• April 30, 2024

Aio Bot 怎么 样

发售情报|BOT教程-aiobotcn.com - Aiobot|抢鞋机器人

发售情报|BOT教程-aiobotcn.com – Aiobot|抢鞋机器人

Aio Bot教程
如何制作抢鞋私人Proxy全攻略, 摆脱高昂的费用!
Tina team
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AIO BOT如何删除旧cookies-仅需几步将所有旧饼干全部删除攻略及注意事项
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臭弟弟们, 你们期待已久的转运教学已经来了。
从球鞋玩家到球鞋贩子 - 知乎专栏

从球鞋玩家到球鞋贩子 – 知乎专栏

在我看来,我只能算一个小贩子/散户,真正的鞋贩子是那种能够洞悉市场,能够高价买入并且等待时间更高价卖出的大佬。希望这篇文章能勉强指引一下现在在玩球鞋的并且对球鞋略知一二的玩家吧。以下内容仅适用于在美并且对球鞋略知一二的入门玩家。线下抢鞋。美国球鞋店铺还是非常多的,地区不同,店铺各异。不过每个地儿应该有以下店铺:Footlocker, Footaction, Champs, Eastbay, Finishline, Shiekh。只要不是非常限量的鞋子,这些鞋店应该都会有发售。拿Footlocker举例,下载了他们的app且登陆后,便可以查看即将发售的球鞋以及发售模式。发售模式基本上就是俩种:First come first served 和 App Reservation。一般FCFS的都是没有什么炒卖价值的鞋款,如果有的话,当天提早跑店门口排队就成。热门的款式一般来说都是用的App Reservation模式。App Reservation的话会有个Head Start,下面显示的时间是你比其他人提前多少分钟进抽签(几率更高)。Footlocker花$300以上就能有9分钟的head start,剩下的一分钟要到发售的实体店中找店员要Check-in codes。(一般都是10分钟的head start所以如果你是9分钟的话,其实差不多就是凉凉了)。除了以上的店铺以外,每个地儿会有不同的其他的店铺:Undefeated, Kith, Concepts等等。关注店铺的ins就行,有时候是online raffle w/ in-store pick-up,有时候是提前几天到店里拿raffle ticket然后online进raffle,各家有各家自个儿的玩法。Nike,Adidas该发售的一般也都会有。Nike的话关注当地nike的twitter就行。2. 线上抢鞋。个人来说还是更喜欢线上抽签和抢鞋。Nike的鞋子基本上都是在SNKRS这个App中发售。个人推荐下载SNKRS的同时也下载Nike App,蛮多jordan的exclusive access都是通过nike app发的。Adidas限量一些的鞋子一般官网都要转圈圈,看个人运气。拿adisplash, latchkey()这些adidas bots还是蛮方便的,但是经常出现payment loop,一直支付失败。上次clay发售大部分的adidas bots就没用。如果是椰子发售的话,可以关注Yeezy Supply这个网站,基本在发售当天凌晨0:00pst发售。有时候可以多双省运费,有时候只能一双。YS是个shopify网站,所以所有的shopify bots都可以用。Nike和Adidas部分鞋子也会在Footlocker, Footaction, Champs, Eastbay, Finishline, Shiekh等网站发售当天早上线上发售。四大(footlocker, footaction, champs, eastbay)手动还是蛮难的,推荐用Phantom,现在几乎是独领风骚吧。非常厉害的bot(我没用过但是每次四大发售什么东西的时候他们的成功率是最高的),原价$300的现在lifetime的要$1. 5K+。 这是他们的官网。(有人有赞助我一下吗:))跟线下一样,其他的鞋店online基本也都会发,不过手动没啥戏。有shopify bots的可以试试。Undefeated, kith, concepts, dsm, haven, deadstock, nrml, bodega等等网站发售当天跑bots就行。最后稍微再提一下机器人。AIO Bots 指的是能够跑几乎所有的网站,包括四大,shopify,supreme和欧洲的一些鞋店网站。Cyber一直以来都非常强大(不过我没有,原价买不到,市场价买不起)。原价200英镑的bot市场价大约在$2. 8K左右。( )AIO bots的话还有Project Destryoer(),Sole AIO(), The Kick Station ()等等,想原价抢的话直接关注他们twitter吧。这些bots我觉得都不太稳定,要不就能抢上很多,要不就啥也抢不上。(我自个儿就跑过PD,操作蛮烦的,习惯了就行)像footlocker,footaction,champs,eastbay,目前就用Phantom吧,感觉是最稳的。(听朋友说有很多事ghost order,没用过所以也不多说)Shopify网址的话(kith,undefeated… )除了用aio跑之外,用Dashe还是很不错的。() 我的是lifetime的,现在新出的copy好像是$50一个月。Supreme的话就用倚天吧(能买到的话lol)目前抢supreme就属倚天最6,中国人自个儿闹的bot,刁德一批。微信关注公众号 潮目 就能领到之前免费发放的屠龙2. 0 (也蛮稳的,给我抢到北脸联名羽绒服了)。然后我自个儿用着的Brisque,trick我觉得都一般般,不是很稳定,跑restock的话还行。除非是抢supreme,跑shopify,footsites单买机器人是没啥用的,你还要好的server,好的proxies。花钱就对了:( 编辑于 2019-04-25
Cop Limited Sneakers using All In One Bot - AIO Bot

Cop Limited Sneakers using All In One Bot – AIO Bot

Over 300, 000 Yeezy Reflectives, Offwhites, Jordans, NMDs and much more copped with the AIO Bot V2. Instead of waiting around for a release and risk missing out on an item that sells out in minutes, why not use AIO Bot’s cutting edge automation technology to increase your chances by a thousand times more!
AIO Bot also helps bypass a retailer’s “one item per customer” policy just in case you were looking to cop multiple pairs from the same site to resell and make a profit.
Success Proof
AIO Bot V2 supports 200+ websites including
Kith, Undefeated, Shoe Palace, Shop Nice Kicks, DTLR, DSM EFlash, Bape, Stussy, Social Status, Concepts, Funko Shop, Deadstock, NRML, Haven Shop
Yeezy Supply, Adidas US, Adidas CA, Adidas EU, Adidas UK, Adidas PH, Adidas SG, Adidas MY, Adidas TH, Adidas AU, Adidas NZ, Adidas RU,
Adidas BR
Footlocker US,
Footlocker CA,
Champs Sports,
Kids Footlocker
Finishline & JD Sports
Super fast, Using Multi threading technology
Supports 100 tasks
Site monitor to catch restocks or sudden drops
Product keywords Search
Auto checkout support
Auto checkout retry
Retry on failure or *Site* crash
Proxy Support
Works on windows and Mac ( Using a virtual machine, tutorial provided)
Updates are free for the first 6 months
24/7 support available
Simple setup
Multi-Captcha solver
Shopify Bypass Queue
Footsites Bypass Captcha
Free Discord server
Release setup guide
Direct support
Shopify monitor
Our product is a software that helps users increase their chances of buying limited shoes from retailer sites. The purchase price of the software DOES NOT include the price of the shoes. Payment for shoes is SEPARATE. Buying and using the software DOES NOT guarantee you will get the shoes you want because of other factors, such as limited stock. The purpose of the software is to INCREASE YOUR CHANCES.
With our software, you are MORE LIKELY to become one of our successful users. Check our SUCCESS STORIES.
Questions and answers of the customers
Yes you can do that if you use more than 1 payment method and address.
No, but it’s always safer to use proxies to avoid any possible ban.
It can be used on a one pc at a time, of course you can move it to another one or buy an extra license if you want to run it on two pcs at the same time.
You won’t be able to cop from the updated sites successfully.
warte schon vergeblich….. 25 std. sind vergangen und immer noch nichts erhalten.
Please email us: [email protected]
Sure, you will receive the bot immediately
Our bot is easy to use, we provide full tutorials with the purchase email and you can ALWAYS email us if you are having any troubles, we also provide detailed instructions on how to set the bot for hyped releases.
yes we provide them for hyped releases.
Sorry we don’t have monthly payments.
Yes, we provide detailed instructions on how to do that.
If the site accept your card and ships to Canada, yes you can as long as it’s not 3d secured
No, we are a different bot.
You can still use it, but you will need proxies.
No not a scam, you can check success tweets from our customers here and
You will need different addresses and cards as well.
It works with windows 10.
What if you have 2 or 3 different credit card but same address?
No, you can assign multi tasks to each billing info.
Yes, but of course we don’t guarantee the results.
Yes we have a manual captcha solver in the bot.
It works for apparel as well.
You cannot use the bot without updates.
You need to install windows on mac under virtual box.
You will receive the download link by email.
It will run better with higher specs yes.
The bot will go through the queue page.
If you want to cop from the same site the same pair more than once, you will need different cards and addresses.
Yes you can move the bot from one pc to another.
We don’t have a success rate, but you can scroll back through our Twitter and check a collection of our users’ success on and
click on settings; check for updates.
You will put your email when checking out.
Yes our bots work on Mac OS X under parallels, virtual box or bootcamp.
Sorry but Nike isn’t included in the AIO bot.
You can deactivate the bot from your old one, download it on the new one and use your key to activate it.
Yup, we have plenty of sites that do Jordans releases.
You can only buy one pair using the same credit card and address from the same site.
yeah sure, the bot is desgined to add to cart the shoe and auto checkout for you.
Yes, but make sure to use proxies.
They ban you for a long time.
Minimum specs are 4gb ram, core i3.
Yeah sure! we provide detailed instructions on how to do so and of course you can email us at anytime asking us for help.
You can do so, but it’s better to be next to your PC in case we launch an update.
Please email us so we can help you.
Please email us so we can check your order and email you the bot.
We email back really quick.
You should receive the bot immediately, if not please email us.
The you will send you the confirmation to the email you used in the billing info in the bot.
Yes, we don’t guarantee the results, but the bot will raise your chances.
You move it from one PC to another, but you can’t use it on 2 PCs at the same time.
It’s better to use it on your personal PC.
We have a captcha solver in the bot where you solve the captcha manually.
We don’t guarantee the results, but we always do our best to make sure that the bot is ready.
We have a feature in the bot called ”checkout once per site”. So you can assign different tasks to a billing profile and one of your tasks will check out.
Purchasing the bot off someone is against our terms and conditions.
You only pay it once, updates are free for the first 6 months, after that it will cost you 69$ for another 6 months of updates
If the site accept the card, you can use it in the bot.
Sure! paying 325$ and copping multiple limited shoe worth more than that actually. you can scroll back through our Twitter and check a collection of our users’ success on and
If you want to cop the same pair from the same site then yes, you will need to use different emails, cards addresses, etc…
Hey, yes you can move the bot from one PC to another.
Proxies are used to hide your IP to prevent the site from banning it.
Sorry, the bot is a PC app only.
Updates are free for the first 6 months, after that it will cost you 69$ for another 6 months of updates.
You can simply deactivate the bot from your current device, and activate it on the new one using your own activation key.
You can buy our supreme bot from here: And yes it does work on Adidas JP.
You can buy an extra license that will cost you 200$, more info here:
The AIO Bot work for all the footsites including footlocker! Nike is currently unavailable. Servers are needed if you have a slow internet connection and want to increase your chances!
Yes we have Adidas IT included in the bot. Sorry, but at the moment you can’t use PayPal to auto checkout using the bot, we are working on adding it tho.
You can add supreme bot from here:
Please contact us on [email protected] and we will help you to activate it on your mac easily!
No, The AIO bot doesn’t work on raffles!
You can’t use PayPal for Auto checkout but you can add to cart automatically and checkout manually using PayPal!
Sorry, but we don’t have it included yet, you can use the bot for sites that ships internationally.
Yes, you can use the bot to cop from Adidas IT!
It depends on the proxy providers! please contact them to check the validity of your proxies! from our side if the proxies are not banned you can use them again!
Yes! You can use our bot to cop from Adidas uk!
Email us with your order number please at [email protected]
Yes, Adidas FR is included in the bot.
Yes, but you will need to download windows under a virtual machine.
Sorry but Adidas JP isn’t included in the bot. Proxies are used to prevent your IP from getting banned by the site.
Currently no! But a lot of AIO websites support Nike releases, for more info please contact [email protected]
No need for a virtual machine if you are using windows.
Adidas DE is included in the bot.
Sure! we have a step by step guide and our support team is always available.
There is no percentage because it varies between users, for more info about how to increase your chances to a higher percentage please contact our support team! [email protected]
Yes, Adidas AU is included in the bot.
IP Proxy is a different IP through which internet requests are processed, Using proxy help to save your IP and avoid getting banned! For more info please contact [email protected]
Yea! You need a different billing address and payment method for every pair if your copping from the same site!
You can always contact our support team and share all the dislikes that you have so they can help you!
Yes, our support team will help you figure out how! Please contact them via email [email protected]
Sorry, we do not support Nike yet!
You can use it normally on a server just deactivate it on your computer and reactivate it on your server! For more info please contact [email protected]
Yes! is supported!
No, You can contact [email protected] for more info on how you can cop from Singapore!
No, You can contact [email protected] for more info on how you can cop from AE
Yes! Please contact [email protected] for more info!
You can use a single CC! We provided such info for all of our customers before the release!
Currently no, for more info please contact [email protected]
No, you can contact [email protected] for more info on how to cop from the cn!
Bodega is supported in the bot! Please contact our support team [email protected] and they will help you finding it and using it!
There is a way to cop from DSM please contact [email protected] to know how!
Yes! For more info please contact [email protected]
The Bot comes with a free full 6 months of updates! For more info please contact [email protected]
A task is a thread that tries to cop one pair for you on the website, i. g. if you ran 10 tasks you are trying to cop 10 times on the website with different or same information and at a much higher speed than the normal. For more info please contact [email protected]
You can download this bot on as many computers you like, but you can only use it simultaneously per how many activations you have. It start with 1 activation at a time, but you can always purchase an extra license so you can run it on more PCs
Definitely! We always strive in making sure our bot supports the latest releases and is able to EAT STOCK.
The bot is for a lifetime indeed but you have to continue purchasing updates in order to retain the ability to use it! The updates are 69$ per 6 months only! (Without Discounts)
Yea! You can run the bot on a MAC using a Virtual Machine with Windows such as Parallels or VirtualBox! And we provide a full tutorial and remote assistance to help you with any issues you encounter on the way!
You can check customers success on:
The AIO bot can be merged with our Supreme bot so you can use both together under 1 interface! and you would then be able to purchase updates for both for the price of 1!
Yes definitely! You can use the same proxies you have on different sites if the release is happening on variety of them!

Frequently Asked Questions about aio bot 怎么 样

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