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How to configure proxy server settings in Windows 10 - Digital ...

How to configure proxy server settings in Windows 10 – Digital …

How to configure proxy server settings in Windows 10
Windows 10
Windows 10 offers the ability to set a proxy server from its Settings app without the need for third-party software. This feature allows you to protect your online privacy by covering some of your tracks when surfing the web. Furthermore, using a proxy server might be the only way to access the internet in schools or enterprise environments. The proxy server, which acts as an intermediary between your Windows 10 device and the internet, is used to access online content from all web browsers that you have installed, as well as the Windows 10 apps from the Microsoft Store. Read on and learn how to change the proxy settings in Windows 10:
Quick Steps
How do I find my proxy settings in Windows 10?
Open the Settings app in Windows 10. One quick way to do that is to press Windows + I on your keyboard.
In the newly opened window, click or tap the section labeled Network & Internet.
Click or tap on Proxy.
Two separate sections can be configured on the right: “Automatic proxy setup” and “Manual proxy setup. ”
NOTE: Before you go ahead and change proxy settings in Windows 10, make sure you first know what a proxy server is and why you might want to use one.
To change the Windows 10 proxy settings, you have to use the Settings app. One quick way to do that is to press Windows + I on your keyboard. In the newly opened window, click or tap the section labeled Network & Internet.
Network & Internet in Windows 10’s Settings
Here, you find several subsections with settings. The last one should be named Proxy. To change the proxy settings in Windows 10, click or tap on it. Two separate sections can be configured on the right: “Automatic proxy setup” and “Manual proxy setup. ”
The Windows 10 proxy settings are found in Settings’ Proxy section
Now let’s see exactly how to change proxy settings in Windows 10:
How do I configure proxy settings with a setup script (address)?
Before you start setting up a proxy server in Windows 10, you need to find a few proxy addresses that you can use. Many of these proxy servers have an URL (web address) similar to any regular website (e. g., ). Still, you should know that proxy services significantly differ regarding quality. You need a lot of patience to find one that works well with your online habits and internet connection.
Also, some proxy servers require you to specify a script address. What is a script address? It’s the URL or IP address of a proxy configuration script that has to be loaded by Windows 10 in order to set the proxy server. If your mind is set on using a proxy server like this, go to the “Automatic proxy setup” section. Here, check if the automatic detection of proxy settings is enabled and then turn the “Use setup script” switch On. Finally, type the URL of the proxy in the “Script address” field and press Save.
How to configure proxy settings using a script address
Your settings are saved and used by Windows 10, your web browsers, and apps.
How do I configure proxy settings to use a manually selected proxy server?
If you want to change the Windows 10 proxy settings by manually specifying the proxy server to use, turn off the “Use setup script” switch from the “Automatic proxy setup” section. Then, in the “Manual proxy setup” section, turn on the “Use a proxy server” switch.
The manual configuration of a proxy requires you to know the exact IP address and port of the proxy server you intend to use. After you have this information, enter it in the proxy server Address and Port fields. You can also enter specific web addresses for which, no matter what browser you prefer, Windows 10 will not use the proxy server. It seems to be a great way to configure which websites can see your information when you visit them.
Finally, you can check the box that says “Don’t use the proxy server for local (intranet) addresses” at the bottom of the “Manual proxy setup” section. While it is not necessary to always do this, it might be a good idea to check this box if connected to a corporate network.
How to manually configure proxy settings
Click or tap the Save button after you are done manually configuring a proxy server to apply your new proxy settings.
NOTE: After changing your Windows 10 proxy settings, you might be asking yourself: “How do I know if my proxy is working? ”. To determine whether your proxy server is working or not, check its status on websites like
How do I disable my proxy server in Windows 10?
If you have taken your Windows 10 device to a new location and use a new internet connection, you can turn off the use of the proxy server. To do this, you have to change the Windows 10 proxy settings again. Open Settings, just like you did when you set up the proxy server, and go to Network & Internet and then to Proxy. If you have enabled a proxy with an automatic setup script, set the “Use setup script” switch Off.
How to disable a proxy server that uses a script address
For a manually configured proxy server, set the “Use a proxy server” switch Off.
How to disable a proxy server that uses a manual configuration
You should remember that your proxy settings are stored by Windows 10, and you can always turn them back on.
What kind of proxy server do you use?
Proxy servers represent a reasonable solution for hiding some of your online activity or accessing the internet in corporate networks. Luckily, Windows 10 offers a simple way to set up a proxy server in the Settings app. It represents an evolution of the way Windows-powered computers connect to the internet. If you have already used this Windows 10 feature, share your experience in the comments section below. Also, let us know what kind of proxy server you are using. We are curious to see.
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How Do I Find My Proxy Server Address? | Techwalla

How Do I Find My Proxy Server Address? | Techwalla

Check your setting for your proxy server address.
Image Credit: eclipse_images/E+/GettyImages
When you use a proxy server, you benefit from increased privacy because it hides your real internet protocol address and offers options to filter content and access websites that might otherwise have location restrictions. You might need to find your proxy server address if you have a networking problem to troubleshoot or if you need to write down the address to configure a new device. You can access your computer’s network settings to get this information, check your browser settings, or use proxy server detection tools online.
Check Your Operating System Settings
To check the proxy server you configured for applications to use systemwide, go to your computer’s general network settings. The processes include:
Mac: Either select Open Network Preferences from the Wi-Fi menu on the top of your screen or open System Preferences and select Network to get to the same window. After you select your network from the left pane, select Advanced. Choose the Proxies tab to see options for various proxies you might use. Selecting one of the options shows the proxy server address if you set it.
Windows: Run a search and open Internet Options and select the Connections tab in that window. Clicking LAN Settings shows your proxy server address and more details about your current network configuration.
Check Your Computer’s Browser Configuration
You can also find your proxy address by checking your computer’s browser configuration. However, note that the proxy server address configured for your browser may differ from your systemwide proxy used for other applications. This happens if you manually configure your browser to use a different proxy address.
Microsoft Edge: Click the Edge menu icon. Select Settings and choose Advanced. Then, select the Open Proxy Settings button to display a screen that shows your proxy setup with address and port.
Google Chrome: Click the Chrome menu icon. Choose Settings and select the Advanced option. Clicking System displays an option on the right to display your operating system’s proxy settings.
Mozilla Firefox: Open the Firefox menu and go to the Preferences option. Scroll down to the bottom of the window and select Settings to bring up detailed proxy information.
Apple Safari: Access the Safari menu. Select Preferences and go to the Advanced tab. Go to the Proxies section and select Change Settings to see the Mac’s proxy settings.
Use Proxy Server Address Detectors
If you’d rather not go through the steps to find your proxy server address through your operating system’s settings or browser configuration, you can find websites that attempt to detect whether you’re using a proxy server. These sites usually show a disclaimer that some proxies may go undetected. These online tools include:
This website automatically shows your computer’s public IP address, which should be your proxy server address if it’s properly configured. You can also click the Proxy Check button to find out whether browsers detect that address as an actual proxy.
Going to this site shows your IP address, which should be your proxy, along with your location and internet service provider name. Access the Tools menu to select the Proxy Check option that works like the one at
Visiting this website automatically runs a basic proxy check that grabs information from your browser’s request to detect if you have a proxy configured. If so, you see an alert at the top showing that the site detected a proxy along with the proxy server address and details such as the proxy’s location and your browser type. You can also choose the Advanced Check button at the top of the page to run a detailed series of tests that can better detect a proxy server.
Why does Google Chrome say downloading proxy script?

Why does Google Chrome say downloading proxy script?

Sometimes you try everything you can to speed up Chrome but it’s still invariably slooow.
So here’s the thing: the next time your browser crawls, glance in the bottom left edge of the browser. Does it say: “Downloading Proxy Script? ” If so, here’s a quick fix to make Chrome stop the shenanigans and just load your websites.
The “Downloading proxy script” zinger is often a corollary of how your PC is configured to connect to the internet. A proxy is the middle man you use to get out to the interwebs.
Some IT departments use proxies to filter data, control content or improve performance. Others use it as a way to connect to the corporate network. Whatever the case may be, you can often resolve the problem by disabling Automatically Detect Settings in your Internet Options.
Let’s do this.
Press the Windows logo key and enter this phrase:
internet options
Now click the Connections tab and choose the LAN settings button nestled in the bottom corner of the window.
Uncheck Automatically detect settings and click all the OK buttons to close out the windows.
Now the next time you kick open Chrome it should load without any issues. Let me know if that didn’t work for you in the comments.

Frequently Asked Questions about what is proxy script address

How do I find my proxy script address?

Windows: Run a search and open Internet Options and select the Connections tab in that window. Clicking LAN Settings shows your proxy server address and more details about your current network configuration.May 17, 2020

What does proxy script mean?

The “Downloading proxy script” zinger is often a corollary of how your PC is configured to connect to the internet. A proxy is the middle man you use to get out to the interwebs. … Whatever the case may be, you can often resolve the problem by disabling Automatically Detect Settings in your Internet Options.Feb 4, 2015

What is a proxy address?

When talking about your overall Internet connection, your proxy address is the IP address for a special server that acts as an intermediary between you and the websites and Web services you use.

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