• December 22, 2024

Omaha Proxy

tools/omahaproxy.py – Google Git

blob: 75bf43ddef3d8adf4ae176fc7781fe0e61a1cf17 [file] [log] [blame]#! /usr/bin/env python# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved. # Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be# found in the LICENSE file. “””Chrome Version ToolScrapes Chrome channel information and prints out the requested nugget ofinformation. “””import jsonimport optparseimport osimport stringimport sysimport urllibURL = ”def main(): try: data = (urllib. urlopen(URL)) except Exception as e: print ‘Error: could not load%s\n\n%s’% (URL, str(e)) return 1 # Iterate to find out valid values for OS, channel, and field options. oses = set() channels = set() fields = set() for os_versions in data: (os_versions[‘os’]) for version in os_versions[‘versions’]: for field in version: if field == ‘channel’: (version[‘channel’]) else: (field) oses = sorted(oses) channels = sorted(channels) fields = sorted(fields) # Command line parsing fun begins! usage = (‘%prog [options]\n’ ‘Print out information about a particular Chrome channel. ‘) parser = optparse. OptionParser(usage=usage) d_option(‘-o’, ‘–os’, choices=oses, default=’win’, help=’The operating system of interest:%s ‘ ‘[default:%%default]’% ‘, ‘(oses)) d_option(‘-c’, ‘–channel’, choices=channels, default=’stable’, help=’The channel of interest:%s ‘ ‘[default:%%default]’% ‘, ‘(channels)) d_option(‘-f’, ‘–field’, choices=fields, default=’version’, help=’The field of interest:%s ‘ ‘[default:%%default] ‘% ‘, ‘(fields)) (opts, args) = rse_args() # Print out requested data if available. for os_versions in data: if os_versions[‘os’]! = continue for version in os_versions[‘versions’]: if version[‘channel’]! = annel: continue if not in version: continue print version[] return 0 print ‘Error: unable to find%s for Chrome%s%s. ‘% (,, annel) return 1if __name__ == ‘__main__’: (main())
Omahaproxy.appspot.com - Google Chrome.

Omahaproxy.appspot.com – Google Chrome.

Website is generally safe
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1 min
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visit the most interesting Omaha Proxy Appspot pages, well-liked by users from Japan and USA, or check the rest of data below. is a low-traffic web project, safe and generally suitable for all ages. We found that English is the preferred language on Omaha Proxy Appspot pages. Their most used social media is Google+ with about 50% of all user votes and reposts. uses Google App Engine for server.
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MarkMonitor Inc.
Google LLC
February 06, 2021
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Omaha - Google Update for Windows - GitHub

Omaha – Google Update for Windows – GitHub

This is not an official Google product.
Omaha is the open-source version of Google Update, a program to install requested software and keep it up to date. The Google-branded version of Omaha is used to support software patching (both background updating, and on-demand update checks) for Google Chrome, Earth, and a variety of other Google products on Windows 7, 8, and 10.
For a quick overview of how Omaha works, you can see this unofficial tutorial. Please note that it was written by a third party so we cannot guarantee its availability, accuracy or safety.
We know that keeping software updated is both important and hard, and so by open-sourcing this project, our hope is that perhaps we can help others solve this problem. So, if you’d like to get involved, or even use Omaha to support your own software projects, then just follow the instructions in the Developer Setup Guide, and you’ll be good to go!

Frequently Asked Questions about omaha proxy

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