How To Search Craigslist Usa Wide
Search All Of Craigslist
What makes Craigslist so popular when it looks so outdated? Over 60 million people search Craigslist everyday in the US alone! But the first thing you notice on that site is how old, outdated and, well lets admit it, UGLY the site looks when you enter. Clearly, with the advances in technology and competition out there Craigslist must have thought about updating the look, but no. The site has remained unchanged since it started in 1996. The motto, if its not broke, don’t fix it, surely applies to Craigslist! People come to Craigslist for two reasons, to search craigslist for something or some one, or to sell something (but not someone…that’s illegal). And, despite what we may think about the way the site looks, Craigslist ultimately fulfills the goal we came to the site with – to sell, or to aigslist Satisfaction Rate: Do people like craigslist? you bet! Despite the horrible news stories you hear and people complaining about spam and functionality issues, people by the masses love craigslist! A review of Better Business Bureau Craigslist file shows that of the Billions of transactions per year completed on Craigslist, a total of only 164 complaints have been filed in the last 3 years. Of those, 30 were due to advertising, 9 due to billing, 3 due to delivery issues, and 122 due to service issues. 156 issues have not been resolved rendering an F rating with the is Craigslist So Simple? : Many users constantly ask why Craigslist is so simplistic and not user friendly; funny, because Craigslist has made a point of being simplistic TO BE more user friendly. The tactic of simple design works for Craigslist. Any body can search their Craigslist city with ease, whether it is a college student, professionals, or even your 80 year old grandmother! The simple design is ugly, but easy to use, quick to load, and that creates a positive experience for the user. The problem occurs when you want to search craigslist beyond one specific city or town, you can’t! Sites like eBay, Oodle and others allow users to search a broad area for an item; however craigslist still makes its users search town by town, city by city. This is why we created our Craigslist Search can you not search all cities in a state on Craigslist? : As stated above, the simple designs that works well for some craigslist users, doesn’t allow for a powerful search function to search all of Craigslist USA. Some experts say that Craigslist has done this on purpose as well. Surely the Craigslist Head Office has heard your complaint by now that users can not search beyond one location. Would it not be useful to be able to search an entire state or “x” miles from a zip code? But many experts agree that the premise behind craigslist is to be local, and to enrich a local community. By allowing users to only search within their city, local residents, businesses, artists etc. benefit first. Maybe you can find an item within walking distance, versus driving 3hrs across the state to pick up an item you like a little bit more. Unfortunately, many locations on Craigslist are too small of a population to find what you are looking for and larger metropolis areas elsewhere in the state have more selection. The opposite is also true when prices are inflated in big cities, but amazing deals can be found in smaller towns only an hour away. This is where our craigslist search engine comes in, allowing you to search all craigslist cities in a state and nationwide! Interesting information about CraigslistCraigslist Fast Facts (Some are Unbelievable! ) Craigslist is, without questions, the most popular online classified site in north America. In fact, Craigslist has over 60 million users worldwide (90% being North America), craigslist displays over 50 Billion ads per month! How many ads are posted to craigslist each month? There are approximately 80 million ads posted to Craigslist USA each month. Approximately 1 million of those are job ads. Approximately 13% of daily users post a new craigslist ad resulting in 80+ million new posts every month! Of those 80 million ads, a large number are re-listings and another large percent are spam unfortunately, so the real number of actual new ads each month is somewhat unknown. Either way the sheer number of ads is simply astounding! There is no good way to search through all those ads without a craigslist search engine. On top of that, there are 200+ million user postings in 100 topical forums available on long do people spend on Craigslist? The average user will spend approximately 15 minutes per visit on craigslist looking at an average of 16 pages. In the USA, approximately 50 Million people use many Craigslist sites are there to search? There are over 700 craigslist sites in 13 different languages in 70 countries. Now you start to see the importance of using a craigslist search many used cars are on Craigslist? There are approximately 9. 2 million used car ads on craigslist at any one it or Craigslist was started as as the founder wanted it to be a community site and showed that the site was more of an organization than a company. Today Craigslist com and craigslist org are interchangeable and lead to the same place – item was stolen from me, how can I find it on Craigslist? Unfortunately, some people use craigslist to sell items that do not belong to them. Stolen items make up a very very very small percent of items on Craigslist, so shop with confidence. For tips on identifying stolen or counterfeit items on craigslist, click here. You can use Search All Craigslist to broaden your search to areas around where the item was stolen from. Some criminals are smart and post the item for sale in an adjacent town thinking you might see it on CL in your city. Use the search entire state function to find your item. Remember, if you find your item, alert the authorities and DO NOT try to get the item back are the most common searches on Craigslist? :The list below shows some of the most common searches made on SearchallCraigslist. From the list it is clear to see that buying automobiles is the most common search outpacing personals ads, jobs and community services.
How to Search Craigslist by Region – Small Business – Chron.com
The Internet has drastically changed advertising options for consumers and businesses, inundating Web users with everything from website banners and annoying pop-up ads to classified advertising sites such as Craigslist. Many different kinds of ads appear on Craigslist, including products, services, housing opportunities and internships. Since Craigslist publishes advertising from around the world, it’s important for you to search for what you need in the right locale. If Craigslist doesn’t detect your hometown automatically, you can easily change your region in just a few moments. Navigate to in your Web browser. Check the location that Craigslist will search by default — the location is displayed at the top of the page. If the location is correct, then you don’t need to change that setting. Select the best menu option from the list of regions on the right to access additional options. Three options are available for locations in America: “nearby cl” for city locations close to the location Craigslist detects as yours; “US cities” for a list of large, commonly searched cities; and “US states, ” which brings up a list of all 50 states as well as Washington D. C., Guam and Puerto Rico. Select the correct city or state as your preference. If you choose a state, your browser will load a new page listing large cities in your state and you can click on any city to search in that region. Type a word or phrase in the “Search Craigslist” text box on the left. Select the type of results you want from the drop-down menu below the search box. Common categories that people search are “For Sale, ” “Jobs, ” “Housing” and “Events. ” If you’re not sure which option you need, just use the default “For Sale. ” Click the button below the search box to execute your search. Alternately, you can press the “Enter” key after you finish typing the word or phrase you want to search on. Tips If you create an account at Craigslist, you can change your default region by clicking “My Account” on the left side of the main Craigslist page; then select “Account Settings” and choose your location from the “default site” drop-down menu. Writer Bio A lover of technology in all forms, Matt Skaggs began writing professionally in 2010, specializing in Windows computers and Android devices. His writing has appeared on many websites providing a plethora of technology information and tutorials. In 2008 Skaggs graduated from Bob Jones University with a Bachelor of Arts in humanities.
How to Search All of Craigslist at Once | Digital Trends
Whether you’re selling an old air compressor or trying to haggle over the price on a meat grinder, Craigslist is one of the best ways to find used goods in your local area. People who are just browsing Craigslist might not need to widen their search, but if you’re looking for a specific item, you might need to explore other areas.
It isn’t usually the default setting, but there is a way you can branch out and extend your Craigslist search to other locations. These four apps will help you do just that!
— Web app
One of the simplest and most effective Craigslist searchers online, SearchCraiglist returns fast and complete results for any search term you want (just remember the first few results are going to be ads, just like on Google). You can search your results by relevance or date. Date is often better for simple terms that return a lot of results (e. g. iPhone 12), while relevance is better for more specific searches that have important details (e. 1989 Ken Griffey Jr. Rookie card).
SearchTempest — Web app
If you do not reside in the U. S. or you are interested in searching a wider array of online classifieds, SearchTempest is going to give you access to just about everything. It can search Craigslist in its entirety, in addition to eBay auctions and Amazon Marketplace listings. You can even customize your search by site, city, and distance from any particular zip code. You can also search the entire world.
The limitlessness of Search Tempest can feel a little overwhelming initially. Unless you don’t mind paying international shipping on items, you will most likely want to limit where you search. However, for those that want to see all of what’s out there, SearchTempest will show you.
CPlus for Craigslist — iOS and Android
If you’re unsure how wide to set your search, CPlus for Craigslist has expansive geo-location support. Meaning they make it quick and easy to locate the item you’re looking for in nearby cities. Once you’ve begun your search, there are advanced filtering and sorting systems you can tinker with to make parsing through the results that much easier. You can save your searches to make sure you aren’t repeating the same search. You can save any postings that are especially attractive to you in your favorites list.
The app is free to use, though there are advanced features you can pay for if you would like to up your search game. For $1. 99, you can enhance the alert functionality. If you opt for the pro version, you can unlock the ability to use multiple Craigslist accounts and post more frequently. It doesn’t matter if you’re searching for garage or yard sales, dating ads, or car sales — if it’s out there, CPlus for Craigslist can locate it for you.
Search All Junk — Web app
If you’ve been searching endlessly in the interwebs for a particular (or just a general) item, we recommend using the Search All Junk tool. It comes as a blessing for those hunting for specific components, designs, furniture pieces, and other arbitrary objects they can’t seem to track down anywhere else. It operates not only on Craigslist but on different popular exchange websites such as Pennysaver and Recycler.
Once you’ve entered the word or phrase you’re searching for, the site lets you use filters that sift through results based on the specified date or region. We promise that using these filters will significantly improve your chances of snagging the item you want before anyone else stumbles across it. You’ll also find a separate sector for advanced searches, which comes in handy when you’re trying to find a particular car model or another similar item.
Overall, the Search All Junk app is an excellent resource for locating and purchasing items, whether you’re in the market for comic books or kitchen tables. No matter what you’re seeking, this site will, without a doubt, help you find it quickly and easily.
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Frequently Asked Questions about how to search craigslist usa wide
How do I search Craigslist nationwide?
To do this, go to Settings > Search Settings. From there, you can scroll down to Select Region. Choose a different country and click Save. This will allow you to conduct nationwide Craiglist searches for a different country.
How do you find large areas on Craigslist?
If Craigslist doesn’t detect your hometown automatically, you can easily change your region in just a few moments.Navigate to Craigslist.org in your Web browser. … Select the best menu option from the list of regions on the right to access additional options. … Select the correct city or state as your preference.More items…