will provide you with high specifications (RAM, CPU, Hard Disk, etc. )
If your internet speed is slow, a VPS will provide you with high-speed internet; thus, you can improve your chances in coping.
If you are located far away from the website you are trying to cop from, you can rent a VPS which is located closer to the site’s server.
How to set up a Server?
In the picture, below the “USER” is trying to cop from Foot Locker without a VPS by using his own Home PC, but, unfortunately, the USER has a slow internet connection and is located far away from the Footlocker’s server which will cause delay and will decrease the success rate.
This problem can be solved by using VPS which will provide the USER with high-speed internet and a closer location to the website’s server. Note that a VPS can be remotely controlled from your own Home PC.
USER not using VPS
USER using VPS
A Proxy is an IP address in another location that can be the face of your Home PC’s connection to the server.
AIO bot already has a proxy feature integrated into it; you can buy proxies from any proxy provider and insert them into the Bot.
Advantages of Proxies:
If you’re running multiple tasks (accounts), the site becomes suspicious of this behavior. Thus, you need to use proxies to be on the safe side and avoid getting banned.
If you’re in a different location from the site’s server, using proxies also help since your connection is basically rerouted through the proxy’s server.
Insert proxies in AIO Bot
In the picture below, the USER is trying to cop from FootLocker by running two accounts; however, notice that they share the same IP address and both of them are trying to add to cart. Most websites, if they detect two or more accounts trying to access the website with the same IP address, they will ban the IP address.
To fix this issue, the USER uses two different proxies for each account so that they connect to the server as if they’re coming from two different places (which, technically, they are). FootLocker won’t detect that your connection is being rerouted and will let both accounts go through.
Without using Proxies
With Proxies
Please always make sure you add 20% of your proxies for monitoring because you monitor the site before the drop even if it’s a countdown link. Please ALWAYS put proxies there unless we instruct you otherwise.
Good Luck!
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Frequently Asked Questions about dc aio proxies

Does AIO Bot have proxies?

You’re free to use proxies from any provider. Strict no refund policy. Created specifically to maximize your copping power on limited edition sneaker releases on Footsites.

What is a DC proxy?

Datacenter proxies are proxies that are not affiliated with an Internet Service Provider (ISP). They come from a secondary corporation and provide you with completely private IP authentication and anonymity. However, datacenter proxies usually come from cloud server providers and are used by many at the same time.Jul 1, 2021

What is an AIO proxy?

A Proxy is an IP address in another location that can be the face of your Home PC’s connection to the server. AIO bot already has a proxy feature integrated into it; you can buy proxies from any proxy provider and insert them into the Bot.Jan 2, 2020

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