• September 16, 2024

Php Free Proxy

PHP Web Proxy Script – A simple and free alternative to Glype

PHP-Proxy is a web-based proxy script designed to be fast, easy to customize, and be able to provide support for complex sites such as YouTube and Facebook.
There have been many other proxy software scripts in the past, such as Glype, PHProxy, CGIProxy, Surrogafier, ASProxy, Zelune…
but all have either perished permanently or the creator has stopped updating them.
This proxy script is intended to replace all others.
If you wish to see how this proxy script works in practice on a live server, visit which is powered by this very same software application.
PHP-Proxy as an alternative to Glype
The main motivation behind the creation of this project is to create a better alternative to Glype which at that time was extremely lacking in many features that I wanted.
Latest version of Glype can be downloaded directly from their site on their download page,
but most of their site appears to be down.
If that is the case, you can download Glype 1. 4 directly from our servers.
PHP-Proxy vs PHPProxy
Despite sharing almost the exact name, this proxy script has no relationship to the once popular PHPProxy script from whitefyre which
has been
officially discontinued on September 7 of 2007.
However, its last version that was last updated in 2013, PHPProxy can still be downloaded from
SourceForge, and it is still receving hundreds of downloads each week.
It is still usable for now, but there have been no updates or new features added to it for many years now.
There are many similar function proxy scripts named “PHP Proxy”, we were just the lucky ones to acquire such domain name.
While PHPProxy is still being widely used, it is outdated, hard to customize and it breaks on many popular websites such as Facebook and YouTube.
Download PHP-Proxy
The method of installation depends on the type of web server that you have. I would recommend installing it via Composer using this command (replacing /var/www/ with the web directory of your choice):
composer create-project athlon1600/php-proxy-app:dev-master /var/www/
For those who do not have access to shell, for example, people on a shared hosting environment, would need to download a pre-installed
version of php-proxy, and then upload it to their web-server.
One-Click Install – go rent out a fresh server from one of the popular VPS providers
like Linode, and run the following command in your shell:
bash <(wget -O -) This will install both Apache2, PHP, cURL, and PHP-Proxy all at once. All the issues regarding installation or proxy usage or functionality in general, should be directed to our official page on github: Simple PHP proxy script - GitHub

Simple PHP proxy script – GitHub

This proxy script allows you to forward all HTTP/HTTPS requests to another server. Works for all common request types
including GET, POST requests with files, PATCH and PUT requests. It has minimal set of requirements
(PHP >=5. 6, libcurl, gzip) which are available even on the smallest free hostings and has its own simple authorization
and cookie support.
How to use
Copy the script to publicly-accessible folder of a PHP web server (the script is standalone and has no PHP dependencies)
Make a cURL request targeting this script
Add Proxy-Auth header with auth key found here
Add Proxy-Target-URL header with URL to be requested by the proxy
(Optional) Add Proxy-Debug header for debug mode
In order to protect using proxy by unauthorized users, consider changing Proxy-Auth token in proxy source file and in all your requests.
How to use (via composer)
This might be useful when you want to redirect requests coming into your app.
Run composer require zounar/php-proxy
Add Proxy::run(); line to where you want to execute it (usually into a controller action)
In this example, the script is in AppController – actionProxy:
use Zounar\PHPProxy\Proxy;
class AppController extends Controller {
public function actionProxy() {
Proxy::$AUTH_KEY = ‘‘;
// Do your custom logic before running proxy
$responseCode = Proxy::run();
// Do your custom logic after running proxy
// You can utilize HTTP response code returned from the run() method}}
Make a cURL request to your web
In the example, it would be
In order to protect using proxy by unauthorized users, consider changing Proxy-Auth token by calling
Proxy::$AUTH_KEY = ‘‘; before Proxy::run(). Then change the token in all your requests.
Usage example
Following example shows how to execute GET request to. Proxy script is at. All proxy settings are kept default, the response is automatically echoed.
$request = curl_init(”);
curl_setopt($request, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array(
‘Proxy-Auth: Bj5pnZEX6DkcG6Nz6AjDUT1bvcGRVhRaXDuKDX9CjsEs2’,
‘Proxy-Target-URL: ‘));
In order to show some debug info from the proxy, add Proxy-Debug: 1 header into the request. This will show debug info in plain-text containing request headers, response headers and response body.
‘Proxy-Target-URL: ‘,
‘Proxy-Debug: 1’));
Specifying User-Agent
Some sites may return different content for different user agents. In such case add User-Agent header to cURL request, it will be automatically passed to the request for target site. In this case it’s Firefox 70 for Ubuntu.
‘User-Agent: Mozilla/5. 0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:70. 0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/70. 0’,
Error 301 Moved permanently
It might occur that there’s a redirection when calling the proxy (not the target site), eg. during -> redirection. You can either modify/fix the proxy URL (which is recommended), or add CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION option before curl_exec.
curl_setopt($request, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true);
Save response into variable
The default cURL behavior is to echo the response of curl_exec. In order to save response into variable, all you have to do is to add CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER cURL option.
curl_setopt($request, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true);
$response = curl_exec($request);
Free proxy list - list of proxy servers – AWMPROXY

Free proxy list – list of proxy servers – AWMPROXY

All NewsNews
21. 06. 2021
Increase in proxy prices
We are forced to increase the prices for our services! Hurry up and buy the non-refundable rate for the old price!
All proxyFree proxies
176. 12. 124. 68:8080 Czechia144. 91. 86. 144:3128 Germany31. 199. 150:80 Italy111. 170. 61:1080 Japan81. 18. 45. 35:3128 Kazakhstan5. 61. 53. 57:9154 Luxembourg104. 17. 101. 11:8080 Netherlands91. 226. 92. 38:80 Russia80. 28. 102. 26:8080 Spain159. 69. 204. 30:10410 Switzerland
These public proxies are provided absolutely free of charge and do not require any proxies are not of high quality, but if you need good proxies, you canbuy good proxies on our website.
Help us with the area’s development
Free proxy are as a rule open, popular public proxy
Unlike private proxies, the public ones do not require registration or a password. They are, in fact, an error or oversight of the system administrator who is responsible for the proxy server installed on the computer and who didn’t care about changing default settings. As a result such, a server is quickly located in the network with a special scanner, and becomes property of the public thirsting for anonymity. This information is quite sufficient for safe surfing the Global Network without showing your real IP proxies have great advantages:they have an easy setup – these proxies don’t require authorization and have easy setup
they are free!
there are no traffic limits or usage purposeThough, this “panacea for anonymity” besides all these advantages has some grave shortcomings:the more users come to know about a new free (public) proxy, the slower it starts working. Although proxy servers are usually installed on powerful servers, their possibilities are not unlimited, and at some moment they stop coping with the flood of requests
for the same reason of loading, the number of responses at a public proxy is much lower than when using own IP address. Losses reach 50% from the total number of requests
a public proxy would always disappears in the least convenient and least expected moment, which occurs as soon as the administrator of the proxy server pays attention to low workability of the system and finds out the reasons for its overloading. As a result, access is quickly blocked with a password, and a public proxy becomes a private one
these proxies are usually in all possible blacklists because of the great number of users and that is why they are of no use for a normal work
these proxies often don’t have many capacities (such as posting, FTP, SSH etc. )
Free proxies are of no use for real tasks, that’s why we put them in an open access without a fear of losing our clients

Frequently Asked Questions about php free proxy

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