• December 22, 2024

Dedicated 4G Proxy

AirProxy: Dedicated 4G Mobile Proxies

AirProxy: Dedicated 4G Mobile Proxies

Dedicated 4G Mobile Proxies | AirProxy
Learn More
Datacenter or Mobile?
Find out why using our 4G mobile proxies is safer and more efficient for your operations
Easily detectable
Legit users don’t connect from datacenter IPs
Low IP trust score
Lowers accounts trust score
Can’t change IP on demand
Airproxy Mobile Proxies
Legit users connects from mobile IPs
High IP trust score
Increases accounts trust score
Can rotate IP via API or automatically
Unlimited dataNo fixed limits, no throttling and low latencies.
Tax invoiceRunning a business? Write off your proxy expenses
Automatic IP changeSet a random interval or use our API to change the IP at anytime
Instant deliveryNo setup time, proxies are already installed on our infrastructure
Clean IPsOur IPs are not detected as proxy/VPN and have a 0% Spam & Fraud score
Dedicated SIM cardNo sharing. Your proxy, your dedicated sim card
See pricing
Take a look at one of our two server rooms
Try it for 72 hours at 9. 90€
No automatic renewal. Keep the proxy for the next 30 days only if you decide to renew it manually.
Get your hands on some of the most powerful mobile proxies available and manage them from your control panel.
€87 / proxy / 30 days
Unlimited Bandwith
Dedicated Sim Card
API Access
Custom Rotation Time
Instant Delivery
Need more than a few proxies?
We offer heavily discounted prices for larger orders
Contact Us
Client’s Feedbacks
Mattia Mozzato
Milos Radic
Frequently Asked Questions
Got any doubt or question not covered in the FAQ? Send us a message, we are always available to help.
What is your proxies location?
Our proxies are located in Europe (Italy).
How many Instagram/Facebook accounts can I run on a single proxy?
While the proxy doesn’t have any technical limitation on the number of accounts you can connect to it, we recommend to use 8-10 accounts per proxy (and per platform) example, on a single proxy, you could use: 10 Instagram, 8 Twitter, 8 Facebook.
What is the average uptime?
We have an average uptime of 99. 95%. Every single proxy is monitored with the help of Zabbix, a monitoring tool that promptly alert us in case of issues. Furthermore, our network is protected from DDoS attacks with a custom anti-DDoS solution.
How can I rotate the proxy IP?
All proxies can rotate the IP at a custom interval (e. g. : every 15-60 minutes) set on the control panel or by clicking the “Change IP” API which lets you change the IP each time you load a special link is also available.
Which payment methods do you accept?
We accept Credit/Debit Cards and Bitcoins (instant and automatic delivery) Transfers are also accepted, but require a manual delivery.
4G Mobile Proxies - ProxyRack

4G Mobile Proxies – ProxyRack

Fast 4G & 3G Mobile ProxiesUnlimited IP switching and change on demand!
We have 108, 027 proxies online right now and we are one of the largest private proxy services available to the public.
3-day Money Back Guarantee
Mobile Proxies OverviewUnlimited IPs
Using a simple HTTP request we allow you to automatically switch to a new IP allowing you to access the whole cellular ASN of IPs.
Dedicated Device
You will get dedicated access to a connected 4G device that uses real cellular towers to connect to the internet.
Real Cellular (3G/4G) IPs
The IPs you gain access to come from a real residential 4G ISP that has more than 53 million customers connected to the internet.
1. Connect using HTTP or SOCKS protocol2. Visit web pages
3. Easily switch to a fresh new IP –
Once you’re connected to our fast 4G proxy service you can simply visit the URL:
This URL only works when connected to our proxy; then simply wait for up to 30 seconds and you have a brand new fresh IP address ready for you to use.
Watch the video to see how it works!
Easily track your connections –
a birds-eye view on data usage, see how your software interacts with our proxies.
We source our USA proxies from all over the United States to provide many different C class blocks available.
Automatic Proxy Replacements –
If for any reason your IPs are no longer valid or a datacenter goes down we can simply push new IPs to your assigned ports without any configuration changes on your end.
Redundant Systems –
Uptime is critical for our clients so we implement state of the art redundancy allowing automatic server backups that are deployed in under 30 seconds.
Rotating Proxies
25 Ports$25
50 Ports$50
75 Ports$75
150 Ports$150
250 Ports$250
Dedicated Proxies
Shared Proxies
All Plans
The full suite of ProxyRack VPN easy-to-use software
Unlimited bandwidth
Unlimited server switches
OpenVPN protocol
DNS leak fix
Access to all servers and locations
Multi-login: Use up to 5 accounts for the price of one!
Internet kill-switch: disable your internet if VPN is disconnected
Free updates
Get access to new servers every week
Customer support
Our Customers’ Review
I am lucky that I was accepted into the private beta. These are truely real residential fast
These kind of IPs are very hard to get at this priceXec
Thank you for the great service as per usual! Sam
Very easy to use. TimothyTT
Fast servers and does what it saysMellow111
ProxyPlanet: Dedicated 4G proxy - IP Rotation - 100% Stable ...

ProxyPlanet: Dedicated 4G proxy – IP Rotation – 100% Stable …

What is the difference between 4G Proxy and Residential Proxy? Here are the advantages
✅ Undetectable
✅ Keep your account safe
✅ IP Auto Rotation
✅ Top Quality Italian IP addresses
✅ Traffic coming from a real business SIM card
❌ Easily identifiable
❌ They damage your social account
❌ You cannot rotate your IP
❌ Low quality IPs
❌ Often recognized as a bot
Thanks to our configurable IP rotation, the IP address of your 4G dedicated mobile proxy can change automatically allowing you to carry out any type of activity on any type of social network.
CHECK THE PRICE – € 42, 70/month
Social Network e Scraping
Thanks to 4G proxies, botting and scraping activities carried out on websites and social networks will not be blocked, allowing you to continue the activity in total safety.
Unlimited Traffic
All of our proxies have no limits on data traffic or number of requests, ensuring that even the most traffic-intensive activities don’t get interrupted.
24/7 Support
The dedicated customer support section is active 7 days a week, 365 days a year, guaranteeing you technical support for any problem.
Dynamic IPs
IP rotation can be customized for each situation; this allows you to stay safe and avoid blocks. In addition IP rotation can be triggered programmatically via our Python API.
Immediate Activation
After purchasing or adding a 4G Mobile Proxy to your account, its activation will be immediate allowing you to use it without any activation delays.
Dedicated Sim
Each 4G Proxy has a dedicated business SIM card, ensuring complete independence and no data traffic conflicts with other users.
• Instagram• Facebook• TikTok• Linkedin• And More… We have the right 4G proxy for your business. We know the limits of the various social networks and for this reason we have designed a 4G Dedicated Proxy for each of these, so that you can carry out any activity without worrying about IP limitations and IP reputation.
Here are some reviews from some of our customers.
“I have an Instagram growth agency. Many providers sell you 4G proxies that are shared with dozens of users without telling you and this has damaged my business. Proxyplanet guarantees dedicated 4G proxies and since I switched to ProxyPlanet I have never had an issue with my proxies. ”
Giorgio C.
GrowNow Agency
“I am a social media manager and I manage dozens of accounts on Linkedin, Instagram and Facebook. Using publishing and post scheduling software, ProxyPlanet’s 4G proxies allowed me to prevent my accounts from being blocked. ”
Laura T.
“Our data anlysis company needed stable proxies, fast and with 24/7 technical assistance. We found all this with the Proxyplanet. The team also adapted a their solution to our needs and we are very satisfied with them. ”
Armando D.
Top quality 4G Proxy
Customizable IP Rotation
Refresh IP API
Dedicated SIM
1 Dedicated 4G Proxy
€ 67, 00

Frequently Asked Questions about dedicated 4g proxy

What is a 4G proxy?

4G proxy is a proxy that uses mobile IP addresses or that redirects web traffic from cellular network-connected mobile devices. This proxy offers an additional layer of anonymity and is known for having a high IP trust score.Jul 13, 2020

How do I create a 4G proxy?

In summary, here are the steps for creating a 4G proxy:Get a Raspberry Pi and 4G dongle.Install Raspberry Pi OS.Connect Ethernet Cable.Connect the 4G SIM card.Connect the 4G dongle to the Raspberry Pi.Run the Proxidize 4G proxy creation script.

How do I use a dedicated proxy?

Open Google Chrome and click the menu Tools -> Settings -> Show advanced settings , then click Change proxy settings. 4. Click LAN settings button in Internet Properties window and check the option “Use a proxy server for your LAN“, then enter your proxy shared or private proxy server from your list.

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