• December 22, 2024

Http_Proxy Authentication

How do I configure proxy and proxy authentication in Linux?

1: Open a terminal window and type the following command
sudo gedit /etc/environment
2: Copy the following lines in your /etc/environment file and modify accordingly.
no_proxy=”localhost, 127. 0. 1″
NO_PROXY=”localhost, 127. 1″
3: save your changes and log-out and log-in.
4: If your apt-get command is still not able to access internet, execute
sudo gedit /etc/apt/
and copy the following lines and modify accordingly
Acquire::::proxy “user:password@proxy:port/”;
Acquire::ftp::proxy “ftpuser:password@proxy:port/”;
5: once again save your changes and log-out and log-in.
P. S: You may have to delete /etc/apt/ It is not a place to store the environment variables. Moreover there is no such file on my system.
Using the cf CLI with a Proxy Server | Cloud Foundry Docs

Using the cf CLI with a Proxy Server | Cloud Foundry Docs

Format of _proxy
Use SOCKS5 with cf v3-ssh
Set _proxy in Mac OS or Linux
Set _proxy in Windows
Page last updated:
This topic describes using the Cloud Foundry Command Line Interface (cf CLI) with a proxy server.
If you have an HTTP or SOCKS5 proxy server on your network between a host running the cf CLI and your API endpoint, you must set _proxy with the hostname or IP address of the proxy server. The _proxy environment variable holds the hostname or IP address of your proxy server.
_proxy is a standard environment variable. Like any environment variable, the specific steps you use to set it depends on your operating system.
_proxy is set with hostname or IP address of the proxy server in URL format, as in the example below:
If the proxy server requires a username and password, you must include the credentials, as in the example below:
If the proxy server uses a port other than 80, you must include the port number, as in the example below:
If the proxy server is a SOCKS5 proxy, you must specify the SOCKS5 protocol in the URL, as in the example below:
The cf v3-ssh command in cf CLI v6 supports SOCKS5 proxies.
To specify the SOCKS5 proxy server:
Set the all_proxy environment variable, as in the example below:
Note: The cf ssh command for cf CLI v7 does not work through a SOCKS5 proxy.
To set the _proxy environment variable in Mac OS or Linux:
Use the command specific to your shell. For example, in bash, use the export command, as in the example below:
export _proxy=
To make this change persistent, add the command to the appropriate profile file for the shell. For example, in bash, add a line like example below to your. bash_profile or file:
export $_proxy
To set the _proxy environment variable in Windows:
Open the Start menu.
Right-click Computer and select Properties.
In the left pane of the System window, click Advanced system settings.
In the System Properties window:
Select Advanced.
Click Environment Variables.
Under User variables, click New.
For Variable name, enter _proxy.
For Variable value, enter your proxy server information.
Click OK.
Create a pull request or raise an issue on the source for this page in GitHub
How to configure proxy authentication to work with Ubuntu ...

How to configure proxy authentication to work with Ubuntu …

I have tried put in apt config Acquire::::proxy, and in Network>Network proxy with and without user:password@server:port and using environment variables _proxy and _proxy. Nothing seems to work, not even a single proxy authentication popup window.
The only proxy configuration working is within Firefox Edit> Preferences> Advanced> Network> Connection> Settings> Manual Proxy Configuration.
Using gconf to manually set the proxy doesn’t work
Using Synaptic in previous Ubuntu versions was too simple.
Jorge Castro67. 4k122 gold badges453 silver badges649 bronze badges
asked Nov 9 ’11 at 12:24
Go to /etc/apt. Create the file if you don’t have it there. Write the following lines there.
Acquire::::proxy “username:password@proxyserver:port/”;
Acquire::socks::proxy “socksusername:password@proxyserver:port/”;
Save it. You are done.
jokerdino♦39. 2k24 gold badges129 silver badges199 bronze badges
answered Oct 15 ’12 at 7:50
NicNic1391 silver badge2 bronze badges
I had the same problem. However I did have success by setting Acquire::::proxy in /etc/apt/ in the format
Acquire::::proxy “user:pass@host:port/”;
Note, I initially followed a recommendation somewhere on the web to put this in /etc/ The correct path is /etc/apt/
answered Feb 10 ’12 at 3:57
SynessoSynesso5331 gold badge7 silver badges18 bronze badges
In the dash button, select the “Network” option. In the network configuration screen you should select “network proxy” > “manual”, type your proxy data and finally “Apply to all system”. If authentication is required, the login screen will appear.
Another option is to configure directly using the gconftool:
gconftool-2 -t string -s /system/_proxy/host “YOUR_PROXY_ADDRESS”
gconftool-2 -t int -s /system/_proxy/port PROXY_PORT
gconftool-2 -t bool -s /system/_proxy/use__proxy true
I hope this help.
txwikinger25. 8k10 gold badges71 silver badges96 bronze badges
answered Nov 9 ’11 at 12:51
Well this worked – however it didn’t work to just use Acquire::::proxy “host:port/” – I had to use Acquire::::proxy “user:pass@host:port/” even though I haven’t a password on the proxy (I just did use “user and pass” to keep the syntax).
answered Mar 2 ’12 at 16:12
I had set proxy details in System → Network and applied system wide but was unable to use the Software Center (Firefox was fine).
I do need to enter a username and password but my actual username and password entered in that string wouldn’t work, but when I just put in the actual words “user:pass” the Software Center started working!
Peachy6, 63110 gold badges35 silver badges45 bronze badges
answered Aug 6 ’12 at 6:01
You need to confirm that your username or password must not contain: or @ in it.
I had a similar problem and it was solved when I changed my password.
Eliah Kagan110k51 gold badges301 silver badges462 bronze badges
answered Oct 14 ’12 at 12:03
I’ve applied all of the above and none of it works for me AT FIRST, even though wget, apt-get, curl, web browsing, thunderbird and suchlike have all worked perfectly for years. Only software centre didn’t work.
However, I left it with a grey screen for 2-4 minutes after applying the fix to /etc/apt/
Acquire::::proxy “user:pass@host:port/”
and then magically it began to work.
answered Jun 7 ’13 at 10:44
I have made a python script to set the proxy settings in Ubuntu
Assume the following setting, you need to replace at relevant places
proxy_address 172. 16. 26. 214
proxy_port 3128
proxy_username king
proxy_password queen
I have made a video which takes you through all the steps:
Youtube – Setting Simple and Authenticated Proxy Settings in Ubuntu 12 13 14 and above 100% Working.
Steps are Detailed here:
First click on Dash
In Search Box Enter “Proxy” (Without Quotes)
Click on “Network” under Applications
Select “Network Proxy”
Select Manual
Enter the proxy address and proxy port
Apply. Enter your system password to confirm
Download the script
Let’s say you have saved the in the Downloads folder
Open terminal
cd ~/Downloads
General Command:
sudo python proxy_address proxy_port proxy_username proxy_password
For our example
sudo python 172. 214 3128 king queen
In case of simple proxy Without authentication the command is:
sudo python 172. 214 3128
In case you have python 3 and above run using python2. 7
so the commands will look like
sudo python2. 7 172. 214 3128
sudo python2. 214 3128 king queen
answered Jan 3 ’15 at 20:35
Here is a link to a python program named UBPROXY. Given below are the steps to set proxy Authentication.
command to use->
wnload this program.
your terminal
3. “cd ~/Downloads” (Presuming that your download exist in this directory)
4. “chmod +x ubproxy”
5. “sudo. /ubproxy”
answered May 21 ’15 at 10:41
Snake EyesSnake Eyes4303 silver badges18 bronze badges
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Frequently Asked Questions about http_proxy authentication

What is proxy authentication?

Proxy Authentication enables you to configure the authentication method used by the proxy. This determines how client machines are validated when accessing the Internet. … This method is more secure since unlike Basic Authentication it does not transmit user credentials over the network.

What is Http_proxy and Https_proxy?

In short, both http_proxy and https_proxy support proxy for either HTTP or HTTPS requests. The difference is that http_proxy does not encrypt the data transmission between the client and proxies, while https_proxy does. So https_proxy proxies itself requires a TLS certificate.Feb 18, 2020

How do I use a proxy authentication?

2.1.1 Configuring the Proxy SettingsOpen the YaST Proxy Configuration module. … Select Enable Proxy.Specify the user name and password in the Proxy Authentication section if the proxy server requires authentication.Click Test Proxy Settings to validate the connection between the appliance and proxy server.Click OK.More items…

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