• July 21, 2024

4Pda Registration Captcha

4pda.ru Login/Register Captcha Tutorial - Doors Geek

4pda.ru Login/Register Captcha Tutorial – Doors Geek

Many of you non-russian guys heard of is a good and trustworthy source of getting modded games or apps of any mobile device, including android phones and iphones. Only catch is that you need to have an account to be able to download them and a while back some nasty captcha verification codes were introduced when you want to login or register an account on
If you know what the security codes mean you will see there are quite easy to solve.
The guide below is not needed anymore, for log-in, even if you enter the wrong captcha, 4pda will send you an email with a link that will automatically authenticate you on the site.
So, just enter your username and password and leave captcha field blank, and check the box labeled “Я не могу ввести ответ” (I can not enter an answer). You will receive an email containing a link that will authenticate you on the forum.
Don’t leave your email/password in the comments for someone else to make an account for you. Read the tutorial and do it yourself. Comments that contain emails/passwords will be DELETED!
Read the guide below if you want to register a new account on 4pda, because captcha is still needed there.
The captcha codes are just numbers written in Russian with no spaces, they are made from 4 digits, ex: 2450 – written like this “twothousand andforty fivehundreds”.
How to translate the Russian captcha
First thing you need is to know how the numbers are written in Russian:
0 – ноль
1 – один
2 – два
3 – три
4 – четыре
5 – пять
6 – шесть
7 – семь
8 – восемь
9 – девять
10 – десять
11 – одинадцать
12 – двенадцать
13 – тринадцать
14 – четырнадцать
15 – пятнадцать
16 – шестнадцать
17 – семнадцать
18 – восемнадцать
19 – девятнадцать
20 – двадцать
30 – тридцать
40 – сорок
50 – пятьдесят
60 – шестьдесят
70 – семьдесят
80 – восемьдесят
90 – девяносто
100 – сто
200 – двести
300 – триста
400 – четыреста
500 – пятьсот
600 – шестьсот
700 – семьсот
800 – восемьсот
900 – девятсот
1000 – тысяча
2000 – две тысячи
3000 – три тысячи
4000 – четыре тысячи
5000 – пять тысяч
6000 – шесть тысяч
7000 – семь тысяч
8000 – восемь тысяч
9000 – девять тысяч
10000 – десять тысяч
Important Update: The captcha letters on 4pda are written in cursive Russian (handwriting) so the image below will be much more helpfull to identify the correct characters from the captcha. Thanks to the guys who pointed this out in the comments.
View Full Size Image
Now you need to look for this characters in your security code, start with the thousands, than hundred, tens and finally the single digits.
Here’s a example
The number in the image above is 8691
Red – восемь тысяч (8000)
Yellow – шестьсот (600)
Blue – девяносто (90)
Purple – один (1)
Final Tips
You will probably have to give it a few tries until you get the correct number, here are some final tips to make it easier:
Some of the letters used in Russian language can be written in several ways like: Б=б, so what you see in the image may not be written exactly as the list of numbers here.
When you log-in refresh the page a few times, until you’ll see an easier captcha image.
The numbers in the images start with Uppercase letters so you can easily see where a word starts and where it ends.
Look for the first 2 and last 2 characters in a number, this makes it faster to find the number.
Remember the order: 4 digits, 3 digits, 2 digits and last 1 digit.
If you know a faster and easier way to solve the security codes on please share it with us:)
How To Bypass 4PDA Captchas - Celso Azevedo

How To Bypass 4PDA Captchas – Celso Azevedo

is a Russian speaking website/forum about mobile devices in general. There you can find ROMs, official apps and ports, guides, etc.
Sadly all download links on their platform only work if you’re logged in. This usually isn’t a problem, but they use Cyrillic captchas, something that most non Russian speakers can’t understand. On this page I explain how to create an account and login without filling out their captchas.
Account Creation:
4PDA uses captchas on their website, but not on their Android app. We can use it to create an account:
Install the 4PDA app (Play Store);
(screenshot) Open the app and skip the intro;
(screenshot) On the login page, click on the link below their logo;
(screenshot) Click on the checkbox to accept their “terms and conditions” and then on the big button to continue;
(screenshot) Now you’re on the account creation page. Type an username, password (two times) and provide a real email address;
(screenshot) You’ll receive a confirmation email with a link. Click on that link to activate your account;
You now have a 4PDA account;
Login on 4PDA’s Website:
Now that we have an account, let’s try to use it. 4PDA’s app is useful to create the account, but the app itself is in Russian, so I use Google Chrome’s translation feature.
Go to the forum login page;
(screenshot) Type your username, password, ignore the captcha, check the checkbox below the captcha, and click on the login button;
(screenshot) If your login is correct, they’ll send you an email with a login link;
(screenshot) Click on the link you received by email;
You’re now logged in to your 4PDA account;
Additional Information:
Please follow their rules. Don’t speak english if only Russian is allowed, don’t be rude, etc.
The Google Translate app has an option (click on the “camera” icon) that live translates text using your camera (screenshot). This can be useful if you have two phones and want to explore 4PDA’s app.
Information on this page is valid as of 2018-05-11.
[SOLVED] HELP to register at 4PDA.ru | XDA Forums

[SOLVED] HELP to register at 4PDA.ru | XDA Forums

[SOLVED] HELP to register at | XDA Forums
You are using an out of date browser. It may not display this or other websites should upgrade or use an alternative browser.
Thread starter
Start date
Dec 3, 2016
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Hello guys.. I wanted to register an account at (to download a file attachment in some thread). But, i got stuck at ImageCaptcha (its Russian). I dont know the meaning is. So, it will be great if someone help me to get passed the image captcha (especially russian member). Or, fully giving a hand to make the account for me.
Thank you
It’s a number. Use Google Translate.
That’s easy, try to make an account at Chinese site.
P. s. Marry a polyglot
Need help
Me too
Want to register there
Can someone create an 4pda account for me, it will very helpfull, i tried to register and 3 weeks now, that chaptha soo difficult,
Sorry for my bad english
Worked for me, though after quite a few attempts. account created successfully. :victory:You are an:highfive::good:
Can’t reach this blog
Thread closed! is not only another phone related website (and not at all affiliated with XDA) but also well known for the distribution of malware and warez. And just as a side note: Thread was absolutely unrelated to this device forum.
XDA Forum Rules (excerpt):…
6. Do not post or request warez.
If a piece of software requires you to pay to use it, then pay for it. We do not accept warez nor do we permit members to request, post, promote or describe ways in which warez, cracks, serial codes or other means of avoiding payment, can be obtained or used. This is a site of developers, i. e. the sort of people who create such software. When you cheat a software developer, you cheat us as a community.
(… )
11. Don’t post with the intention of selling something.
Don’t use XDA to advertise your product or service. Proprietors of for-pay products or services, may use XDA to get feedback, provide beta access, or a free version of their product for XDA users and to offer support, but not to post with the intention of selling. This includes promoting sites similar / substantially similar to
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Off-site downloads are permitted if the site is non-commercial and does not require registration.
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A) The site belongs to a member of XDA-Developers with at least 1500 posts and 2 years membership, who actively maintains an XDA-Developers support thread(s) / posts, related to the download.
B) The site is a relatively small, personal website without commercial advertising / links (i. not a competitor forum-based site with purposes and aims similar to those of)…
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Frequently Asked Questions about 4pda registration captcha

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