• December 22, 2024

Pokemon Go Bot Install

PokemonGo-Bot/installation.md at master - GitHub

PokemonGo-Bot/installation.md at master – GitHub

Table of Contents
Linux or Mac Automatic Installation
Windows Automatic Installation
Docker Automatic Installation
Chrome Driver
Requirements (click each one for install guide)
Python 2. 7. x
virtualenv (Recommended)
hashing key – Hashing key now required for bot operation
Easy installation
Clone the git: git clone Go into the new directory: cd PokemonGo-Bot
Run. / -i
This will install the bot and all stuff that is needed to run it (follow the steps in this process)
Run. /
After you are done following it this will start your bot.
To update the bot
Stop the bot if it’s running. (use control + c twice to stop it)
Run. / -r
This will reset and makes sure you have no changes made to any code since it will overide it
Rerun the bot. /
For manual installation please refer to here
We do recommend Windows users to use Docker this will work much easier and smoother (also safer)
Easy Installation
After that has been done the bot will be installed.
Run PokemonGo-Bot-Configurator to create, and
This will start the bot and the web interface.
This will check for an update and will start the bot afterwards.
Start by downloading for your platform:
Once you have Docker installed, simply create the various config files for your different accounts (e. g. configs/, configs/) and then create a Docker image for PokemonGo-Bot using the Dockerfile in this repo.
cd PokemonGo-Bot
docker build -t pokemongo-bot.
By default our Dockerfile ensures that the “master” branch will be used for building the docker container, if you want to use the “dev” branch then you should build the container with below build command:
docker build –build-arg BUILD_BRANCH=dev -t pokemongo-bot.
After build process you can verify that the image was created with:
To run the bot container with the PokemonGo-Bot Docker image you’ve created:
docker run –name=bot1-pokego –rm -it -v $(pwd)/configs/ pokemongo-bot
Optionally you can set your timezone with the -e option (default is Etc/UTC). You can find an exhaustive list of timezone here:
docker run –name=bot1-pokego –rm -it -e TZ=Asia/Taipei -v $(pwd)/configs/ pokemongo-bot
In the case you configured authentication to be handled by file make sure you mount that file as a volume also.
docker run –name=bot1-pokego –rm -it -v $(pwd)/configs/ -v $(pwd)/configs/ -v $(pwd)/web/:/usr/src/app/web/ pokemongo-bot
For a simplified version mount your whole configs/ subdir to /usr/src/app/configs.
docker run –name=bot1-pokego –rm -it -v $(pwd)/configs:/usr/src/app/configs -v $(pwd)/web/:/usr/src/app/web/ pokemongo-bot
Run a second container provided with the OpenPoGoBotWeb view:
docker run –name=bot1-pokegoweb –rm -it –volumes-from bot1-pokego -p 8000:8000 -v $(pwd)/configs/ -w /usr/src/app/web python:2. 7 python -m SimpleHTTPServer
The OpenPoGoWeb will be served on :8000
Using proxy with docker:
docker run –name=bot1-pokego -e “_proxy=PROXY_IP:PORT” –rm -it -v $(pwd)/configs:/usr/src/app/configs -v $(pwd)/web/:/usr/src/app/web/ pokemongocc-bot
docker run –name=bot1-pokego -e “_proxy=PROXY_IP:PORT” –rm -it -v $(pwd)/configs:/usr/src/app/configs -v $(pwd)/web/:/usr/src/app/web/ pokemongo-bot
Remarks for Windows
Even if the previous command are valid, you will not be able to visualize the web view under Windows.
To visualize the web view, execute instead the following commands (make sure you are in the root folder and that your docker images is built):
Run the bot container:
docker run –name=bot1-pokego –rm -it -v $(pwd)/configs/ -v $(pwd)/web/:/usr/src/app/web/ pokemongo-bot
Run the web container:
Retrieve your host address:
docker-machine ip default
Then, with your containers running and your host address, you can access the web view in your browser:
:8000 (e. )
An error occurred trying to connect:
Make sure your virtual machine is started, and your environment variables are set in your shell:
docker-machine start default
docker-machine env default
Unable to find image ‘pokemongo-bot:latest’ locally:
Make sure that the name of the image is correct.
Using Docker compose
If docker-compose installed you can alternatively run the PokemonGo-Bot ecosystem with one simple command:
(by using the configuration in this repo)
An example of routing the bot’s traffic through a tor proxy can be found within the file. To use a different file, supply the file name to docker-compose. The d flag is used to run this in detached mode as the tor logs overwhelm any bot logs you might wish to view. The bot logs can still be seen through docker logs command.
docker-compose -f up -d
Also run one single service from the compose configuration is possible:
docker-compose run –rm bot1-pokego
command to stop and remove all stopped containers: docker-compose down
TODO: Add infos / configuration for running multiple bot instances.
Do not push your image to a registry with your and account details in it!
Bug reporting when using docker:
Please include output of below command:
docker inspect –format='{{. Created}} {{. }}’ container_tag_or_id
container_tag_or_id being the final tag_id of container or the id of the intermediary layer at which the docker build failed.
Chrome driver is needed for manual solving of captcha. For more information and download of Chrome Driver, please visit Chrome Driver
Chrome driver must be placed in root dir of the bot.
PokemonGo-Bot/installation.md at master - GitHub

PokemonGo-Bot/installation.md at master – GitHub

Table of Contents
Linux or Mac Automatic Installation
Windows Automatic Installation
Docker Automatic Installation
Chrome Driver
Requirements (click each one for install guide)
Python 2. 7. x
virtualenv (Recommended)
hashing key – Hashing key now required for bot operation
Easy installation
Clone the git: git clone Go into the new directory: cd PokemonGo-Bot
Run. / -i
This will install the bot and all stuff that is needed to run it (follow the steps in this process)
Run. /
After you are done following it this will start your bot.
To update the bot
Stop the bot if it’s running. (use control + c twice to stop it)
Run. / -r
This will reset and makes sure you have no changes made to any code since it will overide it
Rerun the bot. /
For manual installation please refer to here
We do recommend Windows users to use Docker this will work much easier and smoother (also safer)
Easy Installation
After that has been done the bot will be installed.
Run PokemonGo-Bot-Configurator to create, and
This will start the bot and the web interface.
This will check for an update and will start the bot afterwards.
Start by downloading for your platform:
Once you have Docker installed, simply create the various config files for your different accounts (e. g. configs/, configs/) and then create a Docker image for PokemonGo-Bot using the Dockerfile in this repo.
cd PokemonGo-Bot
docker build -t pokemongo-bot.
By default our Dockerfile ensures that the “master” branch will be used for building the docker container, if you want to use the “dev” branch then you should build the container with below build command:
docker build –build-arg BUILD_BRANCH=dev -t pokemongo-bot.
After build process you can verify that the image was created with:
To run the bot container with the PokemonGo-Bot Docker image you’ve created:
docker run –name=bot1-pokego –rm -it -v $(pwd)/configs/ pokemongo-bot
Optionally you can set your timezone with the -e option (default is Etc/UTC). You can find an exhaustive list of timezone here:
docker run –name=bot1-pokego –rm -it -e TZ=Asia/Taipei -v $(pwd)/configs/ pokemongo-bot
In the case you configured authentication to be handled by file make sure you mount that file as a volume also.
docker run –name=bot1-pokego –rm -it -v $(pwd)/configs/ -v $(pwd)/configs/ -v $(pwd)/web/:/usr/src/app/web/ pokemongo-bot
For a simplified version mount your whole configs/ subdir to /usr/src/app/configs.
docker run –name=bot1-pokego –rm -it -v $(pwd)/configs:/usr/src/app/configs -v $(pwd)/web/:/usr/src/app/web/ pokemongo-bot
Run a second container provided with the OpenPoGoBotWeb view:
docker run –name=bot1-pokegoweb –rm -it –volumes-from bot1-pokego -p 8000:8000 -v $(pwd)/configs/ -w /usr/src/app/web python:2. 7 python -m SimpleHTTPServer
The OpenPoGoWeb will be served on :8000
Using proxy with docker:
docker run –name=bot1-pokego -e “_proxy=PROXY_IP:PORT” –rm -it -v $(pwd)/configs:/usr/src/app/configs -v $(pwd)/web/:/usr/src/app/web/ pokemongocc-bot
docker run –name=bot1-pokego -e “_proxy=PROXY_IP:PORT” –rm -it -v $(pwd)/configs:/usr/src/app/configs -v $(pwd)/web/:/usr/src/app/web/ pokemongo-bot
Remarks for Windows
Even if the previous command are valid, you will not be able to visualize the web view under Windows.
To visualize the web view, execute instead the following commands (make sure you are in the root folder and that your docker images is built):
Run the bot container:
docker run –name=bot1-pokego –rm -it -v $(pwd)/configs/ -v $(pwd)/web/:/usr/src/app/web/ pokemongo-bot
Run the web container:
Retrieve your host address:
docker-machine ip default
Then, with your containers running and your host address, you can access the web view in your browser:
:8000 (e. )
An error occurred trying to connect:
Make sure your virtual machine is started, and your environment variables are set in your shell:
docker-machine start default
docker-machine env default
Unable to find image ‘pokemongo-bot:latest’ locally:
Make sure that the name of the image is correct.
Using Docker compose
If docker-compose installed you can alternatively run the PokemonGo-Bot ecosystem with one simple command:
(by using the configuration in this repo)
An example of routing the bot’s traffic through a tor proxy can be found within the file. To use a different file, supply the file name to docker-compose. The d flag is used to run this in detached mode as the tor logs overwhelm any bot logs you might wish to view. The bot logs can still be seen through docker logs command.
docker-compose -f up -d
Also run one single service from the compose configuration is possible:
docker-compose run –rm bot1-pokego
command to stop and remove all stopped containers: docker-compose down
TODO: Add infos / configuration for running multiple bot instances.
Do not push your image to a registry with your and account details in it!
Bug reporting when using docker:
Please include output of below command:
docker inspect –format='{{. Created}} {{. }}’ container_tag_or_id
container_tag_or_id being the final tag_id of container or the id of the intermediary layer at which the docker build failed.
Chrome driver is needed for manual solving of captcha. For more information and download of Chrome Driver, please visit Chrome Driver
Chrome driver must be placed in root dir of the bot.
Pokemongo Bot

Pokemongo Bot

PokemonGo-Bot is a project created by the PokemonGoF team. Since no public API available for now, a patch to use HASH-Server was applied. PokemonGoF is not part of HASH-Server dev team and has no connection with it.
Bitcoin: 1PJMCx9NNQRasQYaa4MMff9yyNFffhHgLu
Table of Contents
Feature Requests
Pull Requests
The project is currently setup in two main branches:
dev also known as beta – This is where the latest features are, but you may also experience some issues with stability/crashes.
master also known as stable – The bot ‘should’ be stable on this branch, and is generally well tested.
Click here to join discord server
Bugs / Issues
If you discover a bug in the bot, please search our issue tracker first. If it hasn’t been reported, please create a new issue and ensure you follow the template guide so that our team can assist you as quickly as possible.
If you have a great idea to improve the bot, please search our feature tracker first to ensure someone else hasn’t already come up with the same great idea. If it hasn’t been requested, please create a new request and ensure you follow the template guide so that it doesnt get lost with the bug reports.
While you’re there vote on other feature requests to let the devs know what is most important to you.
If you’d like to make your own changes, make sure you follow the pull request template, and ensure your PR is made against the ‘dev’ branch.
If this is your first time making a PR or aren’t sure of the standard practice of making a PR, here are some articles to get you started.
GitHub Pull Request Tutorial
How to write the perfect pull request
A great example from one of our own contributors
[x] Based on Python for botting on any operating system – Windows, macOS and Linux
[x] Multi-bot supported
[x] Able to edit bot if certain level has reached
[x] Allow custom hash service provider, if any
[x] GPS Location configuration
[x] Search & spin Pokestops / Gyms
[x] Diverse options for humanlike behavior from movement to overall game play
[x] Ability to add multiple coordinates to select between your favorite botting locations
[x] Support self defined path / route
[x] Advanced catch, evolve and transfer confuration using our PokemonOptimizer settings
[x] Determine which pokeball to use
[x] Rules to determine the use of Razz and Pinap Berries
[x] Exchange, evolve and catch Pokemon base on pre-configured rules
[x] Transfer Pokemon in bulk
[x] Auto switch mode (Inventory Checks – switches between catch/farming items)
[x] Limit the step to farm specific area for pokestops
[x] Limit Spin Pokestops/Catch Pokemons per day
[x] IV Functionality filter
[x] Mass rename of Pokemon with comprehenive rules
[x] Adjust delay between Pokemon capture & Transfer as per configuration
[x] Telegram integration – reporting of bot’s events
[x] Snipe Pokemon within a radius of 30Km, either through telegram command or local map (Example Rocket Map)
[x] Issue command through telegream – Activate Lucky egg / Incense, Snipping
[x] Support dropping of Lure Module
[x] Incubate eggs & Buddy walk
[x] Bot is able to identify pokemon in their family
[x] Set family ID as VIP and prioritize bot to catch it!
[x] Transfer red slashed pokemons
[x] Set shiny pokemons as VIP
[x] Deploy a pokemon in Gym if there are slots available
[x] Docker support
[x] Auto heal Pokemons
[x] Displaying of Hash expiration date and RPM information
tejado many thanks for the API
pogodevorg Without keyphact’s coordination, this would not gonna happan again.
Mila432 for the login secrets
elliottcarlson for the Google Auth PR
AeonLucid for improved protos
AHAAAAAAA for parts of the s2sphere stuff
Breeze ro for some of the MQTT/Map stuff
eggins [first pull request]
Breeze Ro
solderzzc aka BIG BOSS
nbq aka Holoshed
2016 Niantic, Inc. 2016 Pokmon. 19952016 Nintendo / Creatures Inc. / GAME FREAK inc. 2016 Pokmon/Nintendo Pokmon and Pokmon character names are trademarks of Nintendo. The Google Maps Pin is a trademark of Google Inc. and the trade dress in the product design is a trademark of Google Inc. under license to The Pokmon Company. Other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
Privacy Policy
PokemonGo-Bot is intended for academic purposes and should not be used to play the game PokemonGo as it violates the TOS and is unfair to the community. Use the bot at your own risk.
PokemonGoF does not support the use of 3rd party apps or apps that violate the TOS.
“Pokemongo Bot” and other potentially trademarked words, copyrighted images and copyrighted readme contents likely belong to the legal entity who owns the “Pokemongof” organization. Awesome Open Source is not affiliated with the legal entity who owns the “Pokemongof” organization.

Frequently Asked Questions about pokemon go bot install

How do you install bots on PokemonGo?

Easy InstallationDownload PokemonGo-Bot-Install.bat.Run PokemonGo-Bot-install. bat . After that has been done the bot will be installed.Run PokemonGo-Bot-Configurator to create auth. json, config. json and userdata. js.Run PokemonGo-Bot-Start. bat . This will start the bot and the web interface.

Is there a PokemonGo-Bot?

PokemonGo-Bot is a project created by the PokemonGoF team. Since no public API available for now, a patch to use HASH-Server was applied. PokemonGoF is not part of HASH-Server dev team and has no connection with it.

How do I play Pokemon on Ubuntu?

There is no way to install it natively though. Pokemon GO cant be played in Ubuntu cause , it is not available for any desktop/laptop operating system , even if you can install it with emulators like genymotion (Android_x86 wont work here). It will not run cause GPS signal will be unavailable.Jul 16, 2016

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