• October 23, 2024

Business Network Protect

9 Ways to Make your Company Network Secure - TDWI

9 Ways to Make your Company Network Secure – TDWI

9 Ways to Make your Company Network Secure
These cybersecurity steps will help you protect your network from data thefts and interference.
Modern business is almost impossible without a network where data is kept by and shared among employees. With the growing number of reports about data thefts that take place in big companies, it’s high time to increase the security of your company network.
Follow these nine steps to make your company network less vulnerable to data thefts.
Use WPA2
Use a reliable, encrypted protocol for passwords on the router for your business network. The most advanced is WPA (Wi-Fi Protected Access). Be sure that this protocol is enabled in your network router.
Disable or restrict DHCP
DHCP (Dynamic Host Configuration Protocols) defines what IP addresses the devices on your network will have. It makes it easier to maintain a Wi-Fi network. Still, to make it more secure, limit the number of IPs assigned by DHCP or disable the feature entirely. The latter option means you’ll need to assign an IP address manually for each device connected to your Wi-Fi.
Use a VPN
A VPN (virtual private network) encrypts Internet connections and data transferred via your network. Most VPN services also have a built-in feature (a kill switch) that will disconnect hardware from your network when a protected connection is lost, thus keeping you safe from unexpected data leaks. Moreover, with a VPN your employees can securely use Wi-Fi during business trips without compromising your company’s sensitive data.
Disable file sharing
File sharing should be enabled only on file servers. If you enable file sharing on all devices connected to your Wi-Fi network, the files passed through it will be seen by all other users of that Wi-Fi connection.
Always update router firmware
Your business network may be vulnerable to hacking attacks due to outdated router firmware. Although typically updated at least once a year, firmware updates are often seen by small business owners as not worth the effort. Be sure you update the firmware at least once a year to fix all existing bugs.
Use IPS or IDS
IDS and IPS are efficient ways to detect and prevent threats. IDS is used to detect any attackers such as malware or worms; IPS actively prevents the negative impact of the detected attackers.
Install WAF
A WAF (Web application firewall) protects the sensitive data of customers who purchase your company’s services or products online. With WAF, the customer’s information is kept protected from interference by hackers.
Use SSL certificates
To execute online customer transactions, use a reliable SSL (secure sockets layer) certificate that allows an encrypted link between a browser and a Web server.
Change the name of your company network
You shouldn’t use the original name of your network assigned by the provider. It usually contains the model of your router, which is insecure because it’s seen by other Internet users who can find the necessary documentation to gain access to your network.
About the Author
Dainan Gilmore is an enthusiastic expert in cybersecurity and works as a cryptanalyst and data privacy advisor at BestVPNRrating, where you can learn more about him. Alternatively, contact him via email.
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7 Tips for Office LAN Security - The InfoSec Blog - Securicy

7 Tips for Office LAN Security – The InfoSec Blog – Securicy

Office network security is the local area network (LAN) in the workspace or office. Security of this network is a top priority. It doesn’t matter how big your company is or if you’re a startup, you don’t want a malicious actor taking down your network or breaking into your proprietary software.
The first thing that I recommend people do when they’re thinking about network security is starting with an inventory.
Your Network Security Starts with Taking Inventory
Start by asking: are there servers on the network? How many workstations in the office? How many laptops or cell phones connected to the network? Are the IoT devices mandatory? What type of data are these IoT devices transmitting around?
Taking this inventory will give you a good idea of the level of complexity of your office network. Your network security depends on securing or removing all of these devices.
The average, modern, early-stage SaaS company that has around 20 employees can operate with a moderately lighter level of security than a company that employs 500 employees that has multiple servers and IoT devices all over the office space. Those companies that operate on a larger scale likely have a person in charge of security (i. e. Security Officer) within the organization who has a strong understanding of network security.
Securing Your Office Network
For the average SaaS company you can operate on the following minimum network security recommendations:
1. Get a support router with an activated firewall
Change the default admin login credentials so that if your network is compromised the hacker can’t make changes to the network. Every time a vulnerability is discovered, there will be a firmware update issued. It’s critical that you install these updates. An easy way to make sure an update isn’t missed would be to turn on the auto-update feature.
2. Use WPA2 encryption
This is a type of encryption that secures the vast majority of Wi-Fi networks. The WPA2 should have a strong password.
3. Create a “Guest Network”
You want this for individuals who visit the office but are not a part of your company. Most modern routers have a feature to enable a guest network. This is an easy way to boost your network security.
4. Physically secure your network hardware
Physical security is a very important consideration. The hardware shouldn’t be out in the open where anybody can access it. You want hardware stored in a controlled room or locked office where a member of the organization can keep an eye on it. An extra precaution would be to monitor the hardware with a security camera.
5. Acquire higher-quality routers
You likely have basic routers like the kind that the service provider sets up or the cheap ones from the electronics store come with a low-level firewall. However, a business-grade router comes with stronger firewalls. Some even have intrusion detection or intrusion protection systems built into them that make them worth the extra cost. The stronger routers are likely to have better performance on the network because these models have the ability to handle more devices.
6. Deactivate the “use ports” on the router
There are often USB or Ethernet ports on a router that are not in use. Deactivating these ports will limit the chances that somebody could plug a rouge device into the network. Since these ports are one more entry point to worry about when it comes to LAN security, turn them off if you can.
7. Add MAC address filtering
MAC address filtering is a security measure that only allows devices that the organization is aware of to connect to the network. The filtering can be done collecting the MAC address of every device and then uploading those credentials into a database in the router. It may seem like an extra precaution but it just ensures that if a hacker was able to get the password to the network, they wouldn’t be able to gain access without having one of the identified MAC addresses.
In the end, your data isn’t fully secure unless your network is secure too.
Get custom information security policies generated for your business in minutes. Securicy guides you through creating, implementing, and managing a cybersecurity program.
Network Security Threats: 5 Ways to Protect Yourself - The AME Group

Network Security Threats: 5 Ways to Protect Yourself – The AME Group

With the wide use and availability of the Internet comes convenience. But the Internet also brings all sorts of your company is like most, you have an endless amount of business data. Did you know that there is a 1 in 4 chance of your company being the victim of a data breach? Did you know that the average data breach costs more than $3 million? Preventing data breaches and other network security threats is all about hardened network protection. Without proper security protocols, your business data is at on learn about network security threats and how to mitigate Network Security ThreatsSecurity is an important part of any company. As time passes, it’s easy to become lax on security don’t know the importance of proper network security until your company is victim of an what security threats does your company face? Some of the most common threats include:MalwareVirusesSpywareAdwareTrojan horsesWormsPhishingSpear phishingWi-Fi attacksDenial of service (DOS) attacksWith so many network security threats, knowing how to protect your company is vital. 5 Ways to Protect Your CompanyProtecting your company is a must. Here are 5 security measures to implement. 1. Bolster Access ControlAccess control is an important part of security. Weak access control leaves your data and systems susceptible to unauthorized access control measures by using a strong password system. You should have a mix of uppercase and lower case letters, numbers, and special characters. Also, always reset all default nally, create a strong access control policy. 2. Keep All Software UpdatedAs pesky as those update alerts can be, they are vital to your network’s anti-virus software to computer operating systems, ensure your software is updated. When a new version of software is released, the version usually includes fixes for security software updates can be time-consuming. Use automatic software updates for as many programs as possible. 3. Standardize SoftwareKeep your systems protecting by standardizing software. Ensure that users cannot install software onto the system without knowing what software is on your network is a huge security vulnerability. Make sure that all computers use the same:Operating systemBrowserMedia playerPluginsStandardization also makes system updates less of a hassle. 4. Use Network Protection MeasuresProtecting your network is crucial. To keep your network and its traffic secured:Install a firewallEnsure proper access controlsUse IDS/IPS to track potential packet floodsUse network segmentationUse a virtual private network (VPN)Conduct proper maintenance5. Employee TrainingSometimes external threats are successful because of an insider threat. The weakest link in data protection can be your own your employees understand network security. Your employees should be able to identify threats. They should also know who to contact to avoid a security ovide security training throughout the year, and be sure to update it. There are new security risk every day. A Reliable Company for All I. T. NeedsDo you have an internal dedicated team for I. security and support? If not, chances are your security stance is on the experts for proper network security. You can depend on The AME Group for all of your technology needs. We provide technology solutions that mitigate risk while reducing ’t leave your business vulnerable any longer. Contact us today to boost your company’s security.

Frequently Asked Questions about business network protect

How do I secure a small office network?

Securing Your Office NetworkGet a support router with an activated firewall. … Use WPA2 encryption. … Create a “Guest Network” … Physically secure your network hardware. … Acquire higher-quality routers. … Deactivate the “use ports” on the router. … Add MAC address filtering.Jun 14, 2019

How networks can be protected?

Use Network Protection Measures To keep your network and its traffic secured: Install a firewall. Ensure proper access controls. Use IDS/IPS to track potential packet floods.

What is network protection?

Network protection is an attack surface reduction capability. It helps prevent employees from accessing dangerous domains through applications. Domains that host phishing scams, exploits, and other malicious content on the Internet are considered dangerous.Oct 5, 2021

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