• July 21, 2024

Craigslist Over Posting

How to Avoid Overposting on Craigslist – Small Business …

Overposting on Craigslist is prohibited and can lead to automatic deletion of your listings. If enough people flag your free listing as spam, it will be deleted. Overposting includes posting too frequently and posting in multiple cities or categories. If you want to avoid overposting on Craigslist, adhere to the general posting rules established by the site. Publish your ad in only one city. Identical postings that appear in more than one city are subject to removal. Post your ad in one category. Posting identical ads to more than one category is prohibited in Craigslist’s terms of use. Avoid posting the same listing more than once in one city, even if the posting is buried at the bottom of the listings. The rule applies even if you live close to two cities, or have a legitimate reason for wanting to sell an item in more than one city. If you must post the listing in two cities, run one ad for a while in one city, delete the post, then run it in the second city. References Tips If you want to repost a listing to get to the top of page one, you’ll need to delete the old posting, wait 48 hours, then create a new ad. If you have lost the original email that allows you to delete a post, Craigslist will resend the link. Type “How often can I post? ” on the Craigslist help page, then click “How often can I post? ” It should appear at the top of the search results. Click the link, then type the email address you used to submit your postings. Click “Resend” and Craigslist will resend the email with the link to delete your post. Writer Bio Stephanie Ellen teaches mathematics and statistics at the university and college level. She coauthored a statistics textbook published by Houghton-Mifflin. She has been writing professionally since 2008. Ellen holds a Bachelor of Science in health science from State University New York, a master’s degree in math education from Jacksonville University and a Master of Arts in creative writing from National University.
How Often Can I Post on Craigslist? - Small Business - Chron.com

How Often Can I Post on Craigslist? – Small Business – Chron.com

One of the ways in which Web surfers look for jobs, sell goods and find services is by posting to Craigslist, an online classified advertising site. Posting is free, which means users may be tempted to flood the site with their ads. However, Craigslist has some rules concerning how often users may post. Failure to follow these rules can result in your ads being removed. Identification Craigslist allows users to post ads for goods and services on localized Craigslist pages, meaning that each set of ads must be posted under a geographical heading, such as “New York City” or “Chicago. ” According to Craigslist’s help pages, the site encourages only local transactions, in which goods and services are paid for in cash and exchanged face-to-face, making geographical proximity a must to pick up items and pay for them. Posting an Advertisement To post on Craigslist, navigate to the Craigslist page for the city in which you want to advertise. On the main page for that city, click “Post to Classifieds” to enter the advertisement creation screen. You’ll be prompted to categorize your posting, whether services offered, wanted ads or selling an item, among other services, and then create the title and body text of the advertisement. How Often Can You Post? According to the rules listed on Craigslist’s website, users may post in only one category in one geographical area once every 48 hours. Following these posting rules are essential: If you post too often or post similar ads in different locations too close to one another, the ads will be blocked. This is commonly referred to as “ghosting. ” When an ad is ghosted, the user creates the ad and publishes it, but it does not appear on the site. This happens without Craigslist ever notifying the user. Enough ghosted ads can even result in your account being blocked entirely. Why Are Ghosted Ads Blocked? Craigslist ghosts ads in an effort to cut down on spam. Unfortunately, you have little recourse to address the issue with the site if your ad or account is blocked. The best bet for those with ghosted ads is to delete the ad entirely and reconstruct it from the ground up. Often, certain domain names are identified by Craigslist as spam. For source pictures in your ad, select well-known photo sharing sites such as Flickr. Cut down on the use of links in your ad; Craigslist often identifies these as spam. References Writer Bio Michael Batton Kaput began writing professionally in 2009. He is an editor at two magazines and a freelance writer. He has been published in “Egypt Today, ” Egypt’s leading current affairs magazine, and “Business Today Egypt, ” Egypt’s number one English-language business magazine. He attended Denison University where he earned a degree in political science and English literature.
about | help | faq - Craigslist

about | help | faq – Craigslist

How do I post a free posting?
How can I edit my posting?
How soon does my posting expire?
How can I delete my posting?
How do I repost my posting?
How often can I post?
How can I post anonymously and still receive responses?
I have not received the email to self-publish my free posting, what should I do?
Can I add a picture to my posting?
Can I use HTML tags or URLs in my posting?
Terms of Use
Privacy Policy
What kind of postings are prohibited?
What should I do if someone harasses me by posting a prank posting?
Can I post to all of craigslist’s sites?
What category is appropriate for posting focus group opportunities?
I saw a particular posting 6 months ago and would like to see it again. Can I?
Where can I advertise my services/business on craigslist?
Can I offer a posting service or act as a posting agent on craigslist?
Can I put a link in my for sale posting to an auction site like ebay?
Can I scalp my tickets and popular gift items on craigslist?
You can post a free ad without having an account or logging in to our site. To learn how, please read our help page on how to create a free post. However, having a craigslist account will allow you to post, edit, delete, and repost more easily.
Edits for postings are now self-service.
If you posted while logged in to your account, you can edit from your account homepage.
Otherwise, use the link provided in the same self-posting email you used originally to self-post. If you can’t find this, try having it re-sent.
View the full list of posting lifespans.
If you posted using an account, you can delete your posting from your account homepage.
Otherwise, use the same link provided in the self-posting email that you used to post the ad originally. If you can’t find this, try having it re-sent.
Please note, all postings are automatically deleted upon expiration.
For more information on reposting free ads, see this page.
For information on reposting paid ads, please visit this page.
You may post to one category and in one city, no more than once every 48 hours.
If you try to post something similar to an active post of yours on the site, you may get a blocked message. Removing the similar active post should help, unless it is less than 48 hours old.
When submitting a posting, you are asked to provide your email address.
You have three options:
You can use craigslist 2-way email relay. Responses are relayed to your actual email address.
Your email address can appear in your posting just as you have typed it.
No email address shown at all—you’ll need to provide contact information in the body of your post.
Using craigslist 2-way email relay helps protect both your email address and the email address of anyone who replies to your post. It is generally recommended and is the default option.
craigslist mail relay is always an option, but some of the options listed above may not be available in other categories. For example, if you are posting in the personal categories, option #2 is not available.
If you are using an online email account, please check your bulk/junk/spam mail folder(s).
You may have entered your email address incorrectly—it only takes one typo!
Some email providers and ISPs have implemented “spam filters” some of which are badly designed or misconfigured, resulting in craigslist emails being filtered out or intercepted.
Your email provider may be experiencing delays, or other technical issues.
In some categories, you will be offered the option to “Add Images” during the posting process. You will be prompted to upload images from your computer to craigslist.
Please use HTML sparingly. Users generally prefer ads with little or no added HTML.
Please use only HTML tags appropriate for the section of a document.
No support is provided for JavaScript, applets, Flash, or other embedded non-HTML content.
For more information see our HTML Guidelines.
If you use HTML in any part of your posting, you must use it throughout.
Please consult the Terms of Use.
Category-specific guidelines posted in specific sections of the site must also be observed.
For your reference, there is also a non-comprehensive list of prohibited items/content.
If you are the target of a prank or other harassment related to a craigslist post, please contact us immediately using the suggestions we outline on our abuse help page.
Please choose just ONE local craigslist site for which your ad is most relevant—generally the site closest to you. If your ad is equally relevant to all locations, your ad does not belong on craigslist. Please find another service. Posting the same ad to multiple locations on craigslist is prohibited.
Focus group opportunities can be posted to the “et cetera” jobs category, or in the “gigs” section.
Generally not. We will however respond to a valid subpoena for that information.
Only in the “services offered” categories please.
Unauthorized posting agents/services are prohibited. Violators agree to pay CL liquidated damages for each posting.
No. Please post a set price, do not solicit bidding, and do not link to auctions elsewhere.
Many users will flag posts scalping tickets or popular gift items for way over face value.

Frequently Asked Questions about craigslist over posting

Does Craigslist have posting limit?

According to the rules listed on Craigslist’s website, users may post in only one category in one geographical area once every 48 hours. Following these posting rules are essential: If you post too often or post similar ads in different locations too close to one another, the ads will be blocked.

How many times can you post to Craigslist in a day?

How often can I post? You may post to one category and in one city, no more than once every 48 hours. If you try to post something similar to an active post of yours on the site, you may get a blocked message. Removing the similar active post should help, unless it is less than 48 hours old.

Is scalping allowed on Craigslist?

Scalping – even where legally permitted, ticket scalping is widely resented, and tickets being resold over face value will tend to get flagged for removal.

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