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Summoners War How To Play

7 Best Summoners War Tips and Tricks For Early-Mid Game …

Welcome to the Summoners War beginner guide 2021! In this progression guide, we’re going to go over how to build your friends list, progression, monsters, runes, and more! These are all crucial elements to understand and are necessary to save you LOTS of time and energy. Don’t skip any of these or else you’re going to kick yourself in the foot later on. At the end of the blog I put some very useful resources you can use to help your progression. Thanks in advance for reading! Step #1 – Add Friends & Be a Good FriendHaving lots of friends in SW is very important. If you are getting started, don’t worry. Just ask people in the chat and they will add you. A major benefit is being able to use your friends Rep monsters to help level your other monsters. Best part is you get extra bonus exp since rep and mentor monsters give you theirs when you use them! Look for friends who can farm Faimon like Lapis or Verad. You should always use your rep monsters first each day to help speed up your leveling process. Don’t be shy! Go out there and make some friends! IMPORTANT: Be a good friend! Make sure you have a rep monster that is USEFUL for farming Faimon like Lapis. People won’t add you if have a useless rep. Why would they? If they can’t farm with your rep monster, then there is no point in adding you. If you want an awesome friend who is useful, then you need to be one too. Step #2 – Join a GuildThere’s one simple reason to get into a guild as soon as possible. Guild Rewards. These are only accessible to guild members. As you battle other guilds and enter into sieges you receive guild points. There are a lot of very valuable prizes that you’ll want to spend your points on. In the early game, there are plenty of lower level guilds that automatically accept new members. No need to request high guilds unless you are higher level with lots of potential to benefit that specific guild. Step #3 – Focus on Progression MonstersThere are a lot of cool monsters in Summoners War. Knowing which ones to spend your energy on is very difficult. This was actually why we created this website. There is no right or wrong way to play this game, however, there is a slow way and, of course, a faster way. If you find a monster you really like, there’s nothing wrong with leveling it up. Just keep in mind there are a lot of monsters that aren’t even worth leveling up because they don’t offer enough benefits in the long term. These monsters are designed for end game PvP or are Food Monsters(Ones used to feed to level up or skill up other monsters). One of the biggest mistakes early players do is leveling up a monster only to realize it’s only good for end game content. This wastes lots of valuable resources, and dramatically slows down your progress. It’s ok if you have 1 and REALLY just want to build it, but I highly recommend not making this a habit unless you want to be stuck in early game forever. Step #4 – Conquer that Giant in GB10Giants B10 might be daunting at first, but you definitely need to work towards this goal. GB10 is where you’ll farm to get great runes to strengthen your monsters. Now, there is definitely a higher strategy to tackle the strong giants, and you’ll need the right line up to do the job. Click here to check out this detailed GB10 strategy to speed up the process for you. Try to focus a significant amount of energy and time into getting to GB10 to not only make your game experience easier but a lot more fun! Once you have GB10 cleared and farmed enough runes, it’s then time to start moving towards GB12. Don’t do GB12 if your fail rate is too high. Step #5 – Buff Up With Skill UpsPeople complain a lot that even with good monsters and runes their monsters are still not surviving. You need to skill them up to get the most out of them. You’d be surprised how many summoners forget about this. In the early game, use family monsters to skill up. Focus on ones that are the easiest to get first. SAVE YOUR DEVILMONS for your best nat 5 monsters (they are very hard to get family skill ups). Step #6 – Build a Team that Works TogetherIn Summoners War, synchronizing your team so that they all work together is crucial to progress in the game. Many summoners make the mistake of loading up all their bets on one monster or all the same type. When you do this, chances are your team won’t survive. A typical team needs to have a damage dealer, attack/speed buff, debuffs, ability to strip buffs from bosses, and healer. Keep in mind that buffs don’t stack, so having two of the same will be wasteful. Try to strategize and see how each monster contributes to the team as a whole and not as just an individual. Step #7 – Focus on Rune FarmingAs strong as some of the Nat 4 & Nat 5 monsters are, without good runes you won’t get very far. Here are some key elements you need to keep in mind when working on your runes. • Focus most of your attention on your 2, 4, and 6 slot. • Get runes with% boost and not just flat stat boost(except speed) on your 2, 4, 6. • Pay attention to your multipliers. These will make a big difference in its you struggling and want to progress through the game 10X faster? Check out this maximum efficiency progression guide to skip all the headaches and mistakes nearly all beginners make. BONUS: Strategies & ResourcesDungeon team builds and strategies:GB10DB10NB10Additional ResourcesUnderstanding RunesGame ProgressionToA StrategyDimensional HoleLive CoachingIf you want to avoid a ton of mistakes and want Live Coaching, now you can! You’ll get the best tips and tricks from Guardian level players who know Summoners War like the back of their hand. Check it out! #swdatabase #summonerswartips
MR CHUNG big winner of the SWC 2020 - JeuMobi.com

MR CHUNG big winner of the SWC 2020 – JeuMobi.com

8 candidats pouvaient prétendre à remporter le titre mondial de Summoners War ce week-end. 8 joueurs de haut niveau qui ont gagné leur place pour les finales mondiales après un long processus de qualification, composé de phases préliminaires et de coupes régionales. Mais il n’y a qu’une place sur le trône et au bout du tournoi, c’est le Hong-kongais MR CHUNG qui a gagné le SWC 2020. Venu avec la coupe de cheveux la plus extravagante de la compétition, il ramène surtout la coupe du mondial à la maison. La rediffusion du tournoi final est en à du beau jeu, nous avons également pu apprécier la qualité de la production. Les clins d’œil à la communauté furent nombreux et les fans ont eu l’occasion de participer à distance au tournoi en envoyant plusieurs encouragements à leurs champions favoris. Les casters étaient survoltés pour plonger les téléspectateurs au cœur de la compétition, alors qu’il n’y avait aucun public, coronavirus oblige. On a également aimé le trash-talk bien dosé des joueurs qui a encore plus ajouté à la hype de l’évè CHUNG est allé chercher sa victoire au SWC 2020Difficile de faire plus simple que le tableau final du SWC 2020. Il n’y avait aucune tête de série et aucune restriction régionale lors du tirage au sort. Dans un tableau à élimination directe, personne n’était protégé de personne et chaque faux-pas était pénalisé par une sortie du tournoi. Les joueurs n’avaient pas non plus le temps de souffler car quarts de finale, demis et grande finale se sont tous enchaînés dans la même journé y avait de la gloire à gagner mais aussi de l’ ce contexte, c’est MR CHUNG qui a été sacré grand champion des SWC 2020. Intraitable en quart de finale contre notre représentant français ROSITH (2-0), il a ensuite étrillé sans pitié le Coréen Charmi (3-0). Heureusement pour le spectacle, la finale fut plus disputée (3-2). Le Taïwanais Gaia a chèrement vendu sa peau et n’a pas démérité CHUNG a montré un niveau aussi élevé que ses cheveux. Déconvenue pour les Américains et L’ESTROSITH s’est rapidement fait sortir du tournoi, mais il ne devrait pas avoir trop de regrets en tombant face au futur champion. Pour trouver les vrais déçus, il faut traverser l’Océan Atlantique. L’Amérique du Nord avait en effet le privilège d’avoir deux représentants. Mais JMAK et le fantasque TROKAMOO qui s’était déguisé pour l’occasion, se sont fait sortir dès leur premier match. Des éliminations expresses conclues sur deux scores sans appel de, le Chinois L’EST, remettait sa couronne en jeu après avoir remporté l’édition 2019. Il a lui aussi rapidement mordu la poussière en se faisant éliminer par Charmi (1-2). Comme quoi, on ne peut pas gagner à tous les coups.
Step-by-Step, Chapter 1: A Beginner's Guide - Summoners ...

Step-by-Step, Chapter 1: A Beginner’s Guide – Summoners …

Home > Step-by-Step, Chapter 1: A Beginner’s Guide
I see a lot of new summoners struggling with what to do when they are first starting out. The general progression strategy of Scenarios > GB10 > etc. gives some basic direction to new summoners, but doesn’t explain how to clear that first PvE goal: Scenarios. This step-by-step beginner’s guide will be a walk-through that highlights what I believe to be the best path for clearing Scenarios, and will go a little more in depth with some basics to set new summoners up for long term success.
Before we get started in earnest, let’s lay out some definitions for commonly used terms:
AD: Arena Defense
AO: Arena Offense
AOE: Area of Effect (skills that hit more than one enemy mon)
ATB: Attack Bar
ATK: Attack (stat)
CC: Crowd Control (slow, stun, sleep, freeze, etc. )
(1) Critical Damage
(2) Cooldown (number of turns before you can use a skill again)
Cleave: A team of mons that can kill the entire enemy team in one turn
CR: Critical hit Rate (i. e. % chance of your mon landing a critical hit)
DD: Damage dealer
Debuff: Any negative status indicator (e. g. ATK break, DEF break, Slow, Stun, etc. )
DEF: Defense (stat)
DOT: Damage Over Time, aka Continuous Damage debuff
Dungeon: Referring to the various dungeons in the Cairos Dungeon
DB10: Dragon’s Lair, Basement 10
Elemental Dungeons: Hall of [Element] (Sunday-Thursday: Light, Dark, Fire, Water, Wind respectively)
GB10: Giant’s Keep, Basement 10
HoH: Hall of Heroes
NB10: Necropolis, Basement 10
Farmable: A mon which you can acquire reliably, either by Scenario drops, Secret Dungeons (SD), or shop pieces
Farmer: Any mon who can clear a scenario alone and is used to “farm” a scenario over and over, with the goal of leveling up three other mons
Fodder: A mon used for sacrifice to level up, evolve, or skill up another mon
GW: Guild War
GWD: Guild War Defense
GWO: Guild War Offense
gz: Congratulations
Proc: When something occurs, like gaining an extra turn from Violent runes or landing a debuff
R1-5: Raid levels 1-5
RNG: Stands for Random Number Generator; used to express the random probability of something occuring.
S1-3: Skill 1, 2, and 3
SD: Secret Dungeon. Found through the elemental dungeons (Sunday-Thursday)
TOA: Tower of Ascension
TOAN: TOA Normal mode
TOAH: TOA Hard mode
Your First Mons
Ellia walks you through your first few summons, netting you the following mons:
Sieq, The Fire Hellhound: Sieq brings some self-sustain with S1, decent damage with S2, and, once awakened, a great 3-turn team ATK + CR buff. ATK buffs give your mons +50% ATK (based on your overall ATK, not just base ATK), and CR buffs give your mons +30% CR. As a 2* mon, Sieq is easy to awaken (2 Fire Mid, 15 Fire Low, 15 Magic Low), and easy to skill up (Fire Hellhounds are the most common mon drop from Faimon). Sieq has great base attack, and his S3 is on a 3-turn cooldown (CD) when max skilled (meaning your team can basically have constant ATK + CR buffs). Sieq will help you through Scenarios, but is mostly used in PvP later on because he is too squishy for PvE content.
Elucia, The Water Fairy: Elucia is going to be your first leader, giving your team +20% RES which will help prevent DEF breaks, slows, and other debuffs from affecting your mons. Her S1 has a 20% chance of freezing a single target for 1-turn (60% chance when maxed), which is useful (if unreliable) in PvE and PvP. Elucia’s S2 cleanses a single ally and recovers their HP. This heal is proportionate to Elucia’s ATK, meaning if you want a bigger heal, you need to give her more ATK. Finally, Elucia gains an S3 upon awakening that puts an enemy to sleep for 2-turns. Be aware that attacking a sleeping enemy wakes them up. I do not recommend awakening Elucia, as the essences are better used (IMO) towards fusing Veromos.
Ellia forces you to use 75 crystals to summon Elucia, so I feel the need to give you this advice: you should never use crystals to summon one monster ever again. Instead, save up your crystals for the Premium Pack (750 crystals) for 11 Mystical Scrolls (MS), 100, 000 Mana, and 3 angelmon (Fire, Water, and Wind). This is (arguably) the most efficient use of your crystals early game, as a lucky 4 or 5* mon can be a big boost to your progression. Later on, energy refills and experience boosts will be the most efficient use of your crystals (exp. boosts for leveling, energy refills for rune farming).
Garen Forest
All Scenarios drop a unique rune set, monsters, unknown scrolls, and crafting materials. In Garen Forest, you’ll find:
Energy Runes: A 2-set of energy runes gives your mon a bonus +15% HP. With three sets, that’s an additional 45% HP for your tanks. Put three sets on Roid so he can soak damage for you versus Fire mons.
Monsters: Icaru (Water Inugami, 3*), Rainbowmon (2*), Water Flower (2*), Fire Maned Boar (2*), Wind Mushroom (1*), and Wind Forest Keeper (1*) all drop from Garen Forest. Check out our Monster Guide of Monsters series for more info on what mons to keep.
Unknown Scrolls (US): Unknown Scrolls will summon a random 1-3* mon. US can be found as a drop from every Scenario.
Crafting Materials: Crating Materials can only be found when clearing a Hell mode Scenario, and you won’t be using the crafting materials dropped by Scenarios until much later in the game. You can either hold on to them until that time, or sell them by going to your Arena tower > Storage > Craft.
Going forward, I won’t mention US or Crafting Materials as Scenario drops, and instead will focus on the unique drops (Runes and Mons) of each Scenario.
TIP: Higher star level mons are more likely to drop in higher difficulty Scenarios (i. Hell mode will drop more Water Inugamis than Normal mode).
Roid, The Wind Vagabond: Ellia has you summon a US upon completing Garen 1 Normal, and you get Roid. Roid brings DEF break (reduce enemy DEF by 70%) on S1, ATK break (reduce enemy ATK by 50%) on S2, and an ATB reset + Taunt on S3 once awakened. Debuffs are powerful and useful tools that will be the cornerstone of your PvE progression, but require investing in ACC for your mons to land them with any consistency (the same goes for Elucia’s freeze on S1).
Ellia also has you feed a mon to power / level up your Sieq. I generally recommend not wasting mons in this way. Especially early game, you will need the mons you summon from US and friend points to evolve your mons or you will run out of food quickly. I generally only use 1* mons as food for Angelmon I find.
Continue fighting through Garen Forest (turn “Auto Fight” on after level 3) and beat the boss using a combination of Roid’s debuffs and Elucia’s heals to tank through the fight. As a clear reward, you will get…
Lucien, The Light Elven Ranger: Although I recommend keeping Lucien, I don’t find him to be that great… He’s an attack type mon with fairly low base ATK (692 @ lvl 40). The Ankle Shot (S2) + Steady Shot (S3) combo is decent for PvP, but Lucien won’t help you much in PvE.
TIP: Don’t collect your mission rewards until you have used up your energy and arena wings. Collecting rewards can level you up, which refills your energy and arena wings.
Elemental Relationships
Elemental relationships are an important concept that you will use throughout the rest of the game. Here are the main effects to understand:
Attacking With Elemental Advantage grants you a bonus +15% CR and an increased chance to land a crushing hit (+30% damage). The 15% CR is important when looking to efficiently rune your mons. For example, if you can get 85% CR through runes on your Water Magic Knight, she will always land a critical hit versus fire mons (85% + 15% = 100%), which means more consistent higher damage.
Attacking With Elemental Disadvantage increases your chance of landing a glancing hit, which normally reduces damage by 30%, but reduces an additional 16% damage when glancing with elemental disadvantage. Glancing hits will also block most skill harmful effects from landing. The reduced damage is a major reason why the suggested starting GB10 team is made mainly of wind mons.
Your main goal early game is to progress through the game’s PvE content. That being said, you should use up your wings whenever you can to start saving up for your weekly Devilmon (save for Veromos) and buildings (finish both energy towers first, then start your SPD Totem). For later game players, check out our Arena guides!
Always beat your Rivals for the guaranteed free crystals. After beating Gready for the first time, Durand will send you a gift…
Teon, The Light Garuda: Often overshadowed by his Water brother, Teon is a great free reviver with a decent S1 stun and support S2 (ATB fill + ATK buff). Cheap to awaken, and useful through DB10 and TOAH if you use a revive comp. You can also speed tune your arena team to give your DD a second turn.
Chapter 2: Mon, Rune, & Resource Management
report this adContentsDefinitionsYour First MonsGaren ForestElemental RelationshipsArenaChapter 2: Mon, Rune, & Resource Management
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Working in a professional career, thinking about going back to school for a Master’s degree. Been playing SW since January 2016, and like to play mobile, console, and PC games when I have time. I love researching strategy, talking about best progression paths, and helping new players find their way.
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How do you play Summoners war for beginners?

7 Best Summoners War Tips and Tricks For Early-Mid Game (2021)Step #1 – Add Friends & Be a Good Friend.Step #2 – Join a Guild.Step #3 – Focus on Progression Monsters.Step #4 – Conquer that Giant in GB10.Step #5 – Buff Up With Skill Ups.Step #6 – Build a Team that Works Together.Step #7 – Focus on Rune Farming.More items…

What should I do first in Summoners war?

In this context, it was MR CHUNG who was crowned grand champion of the SWC 2020. Unstoppable in the quarter-final against our French representative ROSITH (2-0), he then mercilessly curbed the Korean Charmi (3-0). Fortunately for the show, the final was more disputed (3-2).Nov 22, 2020

What is the fastest way to progress in Summoners war?

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