• July 23, 2024




220. 168. 52. 24553548Hunan Changsha5736 毫秒Oct-15 00:44:20
119. 167. 66. 228081Sichuan Chengdu14457 毫秒Oct-15 00:32:51
222. 74. 202. 2318080Inner Mongolia Inner Mongolia569 毫秒Oct-15 00:29:32
183. 236. 232. 1608080Beijing Beijing33294 毫秒Oct-15 00:32:06
222. 2428081Inner Mongolia Inner Mongolia1547 毫秒Oct-15 00:33:07
222. 2429999Inner Mongolia Inner Mongolia574 毫秒Oct-15 00:35:09
222. 24280Inner Mongolia Inner Mongolia1337 毫秒Oct-15 00:41:11
222. 2298081Inner Mongolia Inner Mongolia536 毫秒Oct-15 00:42:11
222. 2398080Inner Mongolia Inner Mongolia524 毫秒Oct-15 00:46:12
222. 2428080Inner Mongolia Inner Mongolia1193 毫秒Oct-15 00:46:14
myScripts/cnProxy.py at master - GitHub

myScripts/cnProxy.py at master – GitHub

#! /usr/bin/python
# fetch China (default top 5) Proxies from
# If argument N was given, take as top N
# Dependencies: BeautifulSoup4 and requests
# Author: Kent 2015-11-04
# Email: kent dot yuan at gmail dot com.
# update 2015-12-14 has ip:port base64 encrypted….
# update 2016-01-01 add proxies
# update 2016-11-22 has changed some cookies’ names
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import time, sys, re, requests, json
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
import base64
PROXY_POOL_1 = ‘ proxies:’
PROXY_POOL_2 = ‘ proxies:’
PROXY_POOL_3 = ‘ proxies:’
class Proxy(object):
def __init__(self, value, response=-1, speed=-1):
= value
sponse = response
= speed
def print_proxy(self):
clear = u’x1b[0m’
print(‘%s%-25st%sspeed:%dtresponse:%d ms%s’% (style[“green”],, style[“red”],, sponse, clear))
def parse_proxies_3():
page = 1
#empty list
proxies = []
# raw=open(‘/tmp/’, ‘r’)
# while True:
html = (PROXY_POOL_URL_3% page)
# html = raw
# if not html or page >3:
# break;
table = BeautifulSoup(html, ”)(id=”proxy_list”)(‘tbody’)
rows = nd_all(‘tr’)
#only take /s
rows = list(filter(lambda tr: len(ntents)>5 and (r’^’, ntents[2], re. I), rows))
for row in rows:
ip = base64. b64decode((r”[“‘]””


Frequently Asked Questions about cnproxy

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