• October 21, 2024

Scrapebox Proxies

ScrapeBox Proxies

ScrapeBox Proxies

Two great providers of fast exclusive proxies are and These providers all support ScrapeBox and are highly recommend. They offer “Exclusive” proxies, which are a little more expensive but far more reliable and faster than shared proxies because you are the only person using the proxies you are given. They make a huge difference in terms of speed and success rates compared to free proxies.
This means with less proxies, you can typically harvest more URL’s from Google, perform more PageRank lookups or Indexed Page Checks than you can with shared. Also the proxies will generally be a lot faster with all tool operations including commenting due to less users accessing the server.
Some of the providers also offer “Shared” proxies, which are like Exclusive proxies except they are shared between a limited number of other users.
These are a lot cheaper and offer the same sort of speed and uptime as exclusive proxies, however other users sharing your proxies may block the proxies from scraping. So these are more suited towards posting, and scraping data from sites with no strict query limits.
Also have offered us an exclusive discount, use the coupon code SCRAPEBOX to receive a 20% recurring discount, plus for orders above 10 private proxies you also receive a bonus 10% in proxies. So for example purchase 20 proxies, and receive 2 extra proxies at no additional cost along with 20% off the purchase price.
NOTE: When ordering under the “Usage of private proxies” drop down, you need to select “ScrapeBox” for the coupon to work.
How to use proxies for web scraping - Zyte

How to use proxies for web scraping – Zyte

If you are serious about web scraping you’ll quickly realize that proxy management is a critical component of any web scraping project.
When scraping the web at any reasonable scale, using proxies is an absolute must. However, it is common for managing and troubleshooting proxy issues to consume more time than building and maintaining the spiders themselves.
In this guide, we will cover everything you need to know about proxies for web scraping and how they will make your life easier.
What are proxies and why do you need them when web scraping?
Before we discuss what a proxy is we first need to understand what an IP address is and how they work.
An IP address is a numerical address assigned to every device that connects to an Internet Protocol network like the internet, giving each device a unique identity. Most IP addresses look like this:
207. 148. 1. 212
A proxy is a 3rd party server that enables you to route your request through their servers and use their IP address in the process. When using a proxy, the website you are making the request to no longer sees your IP address but the IP address of the proxy, giving you the ability to scrape the web anonymously if you choose.
Currently, the world is transitioning from IPv4 to a newer standard called IPv6. This newer version will allow for the creation of more IP addresses. However, in the proxy business IPv6 is still not a big thing so most IPs still use the IPv4 standard.
When scraping a website, we recommend that you use a 3rd party proxy and set your company name as the user agent so the website owner can contact you if your scraping is overburdening their servers or if they would like you to stop scraping the data displayed on their website.
There are a number of reasons why proxies are important for data web scraping:
Using a proxy (especially a pool of proxies – more on this later) allows you to crawl a website much more reliably. Significantly reducing the chances that your spider will get banned or a proxy enables you to make your request from a specific geographical region or device (mobile IPs for example) which enables you to see the specific content that the website displays for that given location or device. This is extremely valuable when scraping product data from online a proxy pool allows you to make a higher volume of requests to a target website without being a proxy allows you to get around blanket IP bans some websites impose. Example: it is common for websites to block requests from AWS because there is a track record of some malicious actors overloading websites with large volumes of requests using AWS a proxy enables you to make unlimited concurrent sessions to the same or different websites.
Why use a proxy pool?
Ok, we now know what proxies are, but how do you use them as part of your web scraping?
In a similar way to if we only use our own IP address to scrape a website, if you only use one proxy to scrape a website this will reduce your crawling reliability, geotargeting options, and the number of concurrent requests you can make.
As a result, you need to build a pool of proxies that you can route your requests through. Splitting the amount of traffic over a large number of proxies.
The size of your proxy pool will depend on a number of factors:
The number of requests you will be making per target websites – larger websites with more sophisticated anti-bot countermeasures will require a larger proxy type of IPs you are using as proxies – datacenter, residential or mobile quality of the IPs you are using as proxies – are they public proxies, shared, or private dedicated proxies? Are they datacenter, residential, or mobile IPs? (data center IPs are typically lower quality than residential IPs and mobile IPs, but are often more stable than residential/mobile IPs due to the nature of the network) sophistication of your proxy management system – proxy rotation, throttling, session management, etc.
All five of these factors have a big impact on the effectiveness of your proxy pool. If you don’t properly configure your pool of proxies for your specific web scraping project you can often find that your proxies are being blocked and you’re no longer able to access the target website.
In the next section, we will look at the different types of IPs you can use as proxies.
What are your proxy options?
If you’ve done any level of research into your proxy options you will have probably realized that this can be a confusing topic. Every proxy provider is shouting from the rafters that they have the best website proxy IPs, with very little explanation as to why. Making it very hard to assess which is the best proxy solution for your particular project.
So in this section of the guide, we will break down the key differences between the available proxy solutions and help you decide which solution is best for your needs. First, let’s talk about the fundamentals of proxies – the underlying IPs.
As mentioned already, a proxy is just a 3rd party IP address that you can route your request through. However, there are 3 main types of IPs to choose from. Each type with its own pros and cons.
Datacenter IPs
Datacenter IPs are the most common type of proxy IP. They are the IPs of servers housed in data centers. These IPs are the most commonplace and the cheapest to buy. With the right proxy management solution, you can build a very robust web crawling solution for your business.
Residential IPs
Residential IPs are the IPs of private residences, enabling you to route your request through a residential network. As residential IPs are harder to obtain, they are also much more expensive. In a lot of situations, they are overkill as you could easily achieve the same results with cheaper data center IPs. They also raise legal/consent issues due to the fact you are using a person’s personal network to scrape the web.
Mobile IPs
Mobile IPs are the IPs of private mobile devices. As you can imagine, acquiring the IPs of mobile devices is quite difficult so they are very expensive. For most web scraping projects mobile IPs are overkill unless you want to only scrape the results shown to mobile users. But more significantly they raise even trickier legal/consent issues as oftentimes the device owner isn’t fully aware that you are using their GSM network for web scraping.
Our recommendation is to go with data center IPs and put in place a robust proxy management solution. In the vast majority of cases, this approach will generate the best results for the lowest cost. With proper proxy management, data center IPs give similar results as residential or mobile IPs without legal concerns and at a fraction of the cost.
Public, shared, or dedicated proxies
The other consideration we need to discuss is whether you should use public, shared, or dedicated proxies.
As a general rule, you always stay well clear of public proxies, or “open proxies”. Not only are these proxies of very low quality, but they can also be very dangerous. These proxies are open for anyone to use, so they quickly get used to slam websites with huge amounts of dubious requests. Inevitably resulting in them getting blacklisted and blocked by websites very quickly. What makes them even worse though is that these proxies are often infected with malware and other viruses. As a result, when using a public proxy you run the risk of spreading any malware that is present, infecting your own machines, and even making public your web scraping activities if you haven’t properly configured your security (SSL certs, etc. ).
The decision between shared or dedicated proxies is a bit more intricate. Depending on the size of your project, your need for performance and your budget using a web scraping IP rotation service where you pay for access to a shared pool of IPs might be the right option for you. However, if you have a larger budget and where performance is a high priority for you then paying for a dedicated pool of proxies might be the better option.
Ok, by now you should have a good idea of what proxies are and what are the pros and cons of the different types of IPs you can use in your proxy pool. However, picking the right type of proxy is only part of the battle, the real tricky part is managing your pool of proxies so they don’t get banned.
How to manage your proxy pool
If you are planning on scraping at any reasonable scale, just purchasing a pool of proxies and routing your requests through them likely won’t be sustainable long term. Your proxies will inevitably get banned and stop returning high-quality data.
Here are some of the main challenges that you will face when managing your proxy pool:
Identify Bans – Your proxy solution needs to be able to detect numerous types of bans so that you can troubleshoot and fix the underlying problem – i. e. captchas, redirects, blocks, ghosting, Errors – If your proxies experience any errors, bans, timeouts, etc. they need to be able to retry the request with different – Managing user agents is crucial to having a healthy ntrol Proxies – Some scraping projects require you to keep a session with the same proxy, so you’ll need to configure your proxy pool to allow for Delays – Randomize delays and apply good throttling to help cloak the fact that you are ographical Targeting – Sometimes you’ll need to be able to configure your pool so that only some proxies will be used on certain websites.
Managing a pool of 5-10 proxies is ok, but when you have 100s or 1, 000s it can get messy fast. To overcome these challenges you have three core solutions: Do It Yourself, Proxy Rotators, and Done For You Solutions.
Do it yourself
In this situation, you purchase a pool of shared or dedicated proxies, then build and tweak a proxy management solution yourself to overcome all the challenges you run into. This can be the cheapest option but can be the most wasteful in terms of time and resources. Often it is best to only take this option if you have a dedicated web scraping team who have the bandwidth to manage your proxy pool, or if you have zero budget and can’t afford anything better.
Proxy rotators
The middle-of-the-park solution is to purchase your proxies from a provider that also provides proxy rotation and geographical targeting. In this situation, the solution will take care of the more basic proxy management issues. Leaving you to develop and manage session management, throttling, ban identification logic, etc.
Done for you
The final solution is to completely outsource the management of your proxy management. Solutions such as Zyte Smart Proxy Manager (formerly Crawlera), which is basically a rotating proxy for scraping, are designed as smart downloaders, where your spiders just have to make a request to its API and it will return the data you require. Managing all the proxy rotation, throttling, blacklists, session management, etc. under the hood so you don’t have to.
Each one of these approaches has its own pros and cons, so the best solution will depend on your specific priorities and constraints.
Learn more about rotating proxies for web scraping
Here at Zyte (formerly Scrapinghub), we have been in the web scraping industry for 12 years. We have helped extract web data for more than 1, 000 clients ranging from Government agencies and Fortune 100 companies to early-stage startups and individuals. During this time we gained a tremendous amount of experience and expertise in web data extraction.
Here are some of our best resources if you want to deepen your proxy management knowledge:
Crawlera (Now Zyte Smart Proxy Manager) webinar series: Proxy management done rightHow to scrape the web without getting blockedHow to use Smart Proxy Manager (formerly Crawlera) with ScrapyDeveloper tools that make web scraping a breezeProxy management: Should I build my proxy infrastructure in-house or use an off-the-shelf proxy solution?
1/3 Marketer, 1/3 Ops, 1/3 Techie.
Currently Demand Generation Manager at Zyte.
Data analytics, knowledge graph enthusiast with a particular taste for its applications in financial services, cybersecurity, law enforcement & intelligence sectors.
The Ultimate Guide to White Hat SEO using Scrapebox - Onely Blog

The Ultimate Guide to White Hat SEO using Scrapebox – Onely Blog

More than a year ago, on my G+ profile, I posted about something that I found funny: using Scrapebox for white hat. During this year a lot has changed, so now we know we need to focus more and more on the quality of the backlinks instead of quantity. This means that we have to rethink which tools should we use and how they can help us maximize our SEO.
Personally, like Bartosz mentioned in his blog post on LRT, I find Scrapebox very useful for every single SEO task I do connected with link analysis or link building.
Scrapebox – a forbidden word in SEO
I bet everybody knows Scrapebox, more or less. In short – it’s a tool used for mass scraping, harvesting, pinging and posting tasks in order to maximize the amount of links you can gain for your website to help it rank better in Google. A lot of webmasters and blog owners treat Scrapebox like a spam machine, but in fact it is only a tool, and it what it’s actually used for depends on the “driver”.
Now, due to all the Penguin updates, a lot of SEO agencies have changed their minds about linkbuilding and have started to use Scrapebox as support for their link audits or outreach.
Scrapebox – general overview
You can skip this section if you know Scrapebox already. If not – here is some basic information about the most important functions you can use.
Scrapebox is cheap. Even without the discount code, it costs $97. You can order ScrapeBox here.
In this field, you can put the footprint you want to use for harvesting blogs/domains/other resources. You can choose from the Custom option and predefined platforms. Personally, I love to use the “Custom footprint” option because it allows you to get more out of each harvest task
Here, you can post keywords related to your harvest. For example, if you want to get WordPress blogs about flowers and gardening, you can post “flowers” and “gardening” along with the custom footprint “Powered by WordPress”. It will give you a list of blogs containing these keywords and this footprint.
The URL’s Harvested box shows the total amount of websites harvested. Using the option number 6, you can get even more from each results list.
Select Engines & Proxies allow you to choose which search engine you want to get results from, and how many of them to harvest. For link detox needs or competition analysis, I recommend making use of Bing and Yahoo as well (different search engines give different results, which results in more information harvested). Also, you can post the list of proxies you want to use and manage them by checking if they are alive, and not blocked by Google and so on. After that, you can filter your results and download them as a file for further usage.
Comment Poster allows you to post comments to a blog list you have harvested, but in our White Hat tasks – we do not use it. Instead of that, we can use it to ping our links to get them indexed faster.
Scrapebox – Addons
By default, Scrapebox allows you to use a lot of different addons to get more and more from your links. You can find them by clicking “Addons” in the top menu in the main interface. Here is our list of addons:
To get more addons You can click on “Show available addons”. Also, remember about premium plugins, which can boost your SEO a lot.
Keyword Scraper – the very beginning on your link building
One of the most massive things in Scrapebox that I use all the time is the integrated Google suggested keywords scraper. It works very simply and allows you to get a list of keywords you should definitely use while optimizing your website content or preparing new blog post very, very quickly. To do this, just click on the “Scrape” button in the “Harvester” box and select “Keyword Scraper”. You will see a Keyword Scraper window like this one:
The fun starts right now. On the left side, simply put a list of keywords related to your business or blog and select Keyword Scraper Sources. Later, select the search engine you want to have research done on and hit the “Scrape” button.
As you can see on the screenshot above, you can also select the total “level” for the keyword scraper. For most keyword research tasks, it’s okay to have it on 2, but when it’s specific for each niche you want to target (for example for cooking blogs, it should be level 4 to get more keywords related to specific recipes or kitchen tips and tricks), you can adjust it up to 4. Remember that the higher level you choose, the longer it will take to see results.
After that, do a quick overview of the results you’ve got – if you see some superfluous keywords you don’t want to have in your keywords list, use “Remove” from the drop down list to remove keywords containing/not containing specified string or entries from a specified source.
If the list is ready – you can send it to ScrapeBox for further usage or just copy and save to your notepad for later.
Now: let’s start our Outreach – scrape URLs with Scrapebox
So: we have our keyword research done (after checking the total amount of traffic that keywords can bring to your domain) – now let’s see if we can get some interesting links from specified niche websites.
After sending our URL list to ScrapeBox we can now start searching for specified domains we would like to get links from.
Footprints – what they are and how to build them
Footprints are (in a nutshell) pieces of code or sentences that appear in a website’s code or in text. For example when somebody creates a WordPress blog, he has “Powered by WordPress” in his footer by default. Each CMS can have its very own footprints connected both with content or the URL structure. To learn more about footprints, you should test top Content Management Systems or forum boards to check if they index any repeatable pieces of code.
How to build footprints for ScrapeBox
Firstly, learn more about Google Search Operators. For your basic link building tasks you should know and understand these three search operators:
Inurl: – shows URLs containing a specified string in their address
Intitle: – shows URLs which have a title optimized for a specified text string
Site: – lists domains/URLs/links from a specified domain, ccTLD etc.
So if you already know this, do a test search answering questions related to your business right now:
Do I need do follow links from blogs and bloggers related to my niche?
Do I need backlinks from link directories to boost my SEO for one specified money keyword?
Should these links be do follow only?
On which platforms I can easily share my product/services and why?
Got it? Nice! Now let’s move to the next step – creating our footprint:
So let’s say that you are the owner of a marketing blog related to CPC campaigns and conversion rate optimization. The best idea to get new customers for your services is:
Manual commenting on specified blogs
Creating and posting guest posts on other marketing blogs related to your business
Being in top business link directories which allow you to post a lot information about your business
Let’s state that we need top 100 links where we can post a comment/get in touch with bloggers and contact them for any guest postings.
From our experience and after we did keyword research with Keyword Scraper in ScrapeBox, we’ve noticed that the top platform for blogging about marketing is WordPress – both on our own domain and on free platform.
To get the top 100 blogs related to our needs you can simply use:
“Powered by WordPress” + AdWords AND
This means that we want to search for WordPress blogs on Polish TLD domains with “AdWords” in every single part of the site. However, the results may not be so well-targeted if you fail to use advanced operators you can use search operators where a specified string can be found.
Use footprints in ScrapeBox
Now, after you’ve learned the basics of footprints, you can use them to get specific platforms which will allow you to post a link to your website (or find new customers if you would like to guest blog sometimes).
To do that, simply put them here:
You can combine footprints with advanced search engine commands like site:, inurl or intitle to get only these URLs.
Advanced search operators and footprints have to be connected with the keywords we want to target so as to find more, better pages to link from.
For example you can search only for domains () containing specified keyword in URL (inurl) and title (intitle). Now the URL list will be shorter, but it will contain only related keywords matching our needs.
Expert’s Tip:
For your product or service outreach, you can harvest a lot of interesting blogs hosted on free blog network sites like, or your language-related sites. Links from these pages will have different IP addresses, so they can be really valuable for your rankings.
Find Guest Blogging opportunities using ScrapeBox
By using simple footprints like:
“guest blogger” or “guest post” (to search only for links where somebody posted a guest post already – you can also use the allinurl search operator because a lot of blogs have a “guest posts” category which can be found in its URL structure)
Later, combine it with your target keywords and get ready to mail and post fresh guest posts to share your knowledge and services with others!
Check the value of the harvested links using ScrapeBox
Now, when your keyword research is done and you have harvested your very first links list, you can start with checking some basic information about the links. Aside from ScrapeBox, you will also need MozAPI.
Start with trimming to domain
In general, our outreach is supposed to help us build relationships and find customers. This means that you shouldn’t be only looking at a specific article, but rather the whole domain in general. To do that, select the “Trim to root” option from the Manage Lists box:
Later, remove duplicates by clicking the Remove/Filter button and select “Remove duplicate URLs”.
Check Page Rank in ScrapeBox
Start with checking Page Rank – even if it’s not the top ranking factor right now, it still provides basic information about the domain. If the domain has a page rank higher than 1 or 2, this means that it’s trusted and has links from other related/hight PR sources.
To check Page Rank in ScrapeBox, simply click on “Check Page Rank” button and select “Get domain Page Rank”:
To be 100% sure that each domain legit PR – use “ScrapeBox Fake Page Rank Checker”. You can find it in the Addons Section in your ScrapeBox main window.
I tend to say that it’s not a good idea to believe in any 3rd party tools results about Link Trust (because it’s hard to measure if link is trusted or not), although it’s another great sign if a link’s every single result is “green”.
To check Domain Authority in ScrapeBox you can use the Page Authority addon. You can find it in your Addons list in ScrapeBox. To get it to work you will have to get your very own Moz API information (the window will appear after you select the addon).
This provides a quick overview of your links list. You can get information about the Page/Domain Authority, MozRank and the amount of external links pointing to the domain/page. With that, you can see if a URL is worthy of your link building tactics and all the work you plan to put in or not.
Remember: Do not rely on MozRank or Page/Domain authority only.
To get top links, try to look for average ones – a lot of backlinks with medium MozRank/Page/Domain authority.
Email scraping from a URL list using ScrapeBox
After you’ve harvested your first link list, you will probably want to get in touch with bloggers to start your outreach campaign. To do this effectively, use the Scrapebox Email Scraper feature. Simply click on the Grab/Check button and select to grab emails from harvested URLs or from a local list:
The results may not be perfect, but they can really give you a lot of useful information. You can export data to a text file and sort them by email addresses to find connections between domains.
Merge and remove duplicates using ScrapeBox
If you are running a link detox campaign, it’s strongly recommended to use more than one backlink source to get all of the data needed to lift a penalty, for example. For example, if you have more than 40 thousand in each file, you will probably want to merge them into one file and dig into it later.
To do this quickly, install the DupeRemove addon from the available addon list. After running it, this window will pop up:
Now simply choose “Select source files to merge” and go directly to the folder with the different text files with URL addresses. Later press “Merge files” to have them all in one text file.
To remove Duplicate URLs or Domains “Select Source file” and choose where to export non duplicated URLs/Domains. Voila! You have one file containing every single backlink you need to analyze.
For those who like to do things in smaller parts – you have the option of splitting a large file into smaller ones. Select your text file with backlinks and choose how many lines per file it should contain. From my point of view, it’s very effective to split your link file into groups of 1000 links per file. It’s very comfortable and gives you the chance to manage your link analysis tasks.
ScrapeBox Meta Scraper
ScrapeBox allows you to scrape titles and descriptions from your harvested list. To do that, choose the Grab/Check option then, from the drop down menu, “Grab meta info from harvested URLs”:
Here, you can take a look at some example results:
You can export this data to an CSV file and use it to check how many pages use an exact match keyword in the title or optimize it some other way (i. e., do the keywords look natural to Google and not Made For SEO? ).
Check if links are dead or alive with ScrapeBox
If you want to be pretty sure that every single intern/external link is alive you can use the “ScrapeBox Alive Checker” addon. First – if you haven’t done this yet – install the Alive Checker addon.
Later, to use it, head to the Addons list and select ScrapeBox Alive Check.
f you were previously harvesting URLs – simply load them from Harvester. If not, you can load them from the text file.
Now, let’s begin with Options:
Also, remember to have the checkbox for “Follow relocation” checked.
The results can be seen here:
If a link returns HTTP status code different than 301 or 200 it means “Dead” for ScrapeBox.
Check which internal links are not indexed yet
So if you are working on some big onsite changes connected with the total amount of internal pages you will probably want to be pretty sure that Google re-indexes everything. To sure that everything is as it should be, you can use Screaming Frog, SEO Spider and ScrapeBox.
So start crawling your page in Screaming Frog, using the very basic setup in the crawler setting menu:
f you are a crawling huge domain – you can use a Deep Crawl tool instead of the Screaming Frog SEO Spider.
Later, when your crawl is done, save the results in the file, open it and copy it to Clipboard or export it to a file it with one click in ScrapeBox:
When your import is done, simply hit the Check Indexed button and select the Google Indexed option.
Remember to set up the Random Delay option for indexing and checking and total amount of connections based on your internet connection. Mostly, I use 25 connection and Random Delay between each query sent by ScrapeBox to be sure that my IP/Proxy addresses won’t be blocked by Google.
After that, you will get a pop up with information about how many links are indexed or not, and there will be an extra column added to your URLs harvested box with information about whether they are Indexed or not:
You can export unindexed URLs for further investigation.
Get more backlinks straight from Google using ScrapeBox
“Some people create free templates for WordPress and share them with others to both help people have nicely designed blogs and obtain free dofollow links from a lot of different TLDs. ”
Sometimes it’s not enough to download backlink data from Google Webmaster Tools or some other software made for that (although Bartosz found a real nice “glitch” in Webmaster Tools to get more links).
In this case – especially when you are fighting a manual penalty for your site and Google has refused to lift it – go deep into these links and find a pattern that is the same for every single one.
For example – if you are using automatic link building services with spun content, sometimes you can find a sentence or string that is not spun. You can use it as a footprint, harvest results from Google, and check if your previous disavow file contained those links or not.
And another example – some people create free templates for WordPress and share them with others to both help people have nicely designed blogs and obtain free dofollow links from a lot of different TLDs. Here is an example:
“Responsive Theme powered by WordPress”
This returns every single domain using the kind of theme from Cyberchimps. If you will combine it with the keywords you were linking to your site, you will probably get a very big, nice, WordPress blog list. You can combine it with keywords you want to target to get more related and 100% accurate results.
Check external links on your link lists
After you have done your first scrape for custom made footprint it’s good to know what is the quality of links you have found. And once againg – ScrapeBox and its amazing list of Addons will help you!
“Outbound Link Checker” is a addon which will cheack links line by line and list both internal and external links. Because addon works fine supports multithread technology you can check tousands of links at the same time.
To use “Outbound Link Checker” go to your Addons list and selec Outbound Link Checker:
Next, choose to load a URL list from ScrapeBox or from an external file.
After that, you will see something like this:
The magic starts now – simply press the “Start” button.
Now you can filter the results if they contain more than X outgoing links. Later, you can also check the authority of those links and how valuable they are.
Short Summary
As you can see – ScrapeBox in the Penguin era is still a powerful tool which will speed up your daily SEO tasks if used properly. Even if you do not want to post comments or links manually, it can still help you find links where you can get both traffic and customers.
Working across the technical spectrum of SEO, Onely provides strong commercial value to clients through cutting-edge solutions.

Frequently Asked Questions about scrapebox proxies

Do I need proxies for ScrapeBox?

In theory, ScrapeBox proxies let you scrape without limitations. But there is one vital thing to keep in mind before buying a proxy for ScrapeBox. You have to consider the type of proxies you use for scraping, otherwise you might get banned almost as quickly as when you use it without any proxies.May 28, 2021

How do you add a proxy to a ScrapeBox?

ScrapeBox integration:Open the ScrapeBox application.Check the Use Proxies checkbox in Select Harvester and Proxies settings.Click the Edit button found in the same settings menu in order to start setting up your proxies.More items…

What does scraping proxies mean?

When using a proxy, the website you are making the request to no longer sees your IP address but the IP address of the proxy, giving you the ability to scrape the web anonymously if you choose. … This newer version will allow for the creation of more IP addresses.

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